
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, November 8, 2010

Galas: What went wrong

Nevertheless, this big defeat in Galas is a timely wake-up call for PAS to work harder to solve the local issues and to properly plan its strategy and chart its course for the 13th General Election which has been predicted to be just around the corner.

Selena Tay, Harakahdaily

The recent by-election defeat suffered by PAS in Galas is what I would term as a big mis-step but at the same time also a timely wake-up call. There are several reasons for this defeat but the major reason is that the strategy is wrong. Here is my take on why PAS not only loss but lost by a big margin.

A by-election or general election strategy for that matter has two main components, both of which are equally vital that we must get it right:
1. choice of candidate; and
2. choice of the main topic.

In Galas, there is nothing wrong with the choice of candidate. Therefore, the mistake comes from choice of the main topic. In every election, there must be a main topic. This said main topic must be harped on relentlessly from beginning to end. There should be no let-up on this. The main topic must suit the local demographics and local terrain, i.e. the local conditions.

Galas is situated in Kelantan and the hottest topic in Kelantan is without doubt the oil royalty issue. There was no highlighting of this topic in Galas where it should have been most prominent. In fact, in Galas there was no topic, i.e. no particular issue which PAS harped on. This enabled BN to harp on the unsolved land issues and in doing so created a big dent in the support for PAS where the PAS state government is shown to be slow and inefficient.

Of course, coupled with BN's other tricks, it goes without doubt that PAS would suffer a big margin of defeat. If PAS has got its main topic spot-on, PAS could have won and even if lost, it would not have been by such a huge margin.

Art of war

In any tussle for power, the age-old adage of 'before you attack me, I will attack you', is always true. And therefore, BN jumped right into the attack with the land issues which became their strong-point. When the enemy has launched the first strike, it is very difficult to counter-attack because we will have been put on the defensive. Thus, we will be kept busy defending our position instead of attacking the enemy. In this case, we have been caught flat-footed with our backs to the wall very early on.

The oil royalty issue should have been used by PAS to gain support and sympathy votes. The voters should have been told that 'a vote for BN is a vote against oil royalty for the people of Kelantan' or words to that effect. This would rally the support of the voters for PAS. I would dare say that the oil topic would be too slippery for BN to handle and any wily foxes in the BN camp would surely be caught in a bind.

Nevertheless, this big defeat in Galas is a timely wake-up call for PAS to work harder to solve the local issues and to properly plan its strategy and chart its course for the 13th General Election which has been predicted to be just around the corner.

I hope the PAS strategists will identify the relevant topics to be highlighted upon in each particular parliamentary or state seat which it is contesting. A reliable source has informed me that one of the component parties in Pakatan Rakyat has already outlined the topics for its candidates in the next General Election and the strategy is now being mapped out.

I urge PAS to start planning for the 13th General Election very soon. Next year is fast approaching. We don't want to be caught by surprise if the general election happens to be in March 2011, for example. There will be a mad rush to decide on the candidates besides raising funds for the said election. It is better to start planning now and not at the 11th hour.

As prime minister Najib Razak has said that the general election date would be a surprise, Pakatan Rakyat would surely be caught unaware if the planning is not done early. Always the person who springs the surprise has the advantage and coupled that with their powerful election machinery and an abundant war chest, BN is truly a very formidable foe.

The moment Najib declares war, we should be able to fire our first salvo and not start recruiting soldiers and purchasing weapons, to put it in military terms. By looking at things from an outside viewpoint, Pakatan Rakyat seems not ready yet. There are internal party elections, squabbles and tiffs still going on.

Pakatan Rakyat, please take note and start preparing for war now. The winds of war are blowing. Delay would mean total annihilation!

Selena Tay is a member of PAS Supporters Congress (DHPP).

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