
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 18, 2023

A Country That Generates Just Useless And Timewasting Headlines

This morning I was looking at the pop ups about the local and some foreign news. Here is what I saw of the headlines from the local news. My comments in blue.

Seven offences on the road that will take you straight to court

OSTB : This is weird. So before this they would not take you straight to Court? So no more "discussion" allowed?  So no more '50% discounts on summonses" when the elections are around the corner? 

It is useless news anyway. What they are saying is that they will punish us - the citizens.  'I will take you to court. I will send you to jail".  Why do they have this constant desire to punish, punish, punish? Tell me were you folks physically abused by your parents when you were little? Or did your father abuse your mother in front of you? Maybe it has fried your brains. Why this constant, never ending desire to punish, punish, punish?

Here is more screwed up news (since we should not use four letter words)

"Big brother" behind federal govts hostility against S...si?
See you in Court p...ek replies to kepala p...ek.

OSTB : Just more irrelevant and useless news. Khinzir fellows, who have swallowed chunks of public funds are suing each other over accusations of who has swallowed more money. And this is relevant for us? They stole our money.

Here is more useless news:

Govt to study declassifying CEP reform panel's reports

Govt to study? Where and when will they study? After they finish studying will there be an exam that the gomen must take? Like the SPM? To help them study will the gomen need to take tuition classes first? Ok lets say after all the studying they agree to "delassify" that CEP report, and then what happens? What will happen after that? Will the Perak River reverse its flow? Will the waters of the Perak River gostan and flow from Teluk Intan towards Gerik? No? Then what the hell is the purpose of declassifying (or classifying) that CEP report? It is just wasting time. Who cares about the report?  

And here is more kepala p...ek news:

No action unless he is charged

OSTB : Really? They are threatening us, the ordinary rakyat with "Seven offences on the road that will take you straight to court" but when these b-stards steal taxpayers money by the bucket-full they say 'No action unless he is charged'. Banyak cantik. 

This is just more useless and irrelevant news. The country is full of this useless crap news. This is what they are generating every day - useless news.

1MDB funds were ending up in someone else's pocket says former banker

OSTB : Oh oh. Looks like at least one monkey has been charged in court. But now they are accusing the court of being a kangaroo court. What does a kangarooo court really mean? Is there an aboriginal court as well? Considering that both kangaroos and aboriginals are found in the same location. An aboriginal can be taken to court but can you be an 'aboriginal' in court as well? What would that mean? 

kangaroo court -  an unofficial court held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded as guilty of a crime but without good evidence

Then at last here is the one and only news headline from the pop ups this morning that talks about the welfare of an ordinary citizen - a young lass from Sabah. And the news says that she is being screwed over by the system that we have in this country. 

Women cries when forced to buy expensive flight ticket to Sabah

OSTB : So thats it folks. Just the one headline this morning that talks about something to do about ordinary people like you and me. It is about a young woman from Sabah who is being fleeced by the airlines with high ticket prices.

I say Syed Sadik of MUDA, why dont you suggest that the gomen impose "windfall taxes" on these airline companies for raising their fares so much over the holiday season? 

I propose the gomen impose a special 50% SUPER SALES TAX on all airline ticket sales inside the country ONLY - over the "festive period". Say from the 1st day of bulan puasa until the last day of the bulan syawal - 60 days.

Hello airline companies - you are in this business for so long. Isnt there a better way to solve this problem that will generate fair profit for you and help the people at the same time? 

Hello airline companies you do not need to sight the moon before you sell your tickets right? You cannot be that stupid? You know when the travel rush will start in this country. You have been in this business for decades.

Why not you sell your tickets at a special discount LONG BEFORE the holiday period? Say 6 to 12 months before.  Give people  a special discount for early bookings. Sell as many tickets as the people want - even if it exceeds the number of planes and pilots and flights that you have.

Then if needed rent airplanes from those airplane leasing companies to meet the extra demand. Just like they do all over the world for the pilgrimage flights to Saudi Arabia. To cater for the pilgrimage rush the airline companies (and other travel companies) charter or lease special flights. Why not do the same during the festival rush here in Malaysia? Apa susah sangat? As long as it is profitable for you and does not burden the consumer?

Or to make it simpler Mr Transport Minister why not you open the market and allow other operators (Malaysian or foreign) to provide special charter flights INSIDE MALAYSIA over the holiday period? 

Let the market make the decision. Then see if that girl from Sabah has to cry about being cheated with cut throat ticket prices.

Because that is what is happening. All the t.. n.. m. gomen licensed monopolies and oligopolies in the country are screwing the people. And making that girl cry that she has no money to pay for the cut throat flight ticket to Sabah.

Hello Syed Sadik, propose a 50% Special Sales Tax on all local flight ticket sales over the holiday period - 60 days from 1st puasa until last day of syawal. Instead of making our women cry lets make the airlines cry for a change. 

So that was the bunch of useless headlines about our country this morning.

The khinzir b-stards are getting fat from abusing the people. It seems never ending. This is happening because you are sleeping.

Hello Mr and Mrs Malaysian, I was able to obtain a brain scan compilation of the average Malaysian otak. Here it is:

They are all running on empty. When you are stupid the clever beggars will stand on your shoulders and piss on your head. Wake up. Do something.  If you cannot do something about this at least keep your mouth closed.  Dont let them piss in your mouth as well.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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