
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Is It Possible Delta Strain May Hit 24,000 Cases Per Day In 3 - 4 Weeks ?? PLEASE SPEED UP THE VACCINATIONS MESSAGE FOR NGOs, RED CRESCENT etc.


Ok folks. I received this via WhatsApp this morning. It sounds like an internal message sharing thing. It sounds authentic enough. There are no Military or State secrets in this message. 

Maybe we can all help out our wonderful and truly dedicated men and women in the hospitals and health care facilities.  Baca dulu.

Salam & good afternoon. YBg Tan Sri DG had a meeting with all clinical heads of Greater Klang Valley hospitals this morning regarding current COVID situation. 

We are now in a very critical & difficult period of time

The Delta strain mutated virus has shown to be highly infectious, and has been compared to be as infectious as chicken pox. 

When the strain first emerged its infectivity is about 1 to 4-5 persons, but now it can infect up to 1 to 8-12 persons. Genomics studies showed that the majority strain we are seeing now is the Delta strain. 

KKM is projecting the daily number of cases will peak in the next 3-4 weeks up to 24k cases per day. 

  • And we are also seeing more of Category 4 & 5 pts. 
  • We are now at the point where Italy & India were before. 
  • We are still short of 9000 beds for these cat 4&5 pts. 
  • We need to brace ourselves for the next 3-4 weeks. 

Non-Covid services needs to shrink down further. Postpone anything that can wait (surgery/investigation). This is to enable more staffs to be mobilized to help out with Covid work. All categories of staffs will be affected including houseman, student nurses/MA, post basics. 

We are advised to function with whatever resources we have. Please be mentally & physically prepared if more of us are called to help out with Covid care. I do understand this can be difficult, but spare some thoughts to our colleagues that has been battling this all these while. 

Circular from KSU indicated that all training is stopped for the next 3 months to enable mobilization of drs to Covid. 

As we need to decant patiens out to create more beds in HKL, on our part, please don’t admit patients or do cases for patients that may need admission. Outsource them out. We already have pathway to send patiens out. Furthermore we do not want cross-infection to occur whereby Covid-ve pts turned positive in the ward. 

  • Another thing that we can do is to promote vaccination. 
  • Remember to enquire & facilitate all our patients to be vaccinated. 
  • DG expects all healthcare workers to be vaccinated. 
  • Having completed 2 doses of vaccine does not prevent infection but so far evidence showed that those infected despite vaccination has less severe illness. 
  • So if any of you has not had your vaccination, please consider getting it. 

We hope that with more numbers of the population having completed vaccination, the numbers of categor 4 & 5 patiens and also BIDs will reduce in time and we can see some form of normality back in 2-3 months. 

Lets help out whatever we can. 

And let’s pray that all of us comes out of this pandemic stronger and in a better position personally and collectively.

My comments :

The feedback I get is the same - all the Covid cases that result in death are people who have not been vaccinated.

So you have two choices folks. read carefully.

Choice No. 1 :  If anyone wants to get rid of your old people like your grandmother, mother, father, uncle etc then tell them DO NOT VACCINATE.  If you do not vaccinate, and you get Covid 19 your chances of dying are much, much greater.

Choice No. 2 : Once you are vaccinated and you get infected with Covid 19 your chances of quick recovery and not dying are much greater.  Grandmother, uncle, mother and father have better chance of survival if they are vaccinated.  And keep this in mind - the Covid virus is going to be around for a while.


The doctors, nurses, health care facilities are working overtime and doing magic treating Covid patients and trying to keep our people alive. Terima kasih banyak. Allahuma Solli Alaikum. May Allah shower his support upon ALL OF YOU.

May I suggest that the NGOs, persatuan kebajikan etc focus some attention towards the doctors, nurses and hospitals instead.

Can outside groups - NGOs, help organisations etc assist our medical personnel in any way to make their lives easier? 

We are able to help each other with food. Fantastic. 

Can anyone send some nice cooked food to the doctors and nurses at the hospitals? At least they dont have to worry about getting lunch or dinner.  Anything to make their lives easier.

The doctors and nurses are really making huge sacrifices and commitments in time, energy and their own personal health and safety. 

Here is what is happening folks. Every now and then some doctor and nurse tests Covid positive. Then they have to be quarantined, cannot see wife, husband, children until they come out of quarantine. Have to send the kids to other people, make arrangements for lunch, dinner etc. Its a nightmare for them.  

Maybe some NGO or someone can think up more ways of how to help ease the burdens of our frontliners.   iT IS NOT FOREVER, JUST A FEW MORE WEEKS. Lets pull together.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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