
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 7, 2023

Bakhmut War Causes 500 Fatalities A Day For Ukraine

 The pace of the massacre in Bakhmut has increased significantly over the past two weeks. Bakhmut is that little, insignificant town in eastern Ukraine that has become the center of the ongoing war. So many Ukrainian soldiers are being killed everyday in Bakhmut that this should really be called the Bakhmut War instead of the Ukrainian War.

Since this war began last year I said that it is not a full scale war with battalion and division level movement of troops and set battlefield type clashes between armies. There has been no such thing.

Battalions and brigades have been moving around but to engage mostly in standoff artillery duels.  Over 70% of the casualties suffered by the Ukrainians have died from artillery fire.

The situation in Bakhmut has become devastating for the Ukrainian forces. Their president is sacrificing thousands of teenaged soldiers and even older men up to 60 years old into Bakhmut where the casualty rates are extremely high - up to 500 killed every day.

For the past eight months or so the Russians have set up their firing positions, their logistics lines and have dug in quite well and just pick off the Ukrainians who keep being sent into the Bakhmut meat grinder. The success of this 'brilliant Russian strategy' in Bakhmut is nothing more than the foolishness of the Ukrainian president to keep sacrificing the lives of his soldiers.

I do not see a good end in sight for the president of Ukraine. Someone from his side is bound to put an end to this madness sometime. 

This is deliberate misinformation by the NATO chief. According to Col Douglas Macgregor the fatality rate is between 1:8 and 1:10 in favour of the Russians. Meaning for every Russian fatality, the Ukrainians suffer eight to ten of their soldiers killed. So far in this war over 250,000 Ukrainians have died quite unnecessarily.  This is a useless proxy war being instigated by the US, the UK and their NATO puppets at the expense of the Ukrainian people.

They also do not expose the fact that wherever the Russian forces enter in the Donbas region, the locals greet them as liberators. This is because in this region the majority of the people or large numbers of them are native Russians who have been living in this area for centuries. The Ukrainian president Zelenskiye who is Jewish is also a native Russian speaker.

The Donbas region (the colored areas above) is made up of all the provinces stretching from the Donbas Valley (Lugansk / Donetsk) in the east, past the lower Dnieper River into Odessa in the west and Crimea in the south. This area has been heavily populated by native Russians. 

The UK (yes it is the UK, not the dumb Americans) have been manipulating this "cultural diversity" to stir up trouble in Ukraine.

250,000 Ukrainians have been killed so far? So what? Who cares? There are plenty more Ukrainians who can be sacrificed.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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