
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, April 24, 2011

A truly ungrateful BN government

When the 12th general elections is over and the people gave their verdict, when the Sarawak state election concluded and the people also gave their verdict, the BN government is pointing their fingers at the people, particularly the Chinese community, blaming them for being ungrateful.

Let us point out who is really ungrateful in the current situation. For decades, we have been voting blindly for the BN, thus giving them more than two-thirds majority to govern this nation up to this day; for decades, from our previous generations until today, we all have been faithfully paying our taxes and other revenues to the government without question; during the previous general election which saw the Malay community effectively abandoned Umno and BN for PAS and Semangat 46, the Chinese community came out in full force to vote for BN and save them from being dethrone and when former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamed hand over his premiership to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, we all gave a an almost 100 percent vote to the BN government hoping that the change that we have been dreaming of shall prevail.

But what went wrong then? The BN government which has been dominated by Umno for decades has turned out to be so ungrateful. They used our taxpayers' money to fund their political adventures, they used our money to fund their cronies businesses, they used our money to fund their ailing companies and rescue their failed businesses, they used our money to fund their money politics, they used our money to corrupt others, they used our money as their own, they used our money to buy those malfunction submarines, they used our money to buy those ageing aircrafts, ageing weapons, ageing defense system, to avenge and imprison their political opponents and many, many more!

When we voted for BN and Umno in so many general elections, what we got in return? They gave us racism, they show their "keris", they warned us with violence and possible bloodshed, they gave us disunity, they gave us discrimination, they gave us brutality, they hate us, they took away our rights to speak up, they took away our freedom of expression, they took away our religious rights, they took away our security, order and public safety, they took away our sons, daughters and grandchildren, they took away our lands, they took away our basic human rights and lastly, they took away our much devoted and respected Federal Constitution.

So, from all these descriptions, you can see who are really ungrateful in reality? It is Umno and BN who are the ones were being so ungrateful all these years. Their actions has been very, very disappointing and as the result, we have to make our stand firm by voting for the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) as an alternative force to be reckon with.

Let there be the PR to serve the people as well as to provide a check and balance for us. Let there be the PR to become a balance of power in the parliament so that BN would stop their ungrateful behaviors and start focusing on the wellbeing of our people and the entire nation, let there be the PR so that the BN's corruption and mismanagement could be captured and fully eradicated as soon as possible and let there be the PR so that they could become an alternative government in the near future.

Let there be the PR so the BN would never ever obtain their two-thirds majority again. Let there be the PR with large presence in order for justice in this nation to prevail. Let there be the PR so that the ungrateful BN would learn to take our people's verdict seriously.

Stop giving to the ungrateful BN government in order to stop our painful experiences.

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