
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 4, 2010

The serial rapists of Malaysia Inc.

I have written a number of articles on Galas. I have given an opinion based on the observations I made. There were many responses from PAS supporters and those who just hate UMNO and BN. I hope the latter are not PAS members. If they are, then PAS has to educate them to live with differences of opinion and how to differ in a civilized manner. There is no necessity to go emotionally violent if I hold a different opinion from yours. If you do and you are a PAS member, this is what makes people get turned off from PAS. But having known so many friends in PAS and know how they conduct themselves with decorum, I know these commentators are not PAS members.

I now want to move on to another subject. I have looked up at this issue many times over the past weeks. It's about the attacks that are directed at Nazir Tun Razak. Yes, it's the person who said DEB/NEP was bastardized. Perhaps he was saying out loud at what were clear abuses on his father's legacy. If Najib , the elder brother and PM is not willing to be forthcoming about the excesses, he is.

He himself may be accused of benefiting from being of the correct skin color and of being in the correct genetic pool. But even he, I think couldn't stand at the thought of a serial rent seeker. These are the NEP bastards- people who keep coming for more and more and deny others the chance he got first time.

A more acceptable situation is a person getting a break the first time around should fully leverage on that one and first chance without coming back for more and more. Worse, having given the first chance and failed at it, the beneficiary is morally bound not to come back for more. But the serial abuser disregards moral restraints and keeps coming back for more.

Just who are behind the vehement attacks on Nazir or Jir as he popularly known among close friend?

Here is a well-known banker who happens to be the PM's brother. He is the youngest of the Razak's siblings.
One would imagine that being the brother to the PM, he would be shielded from attacks from bloggers. The wonder banker is hailed as a potential finance minister.

I have criticized him in the past but I am reluctant also to take away his accomplishments as a banker.

But the intensity, ferocity and vehemence of the attacks mounted at him, puzzle me. Could he have rivals in the corporate world? Are we seeing a corporate turf war? We know he is getting the lion share of underwriting fees, Synergy Drive (500 million), de-merging another RM 200 million, underwriting the future Gamuda deal and so on and so forth.

It would be logical to expect his attackers would come from competitors. I don't think so. His competitors would rather work with him rather than go confrontational with him. I am thinking more that his attackers being the corporate players who are threatened by his outspokenness and upfront-ness.

Is he facing powerful forces that are attempting to discredit him? The nature of the criticisms which are directed at him appears to be done fearlessly and appear to come from those having protection or were directly involved in the intrigues of Malaysia's corporatedom. All that revelations, discount the attacks as work of bloggers writing independently. The writers are being fed by powerful forces.

The criticisms appear to be orchestrated by rival corporate people who are fighting for a bigger turf or who are offended by Nazir's outspokenness and at times brazenness. These are people who want to gnaw at economic pie non-stop. No open tenders, taking matters direct to the PM for approval and so on.

Here is Nazir, making public the serial abuses by the same people and worse, Nazir is seen as openly lamenting the acquiescence of Najib in the mess.

The word is out, Nazir needs to be silenced. Nazir needs to be taught a lesson that there should be honor among thieves. One who has taken in a large share shouldn't deny others of partaking in the economic spoils.

courtesy of sakmongkol AK47

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