
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 6, 2011

Ahmad Sarbani’s death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC (part 1)

And so it is with regards to the MACC. Those in the Royal Malaysian Customs Department have no one to turn to. They don’t trust the PDRM. They don’t trust the MACC. But they trust Malaysia Today. So they have askedMalaysia Today to let truth be told. And that is what we are going to do.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

We from the civil society movements are extremely unhappy about the rampant corruption in Malaysia that threatens to reduce the country to the status of a failed state. But what can we do about it other than lament and reveal what we know? Not that anything is going to be done about what we reveal.

Hey, we even revealed that the Attorney-General is bonking one of his Directors. And know what? Not only has nothing been done about it but he is still bonking her until today in spite of everyone knowing about it.

“So why bother?” many may ask. Well, our job is just to reveal the truth whether anything is done about it or not. We even reveal the misconduct of the opposition although we get vilified and are called traitors and are accused of being bought off.

It is what we do -- never mind how unpopular that makes us. And if you don’t like it, tough! That’s your problem, not mine.

Talking about corruption, I still remember back in the 1980s when I spoke to the Deputy IGP, Tun Haniff Omar’s number two, about corruption in the police force and he said that if they want to eradicate corruption they would have to sack 97% of the police force.

I did not ask Tan Sri Amin whether he is in the 3% or the 97%.

I also remember back in the 1990s when the Director of ACA Terengganu named Zainal launched corruption investigations against senior government officers and Umno leaders. It appeared like 100% of these people, Menteri Besar Wan Mokhtar Ahmad included, were going to be sent to jail.

Wan Mokhtar called Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Zainal was transferred within 24 hours.

So, yes, there are some good and dedicated Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA, now called MACC) officers. But then if they were to do the job they have been entrusted to do they would suffer persecution, 24-hour transfers, sent into ‘cold storage’ and whatnot. So it is not worth doing your job. Better, as one Member of Parliament said: you ‘close one eye’.

Closing two eyes plus your mouth and ears as well may be even better. Then you would go far.

So whom do people turn to when they are unhappy and distrust the very institutions that are supposed to be the trustees of the public? To the police? Pleeeeeez! To the MACC? What? And get thrown out of the window?

Luckily lawyer Rosli Dahlan was detained overnight in the MACC lockup in Putrajaya, which is underground. If not he would have also been found dead on the ground floor.

Can you imagine the newspaper headlines the next day if Rosli had died?

“Lawyer Rosli Dahlan was found dead on the ground floor of the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya. Rosli was suspected to have jumped out of MACC’s underground lockup and landed on the ground floor.”

Yes, as in the movie 'Ghost Buster', whom do you call? The Police? MACC? No, you call the Ghost Busters! You contact Malaysia Today. You come to Malaysia Today to ask that the truth be told.

And so it is with regards to the MACC. Those in the Royal Malaysian Customs Department have no one to turn to. They don’t trust the PDRM. They don’t trust the MACC. But they trust Malaysia Today. So they have askedMalaysia Today to let truth be told. And that is what we are going to do.

So stay tuned and tomorrow we shall tell you part two of the story “Ahmad Sarbani’s death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC”, a story that will shock you.

Just when you thought it is safe to go into the water, as they said in the movie ‘Jaws’. That’s right, there are many sharks in Malaysia. But not all sharks swim in the water. Many sharks walk on two feet. And many sharks wear uniforms. And many sharks are under the protection of Umno.

In fact, many of these sharks are actually instruments of those who walk in the corridors of power. They are instruments to take down those critical of the government. They are tools used to silence dissent.

And what worries those who walk in the corridors of power is that many who work for the government no longer trust the government but trust Malaysia Today more. And that is why they come to Malaysia Today to tell their story. And this is why they want Malaysia Today to reveal what they told us.

Now, hold on for part two where we reveal what our Deep Throat in the Customs Department told us.

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