
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, February 7, 2021

Covid-19 has spread beyond longhouses, Sibu people warned


The spread of Covid-19 following the emergence of the Pasai cluster in Sibu last month is no longer confined to the 58 longhouses that were affected. (Facebook pic)

SIBU: The spread of Covid-19 in Sibu division has reached a worrying level, according to divisional disaster management coordinator Dr Annuar Rapaee.

He said the spread of Covid-19 following the emergence of the Pasai cluster last month is no longer confined to the 58 longhouses which were affected.

“Looking at the number of new cases at the moment, 27% are from the cluster, while another 70% come from the town area,” he said today.

Annuar, who is also Sarawak assistant local government and housing minister, said this during a talk streamed live on Facebook, hosted by Sibu Municipal Council chairman Clarence Ting Ing Horh.

Sarawak chief infectious disease specialist Dr Chua Hock Hin also joined the talk.

Chua said the prevalence of the disease in Sibu town was very real, and everybody would need to play their part in curbing the spread of the deadly virus.

He lamented that many people did not bother to get a swab test after developing Covid-19 symptoms such as a mild fever, runny nose and sore throat.

“When they come to the hospital, they are generally very sick, but the damage has been done and they have already spread the disease to other people,” he said.

He urged members of the public to go for swab tests as soon as they experienced symptoms so that they could be treated early.

“While waiting for their swab test results, they should refrain from mingling with other people to avoid spreading the virus,” he added.

Chua stressed that the public must adhere to the movement control order, which is being enforced in Sibu, as well as strictly follow the standard operating procedures to combat the disease.

“Do it not just for yourselves, but for your parents, children and spouse also,” he added.

The talk, which attracted an audience of over 200 people, was held just as the Chinese community is busy preparing for the Lunar New Year celebration which falls on Feb 12.

Ting, who is very concerned with the rising trend of Covid-19 cases in Sibu, has been calling on the community to cancel their family reunion for this year.

As of yesterday, Sibu has recorded 101 Covid-19 positive cases, with 32 from the Pasai cluster, 30 from active case detections, five from symptomatic screenings, and 34 from swab tests done at health facilities in Sibu.

“After Chinese New Year, there will probably be 200 new cases daily,” said Ting, adding that he was worried after finding out that 45 health workers had been infected.

He said everybody must take personal responsibility to combat the deadly virus.

“Cases in other towns are also rising, but not as many as in Sibu. It will not go away if we do not take personal responsibility in preventing it,” he said. - FMT

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