
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, February 14, 2021

Puad And Umno’s Anti-Muhyiddin Campaign


Puad Zarkashi is dangerous. He caused Najib and Umno to get wiped out in GE14. Now he is saying Muhyiddin Yassin and Perikatan Nasional are going to get wiped out if a snap GE15 is held within these next two or three months. That is nonsense, of course. Muhyiddin and Perikatan are not unpopular with Malaysians, as his critics are suggesting.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Mukhriz Mahathir said Pejuang does not want a snap general election or GE15 to be held now. They would rather wait until it is safe to do so when the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic has subsided somewhat, which may take at least another year until 2022 if we are lucky — or else it will have to be in 2023, meaning by the time this current five-year term of Parliament expires.

In other words, for safety reasons, this term of Parliament may have to run its full five-year course before Parliament can be dissolved to make way for GE15 (hence no ‘snap’ GE15 but a ‘scheduled’ GE15).

But then why is Pejuang going against the flow or swimming against the current? PKR, DAP and PAN want Parliament to be dissolved next month to make way for GE15. Pejuang, however, does not. Why?

The initial plan was to table a vote of no confidence against Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin in Parliament by March 2021. However, since the Parliament session will not be held after all due to the Emergency, the vote of no confidence will no longer be possible.

And this is why Pakatan Harapan is so angry. They feel that the Emergency is not about the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic but is intended to stop the March 2021 vote of no confidence — meaning to avoid the dissolution of Parliament so that a snap GE15 can be held.

The issue is simple. If Parliament is dissolved next month and a snap general election is held — say by June, July, or August 2021 — then Muhyiddin Yassin and Perikatan Nasional are going to win GE15 for sure. Pejuang knows this and that is why they are not pushing for the snap GE15.

Pakatan Harapan and some in Umno, however, do not think so. They feel Muhyiddin and Perikatan are ‘badly damaged’ and if a snap GE15 is held now, or within the next two or three months, the Prime Minister and the government can be kicked out like what happened in May 2018.

Who the hell is this ‘genius’ who feels Muhyiddin and Perikatan will be ousted if a snap GE15 is held now or within the next two or three months? In Pakatan Harapan there are a few names. More importantly, though, the ‘genius’ in Umno is that same person who resulted in Umno-Barisan Nasional losing GE14 in May 2018. And this man is named Puad Zarkashi.

Puad Zarkashi is supposed to be Malaysia’s Joseph Goebbels who was going to save Najib in 2015 

In April 2008, Puad launched the anti-Pak Lah campaign. Basically, it was a move to force Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to resign and hand power to his Deputy, Najib Tun Razak. One year later, in April 2009, Pak Lah resigned and Najib took over as PM6.

As a reward for his service in helping to oust Pak Lah, Puad was made the Deputy Education Minister.

Just to digress a bit, in September 2012, Puad suggested that gays and lesbians should be branded the same way the Nazis branded Jews in Germany during WWII. He also suggested that gays and lesbians be forced to undergo brainwashing sessions to ‘cure’ them of the gay ‘disease’ and make them go ‘straight’.

That should more or less give you an insight into the mind of this man named Puad Zarkashi, the type of person Adolf Hitler would love.

Puad wants gays and lesbians to be be ‘branded’ the way the Nazis did to the Jews in Germany during WWII

When Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad launched his attacks on Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in March 2015, Puad was appointed the Special Affairs Department (JASA) director-general. Armed with a budget of RM1 billion over three years (2015-2018) Puad’s job was to counter Mahathir’s attack and help save Najib.

The logic was, if Puad can successfully bring down Prime Minister Pak Lah, then he can also successfully help save Najib from falling. That, however, proved to be a myth because Puad blundered bigtime. Not only was he not able to counter the 1MDB wrongdoing allegations, but he also gave Najib the wrong advice that cost them GE14.

One major blunder Puad made was, instead of advising Najib to hold GE14 as soon as possible, say by 2016 or so, he advised Najib to delay the general election until May 2018, which was two years too late. That gave Mahathir and Pakatan Harapan three years to damage Najib.

