
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 8, 2011

About sex and bribery

The syndicate involved the Police, Customs and Road Transport Departments. Everyone was involved and everyone received a share of the hundreds of millions they made. The current scam involving the Customs Department, which resulted in the death of Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, runs into billions of Ringgit.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The current controversy about Anwar Ibrahim’s Omega watch and whether it is with the police or still with Anwar reminds me of a joke I heard some time ago, which goes as follows:

A boy was showing his friend his expensive Omega watch and the friend asked him whom he stole it from.

“I did not steal it,” he replied. “My dad gave it to me.”

“Your dad?”

“Yeah. I walked into his bedroom last night while he was having sex and he gave me this watch as a bribe to get the hell out of there.”

The friend thought that this was a very neat scam so that night he waited outside his dad’s bedroom and just as his dad was about to reach orgasm he charged into the room.

“What do you want?” the exasperated dad asked.

“I wanna watch,” he replied.

“Okay, go sit in the corner and watch but don’t make any noise,” the dad replied.

Member of Parliament Ibrahim Ali has his own version of this sex joke. The reason men have sex outside the home is because their wives are too busy to have sex with them, said Ibrahim Ali.

The husbands get to see all sorts of sexy women when they go out and this makes them horny. So, when they come home, they are in the mood for sex but the wives are always too busy for sex. So the men have no choice but to seek satisfaction elsewhere.

The Islamic thing to do, argued Ibrahim Ali, is for the wives to drop everything they are doing and drop their panties as well and dart for the bedroom in super-quick time.

This is probably the scenario.

Husband comes home from work and enters the kitchen, “Honey, I’m in the mood for sex after seeing all those gorgeous women at the office.”

Wife, switching off the stove while taking off her panties, “Okay dear, dinner can wait. Let’s go screw first.”

The key word here is Islam. This is the Islamic thing to do, says Ibrahim Ali.

Why is everything always about Islam? And why is Islam always associated with sex?

Whenever these people talk about Islam, sex and Islam must always be in the same sentence. It gives the impression that Islam is only about sex. Most of the ‘rules’ seem to touch on sex. Even Jihad is about the reward of sexy virgins in the hereafter. You tie bombs around your chest and kill women and schoolchildren and you are rewarded with more virgins than you can handle.

Seldom do we hear so-called religious people and scholars talking about more important things like abuse of power, corruption, lack of tolerance, persecution, discrimination, selective prosecution, manipulation of the judiciary, and the other social ills and transgressions faced by Malaysia. It is always about sex.

This gives the impression that Islam is only concerned with sex. It is not concerned with abuse of power, corruption, lack of tolerance, persecution, discrimination, selective prosecution, manipulation of the judiciary, and the other social ills and transgressions faced by Malaysia.

I have said this before and I will say it again: the Muslims are Islam’s greatest enemy. They give Islam a bad name. They make Islam appear like a very shallow and outdated religion.

The death of the Selangor Customs Department assistant director, Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, is most tragic. It is the second death to be associated with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). How did he die? What were the circumstances behind his death? Is Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed the ‘Teoh Beng Hock Version 2”?

We really don’t know but even before the facts are established the issue is being highly politicised.

Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed’s death is actually a Godsend for the opposition. His death was on the Sarawak state election Nomination Day and certainly this cow will be milked till its tits run dry the entire campaign period up to Polling Day on 16th April 2011.

But let us separate the chaff from the oats. We do not welcome Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed’s death, or any person’s death for the matter. What happened must certainly be thoroughly investigated and the culprits brought to book. There should be no compromise on the matter.

But let us not also lose focus on one very crucial thing. There is very serious and rampant corruption in the Customs Department, as there are in the Police Department and many other government agencies as well. In fact, the worse corruption is in the Local Councils -- with the Customs and Police Departments trailing very close behind. (For that matter there is even serious corruption in MACC itself: the foxes being in charge of the hens that end up eating all the chicken).

The MACC needs to clean up the Customs Department. The corruption there is big time. Anyone who deals with the Customs Department can tell you that. And this problem has prevailed since way back in the 1960s and has not changed one bit over 50 years or so.

Isn’t this what we in the opposition want: to clean up corruption?

Did you know that a few years ago the Chief Police Office (CPO) of Johor, Zakaria Chik, ran a car hijacking syndicate involving many government departments?

Car thieves stole expensive cars from Singapore. The Customs Department allowed them to be ‘imported’ into Malaysia through Johor. The Road Transport Department issued the valid registration papers. The cars were then sold through second hand car dealers and the police would be given the registration numbers of the cars with instructions to ‘leave them alone and do not disturb them’.

The syndicate involved the Police, Customs and Road Transport Departments. Everyone was involved and everyone received a share of the hundreds of millions they made. The current scam involving the Customs Department, which resulted in the death of Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, runs into billions of Ringgit.

So, yes, let’s separate the chaff from the oats. The death is one issue, and a most unfortunate issue at that. But let us not lose focus of the scam that involves billions of Ringgit and involves the Customs Department. Let us not throw the baby out with the bath water. While we want the death investigated and the culprits (if any) punished, we do not want MACC to back down and allow the massive corruption to continue.

And why is all this corruption involving Muslims? Everywhere we turn, whenever we read about corruption, invariably the names of Muslims pop up.

Malaysians are so focused on the sexual misconduct of Muslims (the recent one being Anwar Ibrahim). Is sex the only issue? Is sex more important a matter to discuss compared to corruption?

It has just been revealed that what the Deputy Minister of Defence told Parliament back in 2006 was a lie. He said that the French and not the Malaysian government paid the half a billion Ringgit commission on the submarines. Now it has been proven that the commission was actually paid by the Malaysian government.

But is anyone talking about this? Are any websites and newspapers carrying this story other than just Malaysia Today? No one cares. This matter is not important. What is important is the video recording of Anwar Ibrahim allegedly having sex with a Chinese prostitute.

So what if it is Anwar? So what if it is not Anwar? Either way, will our lives improve? Will Malaysia be a better place if it is proven one way or another? Is the issue of Anwar Ibrahim’s sex life so important that the future of the entire nation depends on this?

Malaysians do not appear to know what is going to decide the future of their country. It is not sex but whether we can eliminate abuse of power, corruption, lack of tolerance, persecution, discrimination, selective prosecution, manipulation of the judiciary, and the other social ills and transgressions faced by Malaysia.

This is where the future lies. But Malaysians are so dumb that they allow themselves to be distracted by a very clever Red Herring that has been created by the government to make Malaysians focus on the lesser important things so that they forget the more important things that is going to decide if Malaysia lives or dies.

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