
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, November 22, 2010

The Antics of the MACC To Cover Up for A-G Gani Patail

by Din Merican

Yesterday, the Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Dato Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed, made a motherhood statement that news of their investigations should not be published. This is what he said:

“Ini adalah kerana kejayaan kita menyiasat sesuatu kes bergantung kepada kerahsiaan yang mana kita boleh mendapat keterangan-keterangan yang baik apabila tindak tanduk kita tidak diketahui umum.”

Dato Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed made a motherhood statement that news of their investigations should not be published

I am amused. Nay, I am repulsed by such outright lies by no less than the head of supposedly the most august law enforcement agency of the country – this Abu Kassim. I have previously likened Abu Kassim to Abu Jahal and Abu Lahab, the enemies of Islam who are specifically mentioned in the Quran. Abu

If the person breaks his vow to Allah, he should repent again and never despair of the blessing of Allah.

Kassim has earned the same odium because of his own vow, declared publicly that he would resign if cases against big fishes are not investigated by the MACC.

He made a vow (nazar) and he has broken that vow. He has broken that vow because despite all the expose’ made by Raja Petra Kamaruddin (PPK) of the A-G Gani’s complicity in covering up for Tajudin Ramli in the plundering of the national carrier, Malaysia Airlines (MAS), Abu Kassim has done nothing about it. He has feigned ignorance about it.

MACC Chief wants MAS to remove Rosli Dahlan and his Firm as Legal Counsel

What repulsed me most is that a commentator to my blog calling himself Kargoman had posted this:

Abu Kassim has given an ultimatum to the new MAS MD to drop Rosli and his firm from acting for MAS?

“Mr Din Merican, check this out. MACC has been visiting MASKargo and that Abu Kassim chap has given an ultimatum to the new MAS MD to drop Rosli and his firm from acting for MAS. They want to close the case and Rosli is a hindrance. Ask YB Salahuddin to demand Abu Kassim to explain:

a) if it is true that he met the MAS MD;
b) what did he ask MAS to do;
c) did he demand Rosli to be dropped ;
d) why is an enforcement agency dictating the choice of lawyer to a corporate body?
Dig and you will find a big can of worms.—Kargoman – November 18, 2010 ”

It is repulsive that Abu Kassim could arm twist a GLC to do its bidding. It is repulsive that instead of going after the real crooks, MACC is avoiding the duty entrusted to it and is instead eliminating people that can actually assist in uncovering crime and corruption.

It is repulsive that instead of going after the real crooks, MACC is avoiding the duty entrusted to it and is instead eliminating people that can actually assist in uncovering crime and corruption.

MACC leaks Information to the Media

The point I wish to make is that in many cases, it is the MACC that leaks information to the press. It is the MACC that sensationalise news of the targets of their investigation. Yes, that is what the MACC does when it wants to eliminate the innocent or fix someone. Examples are aplenty.

It is the MACC that leaks information to the press. It is the MACC that sensationalises news of the targets of their investigation.

Just look at the death of Teoh Beng Hock. What was that about? The main stream media quoted sources from the MACC about a massive investigation to crack down on corruption by elected state assemblymen – opposition state assemblymen! And what was the value of the alleged corruption? Just RM2,400.00? Yes, that miserable sum which cost a young man his life. The MACC went to town with it because the target was an opposition state government.

Malaysian opposition leaders being the target of investigations including petty issues

MACC’s elegant silence on Khir Toyo’s RM24 million place and its politics of deception and diversion

But did the MACC thoroughly investigate Khir Toyo’s RM 24 million palace? And when the spotlight turned on them for the murder of Teoh Beng Hock, suddenly the MACC demanded for fair and reasonable treatment and attempted to delay and black out the news. Unfortunately for the MACC, there are so many clowns in their top posts like that fat buffoon Dato’ Razak Musa, MACC’s Director of Prosecution, who demonstrated that one can die of self-strangulation!

Did the MACC thoroughly investigate Khir Toyo’s RM 24 million palace?

On Friday November 19, Lourdes Charles screamed on the front page of The Star “MACC Moves In – Files seized from Yayasan Selangor Office”.Read the news by this pimp reporter closely and you can’t help but notice that he quoted sources detailing every inch of MACC’s actions. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to deduce who these sources are.

