
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Taib’s a remake of P Ramlee’s ‘anak bapak’

If we have an impoverished past, can we speak of a prospering future? In which case why should the Sarawak Dayaks even humour Taib Mahmud with their support?

How can we justify the continuation of a government that believes in keeping its people poor and humbled so that they can vote for Barisan Nasional each time?

You can say with a poker face that the land grab issue is a fabricated and embellished tale spun by misplaced western idealists such as Clare Brown who has different values.

You can even dismiss Radio Free Sarawak as just an outfit run by a Dayak operating somewhere in London with Clare Brown or from Jakarta.

Yes, Sarawak is indeed taken over by foreigners. It’s taken over by the Lebanese. Sarawak is a haven compared to war torn Lebanon.

You can let your hair and everything else down here. Soon, the Geneids will take over Sarawak.

The uncle marries the sister of Taib, Taib marries the niece of the uncle. It’s a real life remake of P Ramlee’s anak bapak.

How can a decent government treat its people like this?

You have thousands of long houses without amenities. You take away the most important thing to the Dayak – his land, the earth that provides him with his sustenance?

Take away that land and you take away his very life.

‘Everyone knows’

You have had 30 years to carry out your promises. You can’t even fulfill basic needs to these longhouse dwellers.

You can’t promise a better future to the 20,000 participants of the 48,000 hectares NCR land managed by Salcra.

The promises made to people of Batang Ai haven’t been fulfilled and Taib wants to make more pledges.

The people of Sarawak are saying, it’s time for other people to make the promises. Things can’t be worse that what it is now.

One commentator has repeatedly said that Taib doesn’t care about the allegations and exposures of his wealth because ‘everyone knows’ about it but knowing about them doesn’t reduce the price of things he buys.

This stupid person is admitting a number of things about his character.

Taib thinks the phrase ‘everyone knows’ will encourage readers to dismiss or trivialize the subject matter of an article such as this.

There are numerous other articles on Sarawak written by more qualified writers than I.

I am sure if this stupid and arrogant person reads those, he will say the same thing – everyone knows about them.

Well, the fact of the matter is that everyone doesn’t know about them.

Unkept promises

And even if some people know about them, these stories about abuse of power, corruption, pillage and plunder must be retold every now and then.

This because the level of the people’s frustration and revulsion to these things must be heightened to effect the change.

Before making more promises for the future, Taib’s government must explain their past promises first.

According to many blogs by Sarawakians – at the long houses of Wong Pandak and Wong Panjai the people are still forced to gather their water from the rain off their roofs.

Likewise, children at the boarding school of Naga Kesit have no running water to drink and at the Scheme 1 and Scheme 2 longhouses at Sebelaiu there is no water to bath in because the erosion from the palm plantations have clogged up their streams.

Currently, even the clinic at the main town of Lubok Antu is without water! The people of the area say that as often as not they are forced to wash themselves in ditches!

The writer is a former Umno state assemblyman. This article is an excerpt of his posting in his sakmongkolak47 blog. - FMT

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