
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, January 16, 2011


  1. I love Siti Norhaliza. She has a beautiful voice with a matching face. I must say I truly enjoy her singing. One of my favorite numbers is Cindai, a song written by Hairul Anuar Harun. This melodious song will survive a 1000 years.

  2. The rhythm is an adaptation of old rhythm that is synonym with Zapin music from Johor which I suspect is probably hundreds of years old. Since she moved to my neighborhood, it is my hope that I will bumped into her while shopping for fish and vegetables at our local supermarket. So far no luck yet.

  3. By now everyone must be wondering why I am writing about Siti and the titled is Azaan. There are similarities when it comes to melody. When my daughter ask me why this people are burning effigies in Pantai over the issue of Azan, it was difficult for me to answer. I took her into my car and put on the Cindai CD.

  4. I told her to listen when the volume is set at 3. Both of us enjoyed the song. Then I raised the volume to 12 and my 8 year old girl said, “Papa tak best la …. Bring down the volume pa”. Then I told her does she understand why people in the neighborhood complained about the Azaan? She said yes.

  5. The word Azaan is derived from the Arabic word “adhān”, from the root word of “adhina” which means “to announce” or “to invite”. The history of Azaan started in Medina when the prophet Mohamed pbuh consider various methods of informing the Muslim then the time pray.

  6. It was decided back then the way to announce the time for prayers is via the Azan as to be different from the way of the Jews (which uses a horn) and Christians(which uses a bell). The objective is to announce time of prayer to people in the surrounding neighborhood. In this context the neighborhood within a particular mosque is known as the kariah member of the mosque. In Malaysia, I believe the respective Majlis Agama Negeri has a way of defining the boundary of a particular kariah.

  7. Like listening to Siti Norhaliza singing, I feel that it is important that the member of a kariah hear the Azan in a soothing manner. We have the technology to deliver the voice of the muezzin to reach the surrounding neighborhood in a soothing manner. You don’t need a 1000 MW speaker located on one minaret to blast the voice of the muezzin because the people that are very close to the mosque will hear it as noise rather than Azan.

  8. We should look at using sound mapping tools and takes into account the geographical terrain, the boundary of kariah and use repeater station in ensuring that all members of the kariah should hear a lovely soothing Azan. The technology is there and the solution is available. Allah gave us brain to think and use this technology in a way of goodness without offending others.

  9. Whatever the case maybe, I find the man in robes and burning effigies are bringing a foreign culture to our land. Last year it was “Kepala Lembu” and now burning of effigies. They have lost the opportunity to show that they can use their brain effectively. They are not defending Islam but rather defaming it. That picture is now being circulated all over the globe showing how bad Muslims in Malaysia are.

  10. As a Muslim, I would like to urge the authorities to take action against this group of people for defaming Islam in such a manner. They have also incited unnecessary tension in their community. A complaint should have been addressed professionally and not by shouting and burning effigies. What they have done is totally unjust. As a Muslim, all I can say is “saya malu”.

1 comment:

  1. Your explanation of using Siti is very appropriate. It's just like an immediate neighbor who like to tune up their TV full blast which is not only annoying but totally unnecessary. My neighborhood is not a Muslim one and yet I can hear Azan from 2 mosques which are more than 1 kilometers away and in different directions. Most non-Muslims do not wish to comment on this due to sensitivity. It'll be good if the government can come out with a guideline on this not only for mosques but all religions. These days, there is so much loud noises surrounding us. On a Sunday for example, it's very annoying for the old newspapers van to come round not once but a few times round the housing estate with his speaker on full blast. Thanks for being a reasonable voice from a Muslim perspective.


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