Puad then told Najib they do not need PAS. They can win 135 Parliament seats in GE14 without PAS — even though intelligence reports said Barisan Nasional is going to get wiped out (and will win less than 100 Parliament seats) if they engage in three-corner or more contests with PAS.

Puad is now in charge of Umno’s anti-Muhyiddin campaign to spread lies and slander about the PM like how he did to Pak Lah in 2008

Umno made two major blunders. They delayed GE14 two years until May 2018 and they sabotaged the planned Muafakat Nasional with PAS. Puad advised the Prime Minister they will be able to win 135 Parliament seats and can at the same time wipe out PAS in Terengganu and Kelantan.

The problem is Umno started believing their own lies and propaganda, just like what happened to the Nazis in Germany during WWII. Your lies and propaganda are supposed to confuse your enemies. You are not supposed to confuse your own people.

And now Puad is doing it again. He is spinning lies and propaganda against Muhyiddin Yassin and Perikatan Nasional and some in Umno are believing their own lies.

Puad is dangerous. He caused Najib and Umno to get wiped out in GE14. Now he is saying Muhyiddin Yassin and Perikatan Nasional are going to get wiped out if a snap GE15 is held within these next two or three months. That is nonsense, of course. Muhyiddin and Perikatan are not unpopular with Malaysians, as his critics are suggesting.


Tak perlu apologetik, Jasa memang agensi politik – Puad

(Malaysiakini, 9 November 2020) – Bekas ketua pengarah Jabatan Hal Ehwal Khas (Jasa), Mohd Puad Zarkashi meminta Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia Saifuddin Abdullah supaya tidak apologetik berhubung Jasa kerana menurutnya ia memang agensi politik kerajaan.

Katanya, Saifuddin tidak perlu defensif bahawa Jasa tidak mempunyai kaitan politik kepada kerajaan Perikatan Nasional (PN).

“Saifuddin Abdullah tidak perlu defensif bahawa Jasa tidak ada kaitan politik kepada kerajaan.

“Dalam kenyataannya, Jasa akan bertindak sebagai agensi penyebaran maklumat dan komunikasi kerajaan secara strategik. Itu memang tujuan Jasa. Ia tetap dikaitkan dengan politik. Jangan apologetik.

“Isunya ialah peruntukan sebanyak RM85.5 juta kepada Jasa terlalu besar. Bajet itu tidak sensitif kepada ‘keutamaan’ tatkala negara dilanda gelombang tiga Covid-19,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan, hari ini.

Semalam, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia mempertahankan rancangan untuk menyakitkan kembali Jasa dengan menekankan bahawa Jasa tidak akan bermotifkan politik.

Bersatu juga memberi jaminan bahawa ia tidak akan menjadi alat propaganda seperti kerajaan pada masa lalu.

Dalam pada itu, Mohd Puad berkata setiap kerajaan memerlukan memerlukan beberapa agensi sebagai lidah penyampai dasar dan inisiatif kerajaan seperti Jasa.

Katanya, kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) menutup Jasa kerana “membalas dendam”.

“Sebab itu DAP tutup Jasa sebagai balas dendam kerana Jasa paling aktif menjawab pembohongan DAP melalui media sosial,” katanya lagi.

Bagaimanapun kata Mohd Puad isu Jasa menjadi hangat bukan saja disebabkan peruntukan melampau, malah dikaitkan dengan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri, Mohamed Azmin Ali.

“Ada dakwaan, Dr Afif Bahardin bakal menjadi ketua pengarah Jasa. Dia pentaksub Azmin. Sebab itu Azmin dituduh di belakang tabir Jasa dapat RM85.5 juta.

“Lagi pun Saiffuddin Abdullah selaku menteri KKMM adalah pematuh Azmin tahap dewa. A kata Azmin, maka A++ kata Saifuddin.

“Justeru Jasa tidak perlu peruntukan sebesar RM85.5 juta kecuali kalau ada tujuan lain. Yang penting keberkesanan. PM (Perdana Menteri) kena jawab secara terperinci di parlimen,” tambah Mohd Puad lagi.

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