
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A banana-shaped landmass called Malaysia

A banana-shaped landmass called Malaysia

The setting is a peninsular, banana-shaped landmass surrounded by water on its west, south and east. Its name is Malaysia.

For the first time, the rakyat will rally 100% behind Prime Minister Najib Razak and his team mates. Their sole champion and comrade-in-arms mouth-organ - the Utusan will be the only media well subscribed in this country.

The entire population will march down every street, nook and corner demanding for the complete annihilation of all opposition parties and anti-UMNO NGOs.

Armed with CDs, billboards and banners, the entire population will scream for the blood of Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng and Mat Sabu. But they will not have to go after the rest who would either be made to flee the scene by force or meekly join the rebellion.

UMNO together with its not too important BN allies will wave the flag of triump over evil.

Along with the existing line-up of UMNO leaders, the crowd cheers a thundering salutation to Ibrahim Ali. The entire streets are lined up with PDRM personnel in full battle gear but the crowd garland them with flowers and praises for keeping them in-line.

Amidst the celebration, every Dick, Tom and Harry in town will pledge their undivided support to UMNO. "UMNO is our savior, be our master" will be the deafening slogan that fills the entire airwaves of the nation.

A bee-line of nations across the globe will descend upon Malaysia to learn how a nation of diverse ethnicity and culture and economic status have converged to stand up and fight for the evergreen UMNO.

Hillary Clinton will issue a world-wide statement acknowledging the supreme success of UMNO under PM Najib's leadership and the total submission of the citizenry. "If half the world can emulate Malaysia, the USA will remain the supreme global master with less to worry," she declares.

And with that the world's associations of journalism will organize a global media conference to learn from the Utusan all about the 'new age' journalism in a troubled world.

Every private sector leader will scarmble to take up full page color advertisements in the most authentic newspaper - the Utusan, to tell the leaders of their remorse for supporting the opposition without knowing all these while; to place on permanent record their born-again conversion and loyalty pledge to UMNO, the savior of all things Malaysian.

The Najib adminsitration, acting on the advise of the Tun Dr Mahathir will declare a week long holiday for the nation. Everyone will flood the public squares all over the country in a partying mood. Everyone will come with plastic bags to take home more food as this paid-for makan-makan is the kindness of the benevolent and rakyat-caring UMNO.

Meanwhile, the public will in unision demand that all die-hard opposition leaders and followers still lurking in the bushes be C4-ed and all immigration records and NRD records be wiped out so that it remains as a see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, and speak-no-evil experience for the rakyat till eternity and perhaps beyond.

And with that the nation soars ahead. The rakyat is finally quiet and satisfied having learnt that UMNO owes no one any favor. We should take what is given. We are indeed fortunate to get at least something sometimes. In some countries the citizens do not even get anything all the time.

Everybody is happy. The breeze is gently swaying a lullaby. And then you hear the ayam jantan crow. And you wake up.

Was it a sweet dream or a strangulating nightmare?

- J. D. Lovrenciear is a well-known commentator and contributor to Malaysia Chronicle

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