
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

James Kuok, Pergi Mampuslah!

They say there is nothing wrong for rich Chinese from overseas to fund DAP to the tune of billions. Agreed! But then there should also be nothing wrong for rich Arabs from overseas to fund Umno to the tune of billions. So why make a big fuss when Umno receives donations from rich Arabs when it is not wrong for DAP to receive donations from rich Chinese?

Raja Petra Kamarudin

James Kuok says he is a staunch DAP supporter who gave me and my son money but did not give DAP a single sen

James Kuok, plus orang-orang Cina yang sewaktu dengannya dari MCA dan DAP, are expressing outrage that the truth has surfaced regarding Robert Kuok funding The Malaysian Insight RM50 million over five years plus the payment of a bribe of RM2 million a month to the owner of The Malaysian Insight.
They are so indignant with what they say is fake news and false allegations. It is surprising they did not express the same outrage and indignation when Clare Rewcastle Brown published fake news and false allegations saying that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak paid PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang RM90 million.

Clare said Najib gave Hadi RM90 million but until today she cannot prove it and the DAP and MCA Chinese keep quiet and do not condemn her like they condemn those who attack Robert Kuok

Until today, Clare cannot support her allegation with evidence and she has dragged the court case since last year instead of just submitting the evidence to the court. If the allegation is true then surely Clare would have no problems showing the evidence.
Why are these so-called upholders of the truth not saying anything? They know Clare cannot prove the allegation because the allegation is false. Yet these people such as James Kuok, plus orang-orang Cina yang sewaktu dengannya dari MCA dan DAP, never said a word.
But now that they have been exposed as being behind The Malaysian Insight they raise hell. They are screaming and foaming at the mouth and allege that they are victims of fitnah and fake news.
Just ask The Malaysian Insight to show where their money is coming from and we can close the file on this matter. DAP also has not revealed where their money is coming from. Just show us where DAP’s money is coming from and that case can be closed as well.

MCA said Robert Kuok not only gave money to DAP but also to MCA so he should not be attacked for financing The Malaysian Insight under-the-table

They say there is nothing wrong for rich Chinese from overseas to fund DAP to the tune of billions. Agreed! But then there should also be nothing wrong for rich Arabs from overseas to fund Umno to the tune of billions. So why make a big fuss when Umno receives donations from rich Arabs when it is not wrong for DAP to receive donations from rich Chinese?
Ask Clare to show the evidence that Najib paid Hadi RM90 million and then we can talk about me showing the evidence that Robert Kuok paid The Malaysian Insight RM50 million and another RM2 million a month to The Malaysian Insight’s owner.

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