
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 6, 2021

Dr Mahathir, Is The Question "Why heaven and hell?" Answerable Or Not?

 Here is more taichi from Dr Mahathir :

  • Tun M insisted PH should have proposed him for PM  
  • chastised PH for failure to back him as PM following "Sheraton Move" 
  • led to collapse of PH coalition govt
  • Kit Siang thinks Pakatan fell because I resigned
  • Dr M said PH should have backed him 
  • he was willing to return even though Bersatu rejected him
  • I got 62 nominations because Pakatan rejected me 
  • Dr M clarified resignation because no support from Bersatu
  • he resigned as Bersatu chairman, no longer had trust of his party
Lim said Dr M yet to take responsibility for "blunder" in resigning as PM
PH decision after Dr M refused to continue as PM 
as well as abide by coalition's general election manifesto

My comments :

Dr Mahathir went to the Japanese to buy a car factory because he was impressed by all things Japanese. 

At that time Toyota was already the biggest car manufacturer in the world - exceeding Volkswagen. Toyota said they never planned to be the biggest car manufacturer. They did plan to be the best. Once they became the best, as a consequence they also became the biggest car maker.

Toyota was founded by Sakichi Toyoda, who died circa 1930. Other than founding Toyota, the late Sakichi Toyoda is perhaps more famous for his "5 Whys problem analysis method".

Mr Toyoda said that to find the solution to any problem you should ask "WHY" five times. To get to the real root cause of any problem. 

"By looking for the root cause of the problem (a root cause analysis), repetition of the problem can be prevented."

Similarly I have seen Christian discussions using the WHY method to question "Why did god choose the heaven or hell, reward and punishment model?

Whatever answer is given someone will ask again WHY? After two or three rounds of repeating WHY, no one knows what else to say. There is no more answer.  

Perhaps Dr Mahathir should also explain why?   

  • he was willing to return even though Bersatu rejected him
Why did Bersatu reject you? You founded the party. It was your party. Why did your own party reject you?
  • I got 62 nominations because Pakatan rejected me
Why did you get only 62 nominations? Just 22 months before you won the General Elections. About 30 plus UMNO MPs also jumped ship to join Bersatu. You had a solid majority. Why did they all turn against you in just 22 months? 

Why did Pakatan reject you when just 22 months before they supported you to defeat UMNO which had been in power for 62 years?
  • Dr M clarified resignation because no support from Bersatu 
No support from Bersatu? Why? Why did your own party reject you?
  • he resigned as Bersatu chairman, no longer had trust of his party 
Again WHY? Why did your own party that you yourself founded lose their trust in you in just 22 months? 

It was not just Bersatu and Pakatan Harapan who had lost trust in you. The Malaysian people had lost their trust in you. You had lost SIX by elections.

In Tanjong Piai in Johor you lost by over 15,000 votes. The BN fellow won with over 25,000 votes. 

When you lost SIX by elections your own party Bersatu and Pakatan Harapan could see that you were no more an asset. You had become a liability. 

Lim Kit Siang said PH can support you as PM if you:
  • abide by coalition's general election manifesto 

So this means Mr Lim Kit Siang, the DAP,  Pakatan Harapan and even Bersatu were ready to abide by the general election manifesto. 

It was you ALONE who did not want to abide by the general election manifesto. You said it was "just a manifesto". It was not to be taken seriously. 

  • You did not give the voters anything in return after they kicked out UMNO/BN.  
  • After their long suffering for 62 years the voters had kicked out UMNO/BN in the most peaceful general elections and an even more peaceful transfer of power. 
  • They voted for you to be prime minister again.

And what did you give the voters in return for making you prime minister? Nothing. You said the election manifesto was just a manifesto. Just a piece of paper.

And your own supporters not only broke from you but they turned against you. Ummi Hafilda became so disappointed with you. 

In less than 22 months you were left with just a very few village idiot advisers around you, making stupid village idiot statements to support you. And I know all of them.

And you went back to your old failed habits.

You wanted to start an axis of evil with Turkey (the sponsor of the ISIS) and Pakistan (the funder and sponsor of the Taliban, Laskar E Tayyiba, Jaish E Mohamed and so many other terrorist outfits). 

And not only did you allow that Indian terrorist mentor to stay here but he was going around here and there making his stupid speeches. Which irritated most of the peace loving people.

You wanted to start the THIRD national car project. 

You wanted to approve an unnecessary IPP license for your "very close friend" from Kedah. Yeo Bee Yin said no. (Yes we know about that.)

These are some of the why.  And there are many more.

The WHY is more important.

When you cannot answer the WHY then you know your own bullshit.  Not only did you lose trust of your own friends but you lost trust of your own party Bersatu, you lost the trust of the Pakatan Harapan plus you lost the trust of the people. You lost SIX by elections. You became a liability.

At last you lost your job as prime minister. Serves you right.

Always answer the WHY question.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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