
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Yen Yen gets a 'pat on the back' from DAP

Tourism Minister Dr Ng Yen Yen earned some kind words from the most unlikely of people, as Rasah MP Anthony Loke commended her for “saving our money” by cutting back greatly on her travel expenses.

NONELoke (right), who has been a regular - if sometimes harsh - critic of the minister, said Ng must be congratulated for knocking down her travel expenses by a whopping 87 percent over the first five months of this year.

Based on a written answer to his question in Parliament, Ng has so far spent just RM92,102.10 to lead two tourism missions to Dubai, the UAE, and Tehran in Iran in May, to spur West Asian tourist arrivals into Malaysia.

Comparatively, she spent a total of RM719,788 over the same period last year to attend five events between January and May, with her largest expense being a European mission where she travelled to London, Munich and Milan at a cost of RM491,987.

“...We must congratulate her on this year's spending. It's a good improvement, and it shows that she's listening to our criticism,” Loke told a press conference in the Parliament lobby today.

“I have nothing personal against her. Of course when she spends big money, we as the opposition will criticise her.

“But we must congratulate her on this year's spending... well done Ng Yen Yen. Let's hope in the second half of the year she will continue to save our money.”

Lokazlane, who is DAP national youth chief, also gave a thumbs-up for Ng's decision to attend the Chelsea Flower Show 2011 in London last May 22-28 on her own expense while on holiday.

He said this is a far cry from spending hundreds of thousands of ringgit in government funds on overseas trips on the pretext of carrying out her work.

“I'm sure she will have many holidays, and I hope she will continue to work this way, spending her own money while doing her duty,” he said.

'Come clean on Facebook campaign'

Loke, however, did not spare Ng his regular dose of criticism on another front.

He continued his tirade against her ministry's controversy-ridden social media campaign to promote domestic tourism.

He said theazlan minister had given a lame excuse by saying she will only provide an itemised list of the RM1.8 million expenditure if MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek asks for it.

“But who is her boss? She is not supposed to answer to Chua Soi Lek, but to Malaysians. Malaysians are not happy with the explanation,” said Loke.

Loke also pointed out that, aside from Ng, the only other minister to vouch for her claim that the cabinet hasaccepted her explanation is Health Minister and MCA deputy president Liow Tiong Lai.

“No other minister has come out to support her claim that the cabinet accepted her explanation. Unless she gives the itemised spending, Malaysians will still question her... let me warn her, if she fails to do so, she will face a larger campaign against her online,” he added.

Ng is a vice-president in MCA. - Malaysiakini

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