
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 11, 2011

Perkasa - an abomination

perkasa boss

Out of the ashes of the 2008 general election, Perkasa was born.

After being humbled in the last GE, we would have expected BN to reform and be more attentive to the whims and wishes of Malaysians. We thought BN will go all out to try and win back the hearts of Malaysians who had voted them in for the last 50years. But no, BN couldn’t simply be bothered with that. Their hearts were hardened and they couldn’t accept the fact that the people they have enslaved for the last half century, were fighting back.

They were so used to the servitude of the masses. They were kings of kings, lords of lords and they had a myriad of subjects to serve them. Who says we have only nine Sultans and Royal Families? BN and not just UMNO are living like Kings, and some of them are so obscenely well off, that they can afford to buy a Kingdom. A fine example is the current divorce compensation of a princely RM450 million. So how can they accept that their humble subjects had decided to call it a day, and to vote for reform?

Since the last GE, the time was right for reforms, coupled with a strong Opposition who would ensure all the mistakes in the past would now be rectified. But BN was totally against it. Reforms meant the people would realise that they hold more power than they realised, and not the government. Reforms meant that BN will lose control of the people. Reforms also meant that people would realise that there is more than meets the eye.

And to undermine such efforts by PR, they have decided that PERKASA will come into existence. PERKASA would bulldoze through any reforms that went against BN policy. And to find someone radical and stupid enough to head the organization, they managed to enlist none other than the loathsome Ibrahim Ali. An oddity himself, Ibrahim Ali fits the bill perfectly. A perverse version for UMNO’s radical views, PERKASA was setup to do their dirty job.

He would protest anything under the sun. Anything that BN would like to see repressed would be the perfect opportunity for PERKASA. Article 153 is their Holy Mantra now, and they have vowed to defend this specific article in the Constitution to their death. Nothing else matters. Other articles that form the Constitution are irrelevant.

Ibrahim Ali’s antics are legendary, as we look back to the past where he first went after the Chinese, saying that Malaysia will be conquered by the Chinese in the next election. Later he retracted to say that he wasn’t Racist, and was only trying to protect Malay Rights.

Then came Ketuanan Melayu, where he and Dr M went all out to disunite the country by affirming that Malays had more rights than other races. Every single statement conjured by these duo, were totally against the 1Malaysia concept. A timid Najib however, had no qualms to let them drone on, refusing to haul them up for questioning, or to charge them under the Sedition Act.

It seems UMNO is really at ease that PERKASA managed to repress these reforms without UMNO having to lift a finger. To date no one really knows whether the New Economic Model (NEM) has been gazetted to replace the NEP.

When once, the BN government after howling public protests, tried to rein them in by gently disassociating with them, PERKASA rebuked UMNO threatening to withdraw support for UMNO. Somehow, UMNO retreated like a wounded pussycat, leading the public to write the whole episode off as a SANDIWARA.

His rebuke of Khairyl Jamaluddin, Tengku Adnan Mansor, Chua Soi Lek and Nazri Aziz was satirical, lending an air of comic relief to an already tensioned political rift.

During the mosque controversy, he asked the government to disallow non Muslims from visiting Mosques and Suraus. He also called for the incarceration under ISA of a DAP woman representative for soiling the Mosque.

Ibrahim continues to belch and bellow, commenting on any topic that pleases him, like setting up a co-memorial of MAY 13, so that people can be reminded of this so-called auspicious day.

When things were getting out of hand, he called on the government to retract the citizenships of non-deserving Malaysians that questioned government policies.

This is just to name a few of the naughty antics he gets up to, when he is bored. No one blames him, as he is making a name for himself, even though most of the time he is making a fool of himself. Malaysians, are actually relieved that there are politicians more dim-witted than themselves. No one believes though, that what he says is actually his own personal views. Everyone knows that he is a mouthpiece for BN, where BN politicians fear to tread.

Many who were agitated in the past by his speeches, has now grown immune, sensing this loud mouth as nothing more than an empty drum that makes the most noise. Although, many in the past feared that his fiery diatribe may spark World War III, today his outspoken views are treated as the JOKE OF THE DAY.

Lately, it has turned humorous with sex jokes in Parliament chiding women as the cause of Men seeking extramarital sex. Probably, sex starved himself he is using this example to generalize women at large. And he seems to insinuate that it is all right for men to seek sexual satisfaction outside, if their wives continue to ignore their spouses. But looking back at this repulsive, overweight toad-like figure, one can expect the spouse to avoid him like the plague, as what most Malaysians are avoiding him now.

Looking back at how ridiculous this Ibrahim Ali can be, and yet somehow he still gets himself elected as a Member of Parliament year after year is surprising. A representative of the people but fighting back against the very people that voted him in. What is more ironic, PERKASA is not a lone NGO, but a group of nearly 100 NGO’s banded together to form this new entity. And to think the tens of thousands that represent this hundred NGO’s actually agree to his repugnant views is hard to swallow.

During his heart operation, we can count the few who prayed for his safety, while others were screaming good riddance. While PERKASA’s existence was to be a punching bag for BN, it has turned out that he is the one pulling the punches. Most of his radical views have bounced of harmlessly in the Malaysian political circus, but it has one good effect though.

It is actually portraying what a spineless BN government we have, who is helpless, handicapped and with an inability to rein in such nonsensical diatribe spewing forth from this NGO. This same government who is constantly trying to convince Malaysians that BN is the only party that can serve the people.

People are actually laughing at BN and realising that our beloved government is nothing more than a self centred entity that will stop at nothing to ensure self enrichment.

MCA, MIC, GERAKAN and the other component parties are unusually silent at all the abuses by PERKASA in the past, which has led Malaysians to believe that BN is in cohorts with this NGO entity.

But through such childish antics and an impotent PERKASA, one can see the desperation in UMNO and BN, their forehead breaking in sweat to check the advances of the PR coalition. Losing in the next general election is definitely not an option, and BN having to resort to such low and dirty tactics to clampdown on reform, and trying to repress Malaysians from going forward is really saddening.

Lastly, the latest episode on TV3 news, standing side by side with Nazri and calling for a Royal Commission inquiry to investigate the sex video of Anwar Ibrahim is truly surreal. Never knew, that both of them are now best of friends. - Malaysia Chronicle

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