
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

There is a Better Life after and without UMNO.

The signals are all there. Mahathir, the man who can walk on water has said it again- Najib is a weak leader. Daim was more perceptive- saying that Najib, despite an army of advisers working often at cross purpose, protecting turfs hasn’t got what it takes to run the country.

There was also an earlier attempt to sound out Najib that his time is up. He was reported to be ill. Najib seems to be forgetting that to Mahathir, kicking out Najib  is just like eating kuaci cap helang.

Because the missus is screaming- don’t give up darling. The world for us will come to an end if you do.  So Najib puts on a show- he is made of steel and his nerves of titanium. He goes to Gaza, Palestine probably not before asking USA to tell Israel not to launch any plane attacks while he is there. And the UMNO paid bloggers, the mental retards hiding behind anonymous names scream, Najib is great.

Najib is in Gaza, the Palestinian territory. He is where no one had gone before therefore he is a great leader. He must be thinking, we live in a planet where there are no signs of intelligence. We will humour him if he wants to reprise the role of Captain Kirk and also allow him to say the popular line- Mr Scotty- beam me up. There are no signs of intelligent life here.

Or maybe Najib wants to appear more hip to the Y generation; he can rap and dance to Nicky Minaj’s, Scotty Beam me up.

Ahh beam me up scotty
my wa-wa wine my wine it too dutty
Beam me up scotty
my wa-wa wine my wine it too dutty

We ‘stupid Malaysians’ know otherwise. He is the PM with the most baggage and has compromised the office. He will lead UMNO to its defeat, welcomed even by some cynical UMNO members. By now people already believed that Najib is involved in many financial irregularities and certainly was behind people who murdered Altantuya.

He has come to offer Palestinians moral support. Or maybe he has come to offer Palestinians the chance to use our armoured personnel vehicles. We have a surplus number after spending RM7.7 billion (during his watch as Defence Minister). The APCS are suitable for desert warfare. If the APCs are not suitable what about our Rapid Intervention Vehicles bought as RM 690,000 apiece, almost RM500k more than the market price. Mentally slow Zahid Hamidi has not explained to the public why the difference.

Or maybe he has come offering Palestinians the use of our Sukhois, submarines maybe or the tanks built by Deftech or the ones we bought from Poland? Then he can justify all those spending he made on the purchase while he was Defence Minister were justified.

The 2nd OPVs can patrol the coast off Palestine. Maybe bombard Tel Aviv with Malaysian made artillery.

He can do all that. Put on a great show. Najib being in Gaza does not obliterate the now much accepted thinking that he is a sissy. Mahathir knows that. We all know that.

Najib is the biggest recipient of subsidies. He was made MP and immediately became a deputy minister because the father passed away. By default he got the job because the saddened class of sycophants in Pekan was so overwhelmed at the passing of Tun Razak. They insisted his progeny take over so that the spirit of Tun Razak lives on. He was made deputy minister because Uncle Hussein Onn was the PM. He became deputy UMNO youth leader because he camped with Anwar Ibrahim. He was made so many things without working hard as others do. Thus he finally became Prime Minister of Malaysia by default, a position most Malaysians feel he does not deserve.

As MB for Pahang he was busy with other things. Like entertaining one Puan Rosmah Mansor for instance. Or like busy emptying the coffers of Pahang selling and disposing of assets very similar to the French aristocrats before the Revolution. It was under his watch that the now Berjaya resort in Tioman was sold off to Vincent Tan. It was also this transaction that forever made Najib enslaved to Mahathir. Mahathir can squeeze Najib’s balls at any time the former chooses.

He was dishing out timber concessions to cronies and supporters. JJ got a big break when he was given a timber concession. He also have a timber concession then worth RM30 million to a recipient whose address was a low cost home. Najib was indeed a kind hearted person and he shared this trait with so many people including a then Puan Rosmah mansor.

Was he good as our defence Minister? He spent billions and billions to expand our defence capabilities. As far back as  2002,  Najib wanted to buy tanks from Poland- the PT-91M. A company called Bumar Łabędy built 48 PT-91M and 15 support vehicles, armoured recovery vehicle, 3 MID-M engineering tank, 5 PMC Leguan - armoured vehicle-launched bridge and one SJ-09 driver training tank), ammo, spares and support for $370 million. At that time 1USD =RM3.80. RM1.4 billion. The tanks were delivered to Malaysia in 2007–2009. Are these tanks performance capable or are they mothballed somewhere? Maybe it was a wise thing at that time- spend on equipment that can hardly be used for battle here in Malaysia, unless of course we are anticipating desert warfare. Or maybe now Najib will finally act on his earlier plan to send our tanks to fight alongside the Palestinians against the Israelis, now that he is Gaza?

Then there is the submarines scandal one that will never go away as a murder has been linked to this scandal and most Malaysians are convinced that Najib has had some involvement here. More and more people now believed that Najib and Rosmah have something to do with the murder of Alatantuya Shaaribu. The Merdeka Centre can perhaps do a poll asking people about this?

Najib has become easy meat for the UMNO power brokers because he is in fact weak, and is compromised by his failure to come clean, and as a result lost the ability to lead.

We move on to the next phase- the one UMNO fears most. There is indeed a better life after and without UMNO.

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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