Victimisation of Tourism Malaysia’s Director-General Dato Mirza Taiyab

The same thing happened when the MACC was used to eliminate Dato’ Mirza Taiyab, former Director-General, Tourism Malaysia. This is what Syed Akbar Ali wrote:

“Mirza is a man with a clean reputation. No Ministry’s staff has any complain against him. Neither is there any grumbling against him for corruption or abuse of power. He is known as a straight arrow to both staff and industry player.”

In truth, Mirza is charged because he is a hindrance to so many things desired by the political masters. Details of the investigation were leaked to the press to make him look guilty even before the case unfolds in court.

This is a fair observation. When Mirza was first charged with corruption, almost his entire HQ staff was present at the Courthouse to show their support. Throughout his trial, the Staff organised ‘sembahyang hajat’ at various masjids throughout Kuala Lumpur. When he was acquitted and returned to work there was massive cheering that the Boss had been cleared.”

Mirza is now facing a new set of strange charges. It is strange because this time there is no allegation that he took a bribe, that he received money or that he got dental treatment. He is charged because the Minister of Tourism had decided on this idea of setting up Malaysian restaurants overseas – Dubai, Hyderabad, London etc. he is charged because he signed payments as most DG would do. Officially, he is charged because he was the DG and the CEO of Pempena, the Ministry’s company. In truth, Mirza is charged because he is a hindrance to so many things desired by the political masters. Details of the investigation were leaked to the press to make him look guilty even before the case unfolds in court.

AG Abdul Gani Patail should be immediately SUSPENDED of his duties until an investigation is complete, so that he will not use his 'powers' to circumvent the investigations.

Lourdes Charles is the same pimp reporter used previously by former IGP Musa Hassan to frame up Dato’ Ramli Yusuff, former Director of CCID. Stories of the “RM27 Million Cop” was splashed week in week out for months since July 2007. “Sources close to the investigation” was quoted countless times until the Malaysian public became convinced that Dato’ Ramli was a crooked cop. The objective was simple – Dato’ Ramli has to be eliminated as he posed a threat to Musa Hassan and AG Gani Patail.

Then when Lawyer Rosli Dahlan proved through the filings he made on behalf of Dato Ramli that these allegations were hogwash, the MACC pounced on Rosli and charged him instead. The Star made it appear that Rosli was charged for hiding Dato’ Ramli’s ill-gotten assets.

Injustice Against Lawyer Rosli Dahlan

Rosli was brutalised and charged one day before Hari Raya Aidil Fitri of 2007. Rosli was charged before Dato’ Ramli was charged. And now that Ramli has been acquitted by three different courts, the MACC, in collusion with the mainstream media, decided news about Rosli’s trial must be blacked out because they want to drag that trial to teach Rosli a lesson that he will never forget. That is what the MACC is good at – lying and hiding the truth.

Rosli was brutalised and charged one day before Hari Raya Aidil Fitri of 2007.

The truth is that the MACC lied about the charges against Dato’ Ramli. He was never charged for corruption. He was never charged for having RM27 million. You see, he never did have that amount of money. Neither was Rosli charged for hiding any of that money, because there was none.

MACC liead about the charges against Dato’ Ramli. He was never charged for corruption. He was never charged for having RM27 million. You see, he never did have that amount of money. Neither was Rosli charged for hiding any of that money, because there was none.

So the MACC lied about Teoh Beng Hock’s death. The MACC lied about charging Dato Mirza. The MACC lied about the real reason for charging Rosli. The MACC lied about why they did not take action against Tajudin Ramli. The MACC feigned ignorance about pictures of AG Gani being seen with Tajudin’s front man and proxy, Shahidan Shafie, the ex-policeman who was charged for taking bribes in the 1990s. The MACC lied because they are more interested to protect A-G Gani Patail who has been publicly accused by Dato’ Mat Zain Ibrahim, formerly OCCI KL, as follows:

“It only shows that MACC and the Chambers are prepared even to go to the extent of affirming false affidavit to screen Gani Patail from legal punishment.”

The AG is also known to have doctored the map and photograph of Pulau Batu Puteh for the hearings at the International Court of Justice at The Hague. In this case, the Singaporeans caught him red handed. As a result, we lost Pulau Batu Putih. He should have resigned but he didn't.

So when the MACC asks that news of their investigations should not be published, it is all just a cover up to conceal the truth!

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