
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

GE 13 Is The Rakyat War Against Powerful & Rich Umno-BN Part 1

The rakyat now have to choose between an evil regime against a once good apple that is now starting to turn bad, yet still salvageable by cutting off the bad part, but will they dare to do it?

By Richard Loh

Umno claimed that Putrajaya is theirs and will crushed bodies and lost lives to defend it while Pakatan is marching forward to take control.

Both coalitions are obsessed with Putrajaya, failing to note that Putrajaya does not belong to any of them but the RAKYAT.

The 13th General Election is more like 'its a do or die' mission for the rakyat to take back the country. The rakyat used Pakatan as a stepping stone at the 12th GE to do what is necessary. Can we still hang on to Pakatan to ensure victory for the rakyat?

The rallying cry is not just for change but to Take Back Our Country.

The rakyat now have to choose between an evil regime against a once good apple that is now starting to turn bad, yet still salvageable by cutting off the bad part, but will they dare to do it?

'Umno controlled BN' is doing what is necessary to stay in power. They are now divided into many groups to spread the good news what 'Umno controlled BN' had done and will be doing for the rakyat and the country, while conveniently leaving out corruptions, racism and other crimes that they may have committed. They are reaching out to the rakyat and are willing to listen to them, as what they claimed especially by Umno president, the PM himself. They can come out with all sorts of gimmick but Umno is still the master and has overall control of BN. The rakyat are reminded again and again that only 'Umno controlled BN' can developed the country and bring prosperity, happiness and harmony, is this a fact or fallacy, you think over it.

These are all talks and promises only, nothing ever written in black and white, easier for them to retract after winning each election. They are no difference from the past 12 general election campaigns. If anyone bothered to check through all their promises, I am sure you will be shocked at the percentage that were actually implemented.

The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer, the inciting of hate among the races, racism are growing stronger day by day, religious intolerant with the one way street command, all must respect the sensitivity towards only 1 religion and you know which one it is. They will stay quiet for now because they needed your votes for the coming 13th GE and if you are not careful and gave them a huge mandate, do not blame anyone but yourself when they return to their old racist, corrupt and arrogant way.

'Umno controlled BN' is deflecting their own fear of losing power onto the rakyat with the help of the pdrm and judiciary. Certain groups are dispatched to create on site scenes at PR rule states and state assemblies, protest at Namewee road shows and force it to be canceled, arrest or disrupt peaceful gathering and forum, latest being the cake eating in protest of the 100 storey tower and these are the actions taken by the PM that claimed to listen to the rakyat. They can whacked anyone that entered into their "territory" or hurt those who wanted to see a deputy minister during by elections and the police will not take any action against them.

The PM calls for transparency but it gets more opaque than before. Billions of the rakyat money are thrown around big projects in the name of development without proper planning and feedback. The question of why an allocation of 5 billion ringgit were budgeted for the 100 storey tower when PNB claimed that the tower will be constructed with their own fund, was not answered.

Two high-profile rail projects which are expected to cost a collective total of RM64 billion, with public funds accounting for 70 per cent of the expenditure and the government is pushing for a July kick-off next year for construction of the new KL MRT system. There is totally no feedback from the rakyat nor are they shown the full details of such a huge project which will cause mass destruction to the KL transport infra-structure just like the failure of the LRT and monorail systems, if not properly planned but just to gain legacy or is it fishing for votes.

What the rakyat wanted is for complete transparent accounting of all the big projects because previous experiences had shown that major projects either failed to complete, shoddy work and most of the time the final cost ballooned to 2 or more times the original cost.

Billions were lost through corruptions, leakages and kick backs, the government knows it and the rakyat knows it but simply cannot do anything about it. When the rakyat objected or questioned about it, the 'Umno controlled BN' will claimed that they were given the mandate by the voters that elected them into power to run the country any way they wanted or deem fit, that is how powerful they are today. Bailing out GLC and private companies are the norm for 'Umno controlled BN' but just a reminder that the bailout money belongs to the rakyat.

Three most important things that needed to be look into and actions taken in order to bring the country forward are the education system and its policies, race and religious issues, but were completely left out by 'Umno controlled BN' for obvious reasons.

If just by throwing the rakyat's money into huge projects without any consideration whether it benefits the rakyat plus other constrains, suppression of human rights and by allowing racial and religious issues to fester will turned this country into a developed nation, we do not need 'Umno controlled BN' but just any party to run this country.

Umno is very very rich and so are its component parties, among their members and associates, any one ever questioned or wanted to know why and how these political parties can become so rich? Sorry, everything is classified under the OSA.

For the past 12 general elections, the rakyat had succumbed to the fear culture, led to believe that only 'Umno controlled BN' can look after them and blindly voted them into power.

The rakyat are now starting to realise that 'Umno controlled BN' is the actual cause of the country's many problems, illnesses and may face bankruptcy by 2019. They are simply fed-up with 'Umno controlled BN' for all the improprieties and mismanagement of the country and now wanted to take back the country. In order to do so, this kind of government will have to go and not allowed to rule for another term. They can talk and promise all they want but the rakyat must not be taken in again if they truly wanted to take back the country. Show them the door this coming 13th GE.

So, 'Umno controlled BN' is no longer wanted by the rakyat, who then will the rakyat voted in to govern this country?

Stay tune for part2, where we will take a look at the hazy Pakatan Rakyat and the much misunderstood third force.

courtesy of Malaysia for All

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