
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 3, 2023

Strike or not, don't ignore contract doctors’ demands – DAP MP

While the identity of the organisers - only dubbed as Mogok Doktor Malaysia - behind the purported ongoing contract doctors strike remains a mystery, Bandar Kuching MP Kelvin Yii opined that the substantive demands put forth must not be ignored.

This comes after major health groups such as Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) and Hartal Doktor Kontrak have distanced themselves from the supposed three-day strike beginning today.

“Whether I agree or think every single demand (made by Mogok Doktor Malaysia) is feasible or not, I think the substance of what was demanded is reasonable and it’s something that we have been pushing for.

“This has been a chronic long-term issue and it needs systemic reforms. It is something that I have been pushing for.

“I think the Health Ministry is more than aware and they are working hard towards addressing it,” Yii (above) told reporters when met at the Parliament lobby today.

Mogok Doktor Malaysia had called on contract doctors to go on strike by taking medical leave, emergency leave, or by resigning en masse.

The group’s demands include that all contract doctors be given permanent positions, an increase in basic salary and on-call rates, and a resolution to staff shortages.

‘Respect right to industrial actions’

Meanwhile, Yii revealed that he had made attempts to reach out to engage with Mogok Doktor Malaysia but to no avail.

The group claimed that over 8,000 doctors will take part in the strike.

“But I’m receiving news that there are no demonstrations or gatherings (from the group) so far.

“At the end of the day, I respect the right to industrial actions but more important is the follow-up engagement.

“Until now, I don’t think the Health Ministry has managed to arrange an engagement with the group to ensure their voices are heard,” said Yii.

He also gave his assurance that he would continue to push the Health Ministry not to take disciplinary actions against doctors who partook in the strike.

Despite threats of strike amongst contract doctors, checks on the ground by Malaysiakini today found that government hospitals appear to be operating as usual.

Previously, the Health Ministry had reminded civil servants they are forbidden from joining “illegal gatherings”.

Gatherings that are considered illegal include “active involvement” outside of working hours, using office hours, and leaving the office to observe and join gatherings - as well as using office equipment to print and distribute fliers related to illegal gatherings.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim had also said that resolving the woes of contract doctors may take three years, while assuring that 1,500 of them would get permanent posts this year.

“If we are to give all 4,000 (permanent placements) as demanded, we will need more than RM10 billion a year. So, this is impossible,” Anwar had said.

A high-level committee led by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has also asked for a chance at resolving the contract doctors' woes. - Mkini

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