
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Will 1Malaysia create a new political paradigm in 13th GE?

Mustapha Ong

Many people including former premier Tun Mahathir and other senior politicians from both the political divide have voiced their scepticism against the 1Malaysia concept. Various variations were perceived according to their own interpretations, for or against, the 1Malaysia initiative created by prime minister Najib Tun Razak not long after he took office in April 2009.

However, there were no significant launch to spearhead the 1Malaysia concept, although there were many related programs and activities through government, private and NGO initiatives.

The real objective behind the 1Malaysia concept is to create an awareness for all Malaysians of various communities, to work and live in total harmony that will lead towards increased patriotism in the present and future generation of Malaysians irrespective of their ethnic origins. However, sadly so Malaysians are not ready to accept the reality of such patriotism even after more than 5o years of our nation's independence.

Our political structure is still very much based on ethnic relationship, support and aspirations which the majority are not willing to sacrifice for sake of national interest. As such good government policies and initiatives were often taken for granted and being implemented unfairly in the eyes of patriotic Malaysians. No government legislature is capable enough to check and control these unfair and biased implementation of government projects, that only benefited those who are patronage to selected leaders of the ruling party.

In the words of J. B, Priestley, I quote: " We should behave toward our country as women behave toward the men they love. A loving wife will do anything for her husband except stop criticising and try to improve him. We should cast the same affectionate but sharp glance at our country. We should love it, but also insist upon telling it all its faults. The noisy, empty 'patriot' not the critic, is the dangerous citizen."

Prime minister Najib has his hands full as the 13th general election is to be held within the next 18 months as speculated. The component Barisan Nasional ruling party is not in good shape, as most of its major partners are in political squabble for power or tainted with corrupted leaders. BN in its present political structure is unable to attract the young professionals and educated Malaysians to join the party due to various reasons.

The Malaysian Chinese, in particular are still mistrusting the Malay leadership and their style of politics within the hierarchy of UMNO. The Malays are not ready to accept the Chinese as equal political partner or hold on to the economic supremacy of the nation. However, the Malays should not be in denial that the Chinese had never attempted to question the political power of the Malays, certain Malay and bumiputra privileges, Islam, and also the position of the YDP Agong as enshrined in the Constitution.

The Chinese and the other minority of this country had never participated in large scale demonstrations or street revolution in protest against the Malay rights and certain unfair government policies.

Apart from the above mentioned political issues that had been exploited by both sides of the political divide, Najib is also confronted by many unsettled problems that may sabotage his 1Malaysia concept, government transformation plans, political, economic and social transformation that will reduce the level of polarisation of the people based on ethnic considerations rather than absolute meritocracy. Najib has also to appease some of his own political critics and those of his powerful UMNO warlords, that are advocating adverse extremism in their demands for the Malays, at the expense of the non Malays.

In the political arena, Najib has to transform the stereotyped mind set of the extremist Malays within UMNO and also check the recent upsurge of extremism, both in UMNO and also some of the major partners of Barisan Nasional, especially the mistrust of the Malays against MCA. The current leaders in MCA, GERAKAN, MIC, PPP, PBS and SUPP are no longer likened by the people, as most of these leaders are tainted with alleged corruptions, nepotism and had served beyond their time.

It is envisaged that 1Malaysia slogan will create a new political paradigm to induce a favourable political platform for BN in time for the 13th general election. Najib's administration and advisers should be courageous enough to investigate and prosecute high profile corruption cases, without fear or favour and most of all to show its seriousness and result orientated.

MACC should be given unquestionable investigation authority and also to be given prosecution power at par with the Attorney General. Severe actions should be taken against the opposition leaders and members who are found blatantly abusing their political rights and freedom, in an outside parliament. The nation will survive if all Malaysians are willing to sacrifice and compromise on reasonable demands that will benefit the country on a long term basis, without any prejudice and suspect from any ethnic group.

Finally, I opined that the 13th general election will also determine the political career of Najib in restoring the fate of Barisan Nasional governance in ruling this country, which has been mauled by many political, economic and social issues since Najib became the 6th prime minister.

Najib will face the biggest challenges of his political career as he attempts to recapture the lost states from the opposition pact as well as to win back a 2/3 majority for the BN rule in the coming general election. Najib will ultimately take the blame and responsibility,should he fail to retain control of Putrajaya for the BN in the next democratically elected government.

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