
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Uncultured(AG) Gani Patail If you needle us,, we will needle you too

The Fixer and Evidence Fabricatorthe AG, realising that the top guns of judiciary are breaking rank, chose to point out to them that if they did so, the executive has enough ammunition too to rile them. We all know how most appointments are made, but for the attorney general to openly say what he did to the nation's apex court is akin to blackmail of an unprecedented magnitude.readmore GANI PATAIL THE dog born in a hut or a palace is always a paraiah dogNothing can be sadder for a nation when such muck gets thrown about openly, that too at a time when the quantum of scams exploding in our faces is greater than anything ever in the past.readmore What are you waiting for Abdul Gani Patail? after your partner in crime was booted out Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will file an application Wednesday to recuse High Court judge Justice Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah from the PKR adviser's ongoing sodomy trial readmore. Farah Azlina Latif sex with complainant and chief witness Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan ruins credibility of the The Attorney-Generals Chambers

This is over the judge's ruling Monday dismissing Anwar's application for Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) medical notes, which he claimed Tuesday was a misinterpretation of a preceding 1993 then-Supreme Court ruling.readmore Are we sizing her up?FARAH PERSON WAS ASSIGNED TO DO RESEARCH FOR THE PROSECUTIONThere appears to be a hell of a lot of DRILLING going on in the Palace of Justice. And with the Chief Justice illegally marrying a second wife in Thailand and then destroying the evidence to escape prosecution, like our Member of Parliament from Sabah, it make! s one wo nder how they even have enough time to prepare for the court cases.

Sex needs to be spontaneous and only then does it completely fulfill and please one. Here are three steps that will guarantee ultimate sexual pleasure.readmore Farah Azlina Latif sex with complainant Anwar also wants prosecution witness, HKL forensic pathologist Dr Siew Sheue Feng, to be cited for contempt, for referring to his proforma form during a court standdown, when he refused to refer to it in court.

He wants Dr Siew to be investigated for interference of justice under the Penal Code, and access to the proforma form, now that the witness has referred to it to refresh his memory.

Roti Kapada Aur Makaan, Is Ghani Patail the ace in the royal flash if Najib remove the ace what will happen to Mahathir and his gang? no need to use I.S.A like Mahathir did Even by this country's fast plummeting standards of probity, yesterday's sharp exchange between the nation's apex court and the attorney general (AG) over the controversial appointment of PJ Thomas as the Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) was unprecedented. The apex court pointed out, rightly so, that if the CVC has a criminal case pending against his name, how could he be expected to perform his duties as the nation's top vigilance commissioner. This is what the court said: Wouldn't it be embarrassing for the CVC to function if people question his power to investigate, as he is himself an accused? Veteran lawyer Karpal Singh has answered a call Justice of the powerful The Tiger Bites A Lion MAHATHIR AND LINGAM MUST BE PUNISHED,SCAR in the minds of people is still not rubbed out.The att orney general's response to the court's statement was: "if 'impeccable integrity' becomes an eligibility criteria, then all judicial and constitutional appointments will be open to question"readmore What are you waiting for Abdul Gani Patail? after your partner in crime was booted outWhile the nation's highest court, that too a bench headed by the Chief Justice, has every right to raise what most certainly are the right questions to ask at these trying times, the response of the attorney general, was unimaginable, unexpected, and shocking. Shocking for two reasons. One, it showed the length to which the government's top lawyer can go to defend a supposed untenable move of the government, two and more importantly, it laid bare the "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" arrangement that perhaps exists between the executive and the judiciary.readmore hey you have a damage asshole it is time to resign Ghani Patail before 31st ogos and give we Malaysian the true independence It was evident that the AG, realising that the top guns of judiciary are breaking rank, chose to point out to them that if they did so, the executive has enough ammunition too to rile them. We all know how most appointments are made, but for the attorney general to openly say what he did to the nation's apex court is akin to blackmail of an unprecedented magnitude.Nothing can be sadder for a nation when such muck gets thrown about openly, that too at a time when the quantum of scams exploding in our faces is greater than anything ever in the past.
Raja Petra Kamarudin vs Ghani Patail,MACC stumped An unbelievable spectacle took place the prosecution and defense blocking the line of questioning. Wherever one looks, there is a scam. The central government, the state governments, and it has no! thing to do with the political affiliations. All are equally culpable. Worse, even the pillars of the society one normally associates with strength of character the judiciary, the defence services and the media are getting discredited in the most embarrassing manner. I can't remember the nation ever in this sort of state as it finds itself now. Seems absolutely none has a stake in its growth and development and all that almost anybody who has been entrusted with some power to do some 'good' is only doing good for himself. It is open loot across all walks of our society.
Everybody doles out platitudes by the hour about how great we are, how great our democracy is, what all we have given to the world, and while the gullible lap all that up and get lulled into a false sense of security, those doling out all this junk make merry. These guys are bleeding this nation dry.
Do you realise how quickly we have been overcome with scams? The commonwealth games seemed to be a scam of unprecedented proportions. Suddenly, it got overshadowed by the Adarsh society scam, and just as it unseated a chief minister, came the 2G scam that unseated a central minister. And barely had the dust died down, the Supreme Court chose to question the Prime Minister and the government over the silence over 2G scam and the appointment of the CVC respectively. In between the Karnataka government is paralysed due to corruption and nepotism charges against its chief minister, who refuses to listen to his party high command, saying he has done less than the previous chief ministers. "How can you remove me before I have had my fill?" he seems to be telling his party bosses as he defies their order. Such are the levels to which we have fallen.
All this is nauseating for all those who believe in their nation and its ability to deliver for its people. Fortunately, those who believe in themselves and the nation, in a more practical manner, are still around and they are the ones who are making the little difference.
Back to the spat betwee! n the SC and the AG, isn't it high time a better and cleaner system is devised to select those who head positions that directly impact the common man. There is so much confusion and secrecy in their appointment. Why so? Why shouldn't the public know, for example, who the police commissioner in their area will be, say six months ahead of time, so that they can point out anything against the candidate that may have otherwise gone unnoticed?
"India Rejuvenation Initiative", started by former retired judges and bureaucrats and academicians has made some interesting suggestions in this regard (will do a subsequent post on their suggestions later). One may question why they chose to keep quiet while they held high offices. Sure. But look at the positive. If these gents pass the test of 'impeccable integrity', with their inside-out knowledge of the system and its flaws and loopholes, there cannot be anyone better than them to suggest measures that are practical. We really need these practical measures. It needed an insider in Lanka to disclose the secret for Ram to vanquish Ravana. These retired judges and bureaucrats can be looked upon as that.
We really need some out of the box thinking and approach to arrest the rapid downfall we are witnessing in our public life. We surely don't want to see another instance of the executive and the judiciary sparring at the top, resorting to blackmails. We are almost at a point of no return, but if there are opportunities that show the light at the end of the tunnel, let us grab them with both hands.

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