
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Ring of truth behind RM24mil ‘bling bling’?

FREE YOURSAY ‘So was the diamond flown in for a look-see by Rosmah?’

Rafizi says lawyers eager to grill Rosmah in court

Mushiro: Not only are the lawyers eagerly waiting to grill PM Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor in court, but Malaysian are also eagerly waiting to see how both of them will perform in court.

For some lame reasons, Najib escaped being hauled to court for the Altantuya Shaariibuu and the Sodomy II cases.

People of Selangor: Even if Najib or Rosmah win the case in court, their names will be tarnished badly during this trial.

So the conclusion is Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli will be the winner regardless the outcome of the court case.

Najib and Rosmah are not so intelligent in filing this case to court. They will be the definitely losers and it might cause downfall of Najib.

Ib: The issue of fuel subsidies should be debated in Parliament. Malaysians should ask why such issues are not openly debated since it is public money and the government should have nothing to hide.

Not Convinced: No one is denying the fact that the RM24 million diamond ring was flown into the country in 2011.

US-based jeweller Jacob & Co had however denied the ring was brought into the country under Rosmah’s name or that it was purchased by her.

So was the diamond flown in for a look-see by Rosmah? Can Jacob & Co arrange a look-see for me too?

MingXiang: Rafizi, do I wish good luck to them (Najib and Rosmah) or to you?

Rep probed for querying Rosmah’s Permata

Gerard Lourdesamy: Where is the seditious tendency in Taman Medan assemblyperson Haniza Talha’s statement?

Is any criticism of the government now seditious? Since when did Rosmah become part of the government?

As a member of the SLA (state legislative assembly), Haniza had every right to question and criticise the Permata programme. The fact that Haniza was reelected in GE13 with an even bigger majority is evidence of her popularity among the voters and her leadership qualities.

Last I checked, Rosmah was not elected by anybody. This is why the majority of Malaysians (51%) do not want the Sedition Act because it is open to abuse and misuse.

If Haniza's statement was "irrelevant and ignorant of the truth", why bother to investigate her for sedition unless it struck a raw nerve with some unelected person who demands recognition as the "saviour" of pre-school education in Malaysia.

Tholu: Guilty people usually become extremely sensitive to the questioning of other people over their guilty acts.

Even their breath behind their back can send shivers down their spine. Is Rosmah such a guilty person or is it Najib who is guilty or is it both of them?

Haizir Rahman: The RM711 million is not allocated only for Permata. It is a budget allocated for the for early childhood education which includes the Ministry of Education, Tabika Kemas, Tabika Perpaduan and so on.

Obviously, the opposition is making a ridiculous and brainless accusation.

WeLoveDemocracy: We all knew that this is an early childhood programme by the government. It seems that government had taken a step in order to improve our education system. This credit goes to PM's wife.

Mushiro: Did the auditor-general audit the Permata project the last few years? How was Permata allocated more money in the budget than for the Indian poor?

Why did the police act in a super hurry against the Adun Haniza? Are the police trying to frighten more people from exposing the mega expenses of Rosmah?

Vijay47: Sorry, folks, I just can't get those photos out of my hair. Looking at the children in their elegant junior-Armani Sunday best, assuming I am allowed to say "Sunday", it is very clear that they come from patrician environments complete with silver spoons in their mouth.

Where are the humbler children from the estates, new villages, kampongs, and the low-cost housing areas, supposedly the intended beneficiaries of this no doubt Mother Theresa-inspired Permata programme?

Would our Evita Rosmah Marie Antoinette deign to allow them to even step on her immaculate lawns, let alone her exquisite drawing rooms?

Ah well, such are the unkind vagaries of life, the poor get a packet of nasi lemak each while the affluent dine on pheasant under glass. Pass me the caviar, please.

Ib: All these issues on budget allocation should be debated in Parliament. Unfortunately most Malaysians are ignorant of the roles of their elected member of parliament that they think the MPs are supposed to keep the drains clean and their apartments or flats painted, so they vote those MPs that can get hold of funds to run these projects rather than MPs who can question and debate important budget issues.

It’s time for Malaysians to wake up and choose the right representatives in Parliament for the long-term future of the nation. -Mkini

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