
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Are You Happy Youths 27 million times over?

Gosh! RM27 million spent!!! on the supposedly youth assembly last month in Putrajaya so reported an on-line media of the government's reply when queried in Parliament. That was 18 times the supposedly RM1.5 million budget for the National Youth Day celebration.

Does it support the grouses parents have of their youth kids that youths these days are expensive to maintain and make happy?

And the government is happy the RM27 million is spent because it came from corporations. It would be interesting how much were squeezed out of GLCs and all those companies that contributed it as goodwill cum gratitude for favours granted?

And we are told to tighten our belt, save, don't spend and we are going bankrupt and cost is going up, companies are tightening their belt in the wave of increases when subsidies are removed and fuel prices go up.

And 1Malaysia is happy to blow away RM27 million to get the youths to 'defend' Putrajaya?

Let's hope the youths have some conscience of feeling regret that so much money has been spent to make them feel good, when there are those who are begging for scholarships, money that corporations donate could be well spent on other more deserving CSR projects. Than to invite rich kids to impress each other the kind of groovy lives they live and expensive taste for activities just to make them happy, huh?

What happened to going back to basics and simple fun without needing to demand that the goodie bags are at least of some standard so that they will come? Are we pampering or rather 1Malaysia seeks to pamper the youths to the extent that money, precious money is spent at no expense just to have a good shoik sendiri feel good event to get the youths to love the leaders so that these youths become obedient kids that will lay down their lives to defend Putrajaya?

Gosh does it mean our youth are so easily bought by games, goodie bags and activities for them to know that someone thinks and love them? We wonder if our youths have got their priorities all screwed up with respect to loving and admiring who first? Parents or the government?

Wonder if the youth feel any regret now that hard earned money of workers in the corporations went to their enjoyment which could be used for scholarships to deserving youth, or programmes to upskill unemployed youths, or youths that have no proper decent meals or canggih handphones that were snapping millions of facebook pixs, huh?

Or we have a selfish bunch of 1million kids, if it was true 1 million turned up than just repeat people that made up the 1 million who think that they deserve RM27 million to make them happy!

Do the youths who went there think the money was worth it or it was to prop up some1 leader's vanity project to show he or she is caring towards the youths by burning away RM27 million of corporations money that otherwise could have been channelled to the families of the corporations or to some underprivileged kids, homes or charities huh?

So are those youths who attended feel the RM27 million is justified because they all had a good three day of fun while the money could have been put to better use to perhaps enable some poor youth to complete a university or a year's supply of food and welfare to homes, charities or the poor?

As long as the youths do not react or give feedback knowing that RM27 million was spent on them which could be put for better use, next year's event may require perhaps twice this year's amount, eh?

So youths who attended, are you willing to fight against such 'sinful' use of money or you believe the amount was worth it and you will defend Putrajaya come what may because you needed to 'scratched the back' of some1 who got RM27 million splashed on you?

Why were the youths not told of the RM27 million being spent during the rah rah shoik sendiri and call to defend Putrajaya speech? Why was this amount hidden from the youth? Was someone afraid the youths would feel bad! Perhaps the youths will rejoice that they are worth RM27 million for fun and games! Did the RM27 million created a united, lovey dovey youth and perhaps increased their fans in FB, superficial camaraderie and forgotten after a week or so?

It would be interesting if there are youths with conscience would start a FB to conduct a survey of their feedback knowing that RM27 millions was spent on them and whether it was too much or if it could have been used for more deserving causes.

Is RM27 million too small or too big to built unity, friendship and harmony over three days? Is it like paying the youths or rather buying them to tell each other and the people on stage that day that they are all one Malaysia and all that mushy mushy stuff?

We hope it's not some foreign APCO's strategy to get Malaysians or rather force Malaysians to buy in someone's grandiose 1Malaysia scheme. Since it was thought up and imposed, millions or can we summise billions of ringgit have been squeezed from corporations and millions spent for all those '1 lagi 1Malaysia programmes.' Such an expensive brand attempt for something that could have been so much cheaper if they got right from the start, right?

And this RM27 million will not be the last. Expect more 1this and 1that to squeeze corporations and GLCs. Wonder if the Youths sympathise with the employees who have to work hard to earn even sen and to see their CEOs giving it so easily to 1 person first while employees need to perform and slog to get the money to give away now!

Are the youths being bought than being sincere about their belief of what this 1Malaysia is all about? If we need so much money to build up a 1Malaysia brand, it confirms what BolehLand folks these days believe that in BoleLand, everything can be bought at the right price, including the youths?

So to the million youths at the carnival, are you feeling a lot better knowing RM27 million has been squeezed out of corporations just to make you happy or for one's man and his party pleasure huh? Isn't it better to divide the RM27 million with those there which some feel was less than 100,000? Boy, that would make the Youths defend, pander, lick and sacrifice their lives to defend Putrajaya, right? Or the better use may be to buy hardware and firepower to defend fortress Putrajaya and deter any march towards it, huh? Perhaps use it to pay voters in GE13? After all, the youths can't vote still right?

Will the youths come to defend that the RM27 million was justified, well spent and considered loose change for them just as they all supposedly cheered and also promised that they will defend Putrajaya too, huh?

Let's hope the Youths do defend that the RM27 million is justified or else it was all a sham and a waste. So too the Youth's promise to defend Putrajaya and we wonder what the Youth's asking price would be, huh?

So what say you Youths on your expensive RM27 million splash?


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