
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, November 5, 2010

Batu Sapi: A rejection of Yong's 'Sabah for Sabahan'.

SAPP emerged third in Batu Sapi by election with sizeable difference from the second winner PKR. During the campaign, everyone thought that Yong Teck Lee and SAPP were making a formidable challenge against PBS (BN). Yong's war cry of 'Sabah for Sabahan and autonomy' did not manage to impress many of the Sabahan voters. Looks like people do not trust him anymore! The result now proves that SAPP is no more than just a spoiler. There is absolutely no place for a third force between BN and Pakatan Rakyat!

Right at the start of the election, both PKR and SAPP were giving the impression that they wanted to contest ONLY because they need to know their relative strength. To this day, I found that very difficult to believe. However, they ways they attack each other and the contents of their verbal sparring clearly indicate this. If there is any consolation in this, now we know who is stronger between the two idiots.

Yong Teck Lee should now know that he is irrelevant political dinosaur. Do not get me wrong. His idea of Sabah for Sabahan and all the autonomy stuff he mentioned are noble and commendable. Nothing wrong with the message. It is the messenger who is at fault. Yong Teck Lee as the preacher of the sermon of Sabah for Sabahan do not carry any authority anymore. He has been in political power for so long (both as Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister, not to mention being in BN), and yet we did not hear any of this preaching before.

Just because SAPP is a local party, he should not assume that all Sabahans will be flocking to him like ants to a piece of candy. If such is the case, BERSEKUTU or PASOK would have won the previous General Election in 2008. As we know, both BERSEKUTU and PASOK who were genuinely local, were politically rejected and buried nicely in that election. The faster Yong Teck Lee realise this, the better his chance for a political comes back.

I hope now, SAPP will give a serious thought of joining Pakatan Rakyat. I hope Yong Teck Lee and his comrades now have realised their follies. We need a formidable challenge toward BN for eventual two party system. No place for a spoiler and definitely no place for a third force. We will think of third force when both BN and Pakatan Rakyat are equally strong. The recent by election results both in Galas and Batu Sapi shows that BN is still too strong (or Pakatan Rakyat is still too weak).

PKR though emerged second, should not be too proud. Since when does a second place in any elections wins any prizes? As far as I can remember, the second place is still a place for the looser. Oh I forgot, PKR was in the race only to defeat SAPP. Allright then, PKR won against SAPP. Apparently they are much stronger than SAPP. Congratulations!

If there are anymore fights other than one to one fight in the next General Election, I swear I will donate my vote to BN for a protest!

PR need to know this. What happened during the pre-election talks between PKR and SAPP? Could not one of you guys back out? Did not matter who, no body probably would have won anyway. However, the forged solidarity would and could have sent a chill down the spine of the mighty BN. As in the case, no solidarity shown and both of you become the laughing stocks for BN.

PKR must get its house in order. Anwar Ibrahim must do some soul searching (as the head of Pakatan Rakyat, he is apparently do not want to be the leader of PKR, last time I checked). Why is he having so many rough players in his party. Why on earth Jeffrey Kitingan and Christina Liew were banned from campaigning in Batu Sapi? Are they becoming liabilities now? As I can remember, both of them were seasoned campaigners and commands respectable followers among the average Sabahans. This factions of Ansari Abdullah and Jeffrey Kitingan must come to an end. Or are we seeing another faction of Thamrin Jaini emerging as well?

The PKR division head in Batu Sapi, Hessnar Ibrahim was said to have ordered Jeffrey Kitingan, Christina Liew as well as Thamrin Jaini (Sabah PKR Chief) to be banned from campaigning in Batu Sapi. And lo behold, Anwar agreed?? This is a sheer madness. May be it is a good (actually great) thing that PKR lost in Batu Sapi!

May be Anwar Ibrahim is the Trojan Horse we are elusively looking for all this while!

Now that BN has a thumping victory in Batu Sapi and Galas, we are all should be prepared for the next General Election. The Prime Minister may announce it anytime soon, most probably to coincide with Sarawak State election.

All the more reason for PKR to tighten its slacks and for SAPP to forge alliance with PR. I really hope so ....

courtesy of Rizzku

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