
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 7, 2010

DPM asked to explain caning of S'wak schoolboy for bringing non-halal food to school

Muhyiddin - time for him to draw a clear line or leave
Malaysia Chronicle

Racism has reared its ugly head in Malaysian schools once again. Pakatan Rakyat leaders have asked Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to explain why a senior school officer was allowed to cane a Sarawak primary schoolboy 10 times on the palm for bringing non-halal fried rice to eat in school.

"This is very uncivilized. It is a time when we should be educating non-Muslim students on the sensitivities of Muslims and Muslims on the rights of non-Muslims and not take action into our own hands," PKR vice president Lee Boon Chye told Malaysia Chronicle.

"Muhyiddin as Education minister must explain. Firstly, the boy is not offering Muslim students non-halal food but brought it for himself. Secondly, Muslims have their own responsibility to guard their religious discipline. You cannot enforce their beliefs and practices on non-Muslim, or put the blame on non-Muslims each time a Muslim loses his or her way. I am sure this is not what Islam teaches."

School even threatened the mother to hush up

A news portal had reported that 10-year-old Basil anak Baginda, a pupil of St Thomas, was caned 10 times on his palms for bringing home-cooked fried rice with non-halal sausages to school on October 15.

Angela, left, demands justice
His mother, Angela Jabing, highlighted the incident to the media after failing to get a satisfactory explanation from the school administration.

At a news conference in Kuching last week, Angela was reported as saying that the school’s senior assistant told her at a meeting on October 19 that he could not remember the incident. But at the same time, he warned her not blow it up as it was a “sensitive” matter.

The senior assistant also informed her that a halal food policy had already been announced in the school during assembly in February to show respect to Muslim students.

"Muhyiddin needs to clarify and standardize the practice. He cannot just decide unilaterally because his neutrality is in doubt. He needs to consult parent groups, NGOs before issuing any guideline. But before that, he needs to explain to the public what right does the school have to cane the boy 10 times in such a barbaric way and leave emotional scars on the child when other more suitable solutions are possible." Batu MP Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

A green light to bully

This is not the first time that Muhyiddin has come under fire for apparently supporting racist policies. He was accused of refusing to take action against two Muslim school principals who had hruled racial slurs at their non-Muslim pupils, telling the Chinese students to go back to China and likening the Indians to dogs.

Boon Chye - it has to stop!
Pakatan leaders have warned that until Muhyiddin clears the air and leads by example, Malay officers in the education system may take his silence as tacit approval to bully non-Malay and non-Muslim pupils.

Meanwhile MCA has also spoken out against the Education ministry.

“MCA finds it disturbing that the senior assistant had allegedly warned the parent ‘Jangan besar-besarkan hal, kerana ini isu yang cukup sensitif di kalangan orang-orang Islam (Don’t blow up this matter as it is a very sensitive issue among Muslims),” deputy publicity chief Loh Seng Kok was reported as saying by Malaysian Insider.

“To sweep issues which would have unsettling impact on minority groups under the carpet is completely unacceptable.”

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