
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Najib - Siapa dia Flora Ong...

Satu lagi nama baru keluar dari ahli perniagaan, Deepak Jaikishan hari ini yang dikaitkan dengan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak iaitu Flora Ong.

Deepak berkata, Najib mengenali dan mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan kedua-dua wanita iaitu Altantuya Shariibuu dan Flora Ong. Malah Deepak berkata, Najib turut membiayai kewangan kedua-dua wanita tersebut. 

Deepak juga mendakwa Najib memberikan sokongan kewangan kepada kedua-dua wanita ini.

Pampasan untuk anak Antantuya

Deepak hari ini berjanji akan memberikan semua pampasan yang beliau perolehi dari tindakan samannya ke atas Datuk Seri Najib Razak kepada anak dan keluarga wanita Monggolia yang dibunuh dengan kejam, Altantuya Shariibuu.

Ini kerana, merekalah mangsa sebenar dari kematian wanita dari Monggolia ini, kata Deepak kepada Harakahdaily.

"Saya berjanji akan memberikan seluruh pampasan yang bakal saya perolehi dari saman ini kepada anak yatim yang ditinggalkan Altantuya dan keluarganya.

"Biarkan kebenaran terdedah (melalui saman ini)," tegas Deepak dalam kenyataannya.

RM100 juta saman

Deepak hari ini memfailkan saman RM100 juta ke atas Najib Razak kerana mendakwa beliau sebagai orang yang tidak berkredibeliti.

“Kebenaran tidak boleh diselindungkan, saya mahu beliau mengaku atau nafikan hal ini sebelum kepulangan P.Bala Ahad ini,” tegasnya ketika ditemui di Mahkamah Tinggi Jalan Duta. 
Beliau juga mengaitkan adik beradik Najib dalam kes ini iaitu Nazim dan Johari Razak di samping isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.

Ini kerana, kata beliau, ketiga-tiga mereka mempunyai kaitan secara langsung dengan kes pembikinan akuan bersumpah kedua yang dibuat oleh P Balasubramaniam.- harakahdaily

RCI pendatang asing Sabah sengaja tangguh giliran...

dr ChongSeorang saksi KEADILAN dalam Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang asing di Sabah, Dr Chong Eng Leong bimbang gilirannya untuk memberi keterangan sengaja dilewatkan seolah-olah tidak mahu memberi peluang beliau membuka mulut.

“Mereka seperti tak mahu saya jadi saksi. Asyik bertangguh, dengan alasan ada ramai lagi sedang menunggu giliran,” katanya kepada Keadilan Daily.

Ketua Biro Keselamatan, Imigresen dan Reformasi Pilihan Raya KEADILAN itu sepatutnya memberi keterangan pada 29 Januari lalu tetapi sehingga hari ini beliau belum dipanggil.

“Sudah tiga sesi berlalu. Menurut peguam saya, pihak RCI akan memaklumkan bila saya akan dipanggil. Disebabkan itu saya masih belum boleh buat sebarang kenyataan,” katanya.

Chong Eng dipanggil berikutan pendedahannya sebelum ini dalam Suara Keadilanedisi 28 Ogos 2012 berhubung keterlibatan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dalam memberi kewarganeraan kepada warga Filipina dan Indonesia di Sabah.

Menurutnya, Projek IC Mahathir atau ‘Projek M’ telah menambah secara drastik jumlah penduduk Sabah dan membenarkan pendatang asing menjadi pengundi sah.

Beliau turut mendedahkan terdapat 200,000 nama warga asing hasil dari ‘Projek IC’ dalam senarai pemilih di Sabah dari jumlah keseluruhan 950,000 pengundi berdaftar.

Katanya, hasil projek tersebut, penduduk Sabah telah bertambah kira-kira 700,000 orang termasuk generasi kedua dan sebahagiannya telah berdaftar sebagai pengundi sah.

RCI memulakan sidang pada 14 Januari lalu dengan menampilkan 48 saksi di Kota Kinabalu.-keadilandaily


'Instant citizens' may include subversives, RCI told...

The police Special Branch said today there could be subversive elements among the foreigners who received blue identity cards illegally and therefore Project IC was a threat to national security.

"We do not know where these people came from or their backgrounds. They could be criminals or subversive in nature or similar things.

"This becomes a threat, not only to security, but also to political, economic and social stability," assessment officer Ahmad Fauzan Mohd told the royal commission of inquiry on immigrants in Sabah today.

Ahmad, who is based in the security and human trafficking syndicate division of the Kuala Lumpur Special Branch, said he was tasked with assessing intelligence during the crackdown on Project IC.

Having led the intelligence component of the six-year investigation beginning in 1995, Ahmad said, they detected a syndicate that was illegally issuing identity cards, which was also involved in human trafficking.

As a result, he said, 94 people who were involved in the syndicate  were arrested under the Internal Security Act between 1995 to 2001.

Of this, 80 were given a two-year detention under the act, six was placed under restricted residence and eight more were freed unconditionally.

NONEAhmad added that the detention order was signed by the then deputy home minister Megat Junid Megat Ayub (right).

Asked why none of these individuals were charged after being released from ISA, Ahmad explained this was the norm for all cases.

However, he said, 3,035 people who were beneficiaries of fraudulent identity cards had been charged in court with possessing the documents.

Ahmad added that from the intelligence assessed, the syndicate was driven by monetary gain valued at more than RM11 million.

"Each client (foreigner) was charged between RM50 and RM1,400... They included, agents, sub-agents as well as National Registration Department (NRD) officers," he said

'Other motives not considered'

However, when pressed if he had considered whether the syndicate had other motives, he replied: “I had no reason to look at other motives because the monetary gain (motive) is already there.”

Pressed if this meant his research was only “one-track”, he replied: “Yes”.

Ahmad said the topmost officials involved and subsequently arrested were former Sabah NRD directors Abdul Rauf Sani and Ramli Kamarudin.

Queried by watching brief lawyer Ansari Abdullah whether politicians were among those arrested, Ahmad said he he merely assessed their activities and did not take note of their political affiliations.

The questioning was led by conducting officer Manoj Kurup.

Also taking the stand today was NRD information technology assistant director Laila Abdul Wajid, who explained that the NRD data was linked to the Election Commission through the Agency Linked-Up System.

Aside from this, Laila explained, the EC also periodically sent the names of its registered voters, in bulk, to the NRD for vetting.

“There was also a full vetting of the entire electoral roll of 11.8 million voters (by NRD) in 2011,” she said.

Every month, she said, the NRD would send an average of 8,000 to 10,000 names of those who were above the age of 21, as well as names of citizens who have died, to the EC for the electoral roll to be updated.

Laila added that 66,682 people had been granted citizenship in Sabah between 1963 and October 2012. Of this, 59,276 are still alive. -malaysiakini

RCI: 'Warganegara segera' mungkin ada unsur subversif

Antara Senarai 20 Taiko Malaysia 2011 menurut  Malaysian Business:


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