
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

KJ, don't tell us, tell your Umno bosses

your say'Najib subcontracts the 'bad cop role' to Ibrahim Ali, then subcontracts the 'good cop role' to Khairy Jamaluddin, and reap whatever political gains from it.'

Khairy: 'Chinese stay home' warning is seditious

KSN: Ibrahim Ali and his Perkasa are making statements which demand the severest of punishments but against which no action is being taken. Are not his actions a national threat to peace and security?

Khairy Jamaluddin, you are the Umno Youth chief. You should ask the home minister, the PM and IGP Ismail Omar why no action is being taken. Don't make statements merely for public consumption.

No doubt you are not in the cabinet, but you have a lot of clout as the Youth boss and a duty to the public, especially the Umno Malays - most of whom, I believe, are not with Ibrahim Ali.

Onyourtoes: KJ, don't tell us, tell home minister Hishammuddin Hussein. Why is it only you who is not happy with Ibrahim Ali's ranting? What about your home minister? What about your PM? And what about your former Umno president Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who is also the patron of Perkasa?

I think the Chinese community knows their position very well in this country. We have never aspired for the highest office of the land because we know it is not possible given the present situation.

But what we do want is to support competent and fair-minded Malays to lead this country. I think everybody knows if we have idiots at the helm, everyone in this country suffers, including the Malays.

David Dass: Is Ibrahim Ali meant to be the bogeyman to further some unspoken agenda? He says that if the Bersih demonstration takes place, the Chinese better watch out. They will have to stock food and stay at home.

Ibrahim Ali does not speak for the police. He does not speak for the Home Ministry. He does not speak for the government. And it is clear from KJ's statement that he does not speak for Umno. So who does he speak for?

Anonymous_40dd: It is now very clear Ibrahim Ali enjoys legal immunity since he takes orders from the authority.

Terus: To Malaysians of Chinese descent who are above 55 years old, what Ibrahim Ali meant is loud and clear. He was referring to the May 13 racial riot of 1969.

If MCA, Gerakan and all Chinese-based component parties of BN continue to keep quiet when the home minister and the police continue to turn a blind eye, then you are totally irrelevant to Malaysians of Chinese descent. We should not be humiliated this way by a fellow Malaysian.

Meranti Kepong: KJ, as a sensible Chinese, I appreciate your timely statement regarding this extremist, Ibrahim Ali. His utterance, time and time again, is not only seditious but hurting the pride of law-abiding Malays.

I am surprised, KJ, that the authorities don't seem to take action against this disturber of peace in our multicultural country. Would you please censure Ibrahim Ali in the Parliament?

Paul Warren: What have the Chinese got to do with the Bersih rally that Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa have to issue this threat against them? Or is he only vocalising that the Malays' natural enemy are the Chinese and that all their troubles and miseries are from the Chinese?

When Ibrahim threatens the Chinese, does he not realise he speaks, not as the government but as a member of the Malay race? After all, the government is also made up of Chinese and they surely cannot issue a threat against themselves.

Ibrahim is such an embarrassment to the Malay race that it is now becoming a wonder how even the Malays can tolerate him. But it looks like as long as he has Dr Mahathir Mohamad's support he will go on.

Malayamuda: I am beginning to have some respect for KJ. If he goes on like this, he can stand as an independent anywhere and win hands down. Kudos to you, Khairy!

Kee Thuan Chye: But what is Khairy's game in all this? Why does he want Umno Youth to march against Bersih as well? He shows inconsistency.

Prior to announcing the Umno Youth march on July 9 against Bersih and therefore in support of the current electoral system, he had shown himself to be a sensible politician by commenting on some government decisions that were questionable. But now he seems to have gone back to being blindly supporting BN.

Why would a bright guy like him go against the eight demands of Bersih when they are aimed at bringing about a healthy democracy? Can Khairy stand up and actually say he is against weeding out corruption at elections?

Al: I can't help but feel this remark is selective. If Mahathir did not endorse Perkasa, perhaps Khairy would let this one slip as we know the two are not the best of friends.

Zhang Yinbin: Khairy should contemplate making the July 9 rally an anti-Ibrahim Ali one. This would show he means what he says.

Terus: If the police continue to ignore such racist, seditious and dangerous threat to a single community, then there will be pandemonium if others go to this same level. MCA, Gerakan and other Chinese majority parties within BN cannot afford to stay silent or they risk losing more Chinese support.

Gerard Samuel Vijayan: The silence of the MCA, Gerakan and other Chinese-based parties in BN from Sabah and Sarawak on this outrages provocative and racist statement from Ibrahim Ali that warrants an arrest either under the ISA or the Sedition Act, if not the Emergency Ordinances, for inciting violence and public disorder shows that these parties are impotent 'eunuchs' of Umno in the BN.

Any other self-respecting party would have by now threatened to pull out of the BN coalition unless Ibrahim Ali is arrested and detained under the law.

It is clear that Umno is secretly endorsing Ibrahim Ali and his sick views that border on neo-Nazi racist sentiments and threats of violence against the non-Malays simply in order to preserve and increase Umno's Malay vote.

At the same time, the PM is talking about 1Malaysia, tolerance and national unity. What a diabolical plan.

Anonymous: PM Najib Razak subcontracts the 'bad cop' to Ibrahim Ali, then subcontracts the 'good cop' to KJ so that he can continue to look pure and innocent and reap whatever political gains from it. - Malaysiakini

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