
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 7, 2014

30pct bumi equity is Umno’s raison d'etre

YOURSAY ‘Thus, it is extremely difficult for them to admit target is achieved.’

Has 30pct bumi equity target been achieved?

Isana: Even when the bumiputeras have owned 100 percent of everything in Malaysia, Umno will state that it is still below 30 percent.

The New Economic Policy (NEP) is to Umno what oxygen is for living being. Umno will never accept any data that shows that the bumis have achieved anywhere near 30 percent as then their raison d'etre to protect and defend the Malay and bumis will not hold water anymore.

Without the abuses of the NEP, Umno will not be able to enrich their families and cronies, the whole system where Umno depends on for their strength and survival will collapse, taking them down with it.

The NEP is a Never Ending Policy as long as Umno is in power.

Anonymous_1417355441: Indeed, Umno's raison d'etre is at stake, so it is extremely difficult for them to admit 30 percent target is achieved.

But can they be 200 percent shameless to deny their own facts and figures found in the public domain?

Pemerhati: Several years ago, former World Bank senior political scientist and Asli's Centre for Public Policy Studies director Lim Teck Ghee and a University of Malaya don presented separate studies which showed that the bumis had well exceeded their goal of attaining their share of 30 percent equity.

But Najib rubbished the studies and said the government would show why the studies were flawed. But up to today, there is complete silence on the matter.

Little Stars (the authors of this article) are also likely to be treated in the same manner by the incorrigible Umno liars and their valiant effort at telling the truth is akin to casting pearls before swine.

When it suits Umno, it will ignore the market value and use the par value and possibly other crooked methods so as to come up with its false conclusions to justify its policies that help it to plunder the country.

Umno’s crookedness is revealed in the case of the huge 1MDB (1Malaysia Development Berhad) scandal where it did not use the original par value of the land for accounting purposes but has repeatedly revalued it to desperately try and show some paper profits in order to fool the public.

Anonymous_1417355441: Indeed, a few years ago, Lim's research on the same subject was rubbished by the government. But can the government rubbish the Little Stars' article which is based entirely on government data? Is the government going to rubbish its own data?

Fair Play: Still talking about the old rules and that the 'quota' has yet to be achieved? Get real. The new rules have already set by the global economy where the playing field is completely level. Just like in the wild, only the fittest will survive.

The recent plunge in oil and commodities prices that precipitated in the depreciating ringgit just show how fragile we are as a nation and foretell of grimmer times to come.

And wait until the full impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) falls upon us when by circumstances rather than by choice the nation has to join this trading bloc. Our only hope is to unite as one to survive and hopefully to prosper together.

The new Companies Act which is scheduled to replace the present Companies Act 1965 in 2016 would make that much more difficult for the powers-that-be to mislead those who are seeking the right answers through a very simple mechanism - the elimination of the par value of the share capital.

The value of share ownership is simply taking the total paid-up share capital plus all reserves and undistributed profit and divide these by the total number of par value shares issued to determine the value of ownership by each shareholder in the company.

Bamboo: The excuse of not achieving 30 percent of equity share is to be used so that Umnoputras can continue grabbing the riches of Malaysia.

There isn't much left for grabbing now. Worse, now they are grabbing money which the country doesn’t own but creating bigger national debt with negotiated contracts, wastage and leakages in government service.

Appum: We all know what kind of government we have here. They distort history to suit their needs, they distort data to show how miserably they failed the Malays without realising it.

For example, some time ago they distort figures of students in universities where by the non-Malays - they grouped locally and in foreign colleges/universities whereas the bumis are counted only in local colleges and universities.

They make the locals schools teach in Bahasa Malaysia whereas in the residential science schools and Mara, they use English as the medium of instruction and qualify for overseas certificates.

This kind of discriminatory policies are detrimental to the society as a whole. They breed suspicion, anger, and discontent amongst the people.

We are prepared to help our needy Malay brothers to elevate their economic status but do it in a transparent and fully encompassing manner to cover all the needy and not to political elites and their beneficiaries only. NEP is supposed to be for 20 years, but now it’s perpetual.

Wira: I wish I can buy company shares at par value. If par value or (original value) were used to determine the wealth of 30 wealthiest tycoons in this country, none of the top 30 would be there. In their places would be landowners, most of them Malays.

Hplooi: What is even more telling is the total control the Umno government exercises over all our natural and human resources. This control (apart from the equity control and legal control over licenses) over the natural resources of this country is not even accounted for.

And from anecdotal evidence, the proceedings from the plunder of natural resources have been going on for decades. The fascist Leviathan by right should have imploded long ago if not for said natural resources.

When the good earth is sucked dry, the forest laid bare and rivers damned (pun intended), it would be found that the majority bumi will still be underachieving economically.

Even worse, when they are required to compete globally to survive, they will be found seriously wanting (due to decades of intellectual strait-jacketing).

If intellectual Malays (in the spirit of the early Malay nationalists) do not speak up then this country is doomed to follow the path of Pakistan; viz religious driven-Balkanisation.

Anonymous_1388029052: There is also a need to separate between Malays and other genuine bumis from Sabah/Sarawak.

These latter marginalised groups are definitely poorer than the peninsula Malays. When grouped together as "bumiputeras" as a whole, the Malays would appear to be poorer while the indigenous people from Sabah/Sarawak richer.

This presents a distorted picture of their economic position.

Paul Warren: When Umno continues with the failure to get the bumiputeras their 30 percent in equities, they fail to say that it is a failure of Umno.

When Najib screamed that if Umno loses the Malays will be finished, he inevitably admitted that in over 60 years of claiming to lead the Malays they have failed to prepare them to be self-reliant.

With such failures to a whole community, it is amazing why the leaders of Umno have not committed hara-kiri. After all, when you Look East long enough you will see the Japanese do that when they have failed their community or those they serve.

Gaji Buta: Why bother doing the analysis? If you prove the target has been reached, it will only show they are lying or do not know how to count. Nothing else will change. New targets will be introduced. -Mkini

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