
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Between the Pimp & Prostitute & Obedient Wife

In the sad sleazy world of vice and sex, the prostitutes are often in obedience and required to look sexy, clothes, body language, the works most of not out of their own volition but at the behest of the pimp, the master who control them. And that will ensure that they will remain faithful to the pimp and not try and gain their freedom.

In BolehLand, there is also a similar kind of obedience as well as sexy requirement directed at wife or wives to ensure that their husbands don't visit prostitutes and also ensure these horny men or rather husbands won't beat up their wives, for failing to obey and look sexy, vice versa for their indulgences.

And this call for wives to be submissive and subjugated to their man is from a group who claim to follow what the Holy Book commands.

It's advice from BolehLand's 'The Obedient Wife Club' (see story below) whose members also have the distinction of advocating polygamy again in according to their God's command so they claim. Since the authorities don't think what they are doing illegal one can assume that they are given official blessings. But then if you have God and your Holy Book as proof of sanctioning and even encourage what they are doing, officialdom can't really declare God's commands 'haram' huh?

So by their so called 'logic' which some think medieval and very harem alike, their men folks must be a very happy lot. In fact it pays to be happy with this group and the measurement of the man's happiness is the number of wives he marries and the children he begets.

And if one is to prescribe to their thinking, so much about women emancipation in BolehLand and Sisters in Islam should be disbanded, so too the more than 50% women in BolehLand should stay at home and wait to fulfill the lust of their hubbies or lovers even if they have gotten it elsewhere hah!

It's always the woman's fault if the husband or man strays or have a high libido. It's always a woman's fault if she get molested and raped. Isn't it wonderful for men in BolehLand, where the men can screw any gurl or wives and even kopi bois and not get blamed?

If these women are so good at pleasing their husbands by being servile, wonder if the happy hubby's request for a ménage à trois would be met with equal enthusiasm by the wives hah!

Why is it always incumbent upon the woman to be the sex object for their husbands, boyfriends or married lovers? The man can become a fat obese slob but the woman should remain the eternal virgin and playboy bunny typo?

Ask any woman if they should be treated as sex objects and we can guess their answer is a flat 'NO'. Ask any woman if they like to be considered sexy and objects of desire, eroticism and allure to the men, they would likely say 'YES', if not the beauty and fashion industry would not be making billions right?

But back to our Obedient Wives. These women must really be admired and given awards for their undying love for their hubbies. For those polygamy ones, the first wive is the biggest failure because she didn't obey, serve and entertain her hubby enough. If she had, he wouldn't have gone out to look for a second one right?

And what of those men who like to slut and play behind their wives or lover's back, pun intended too? What aspects of service, obedience and entertainment have the woman failed miserably?

The way to handle slutty and selfish husbands is not to lecture the wife or wives of their failings. Perhaps it's about zapping that part of their head, both ends if needed, so that they will not look upon others to serve, obey and entertain their uncontrollable their libidos but singe it so that the man will serve, obey and entertain only the woman or women they have pledged before God and her or them to love and obey and death do they depart, right?

Perhaps they should give such inspirational talks to those politicians who have gone astray at least in satisfying their carnal desires and those alleged to done so and perhaps many others still doing it and yet to be exposed, just yet huh?

And let's hope these people in the Obedient Wives gang never get elected because the people have enough of being told to 'serve, obey & entertain' by a present bunch of men folks and their women too, who share the same religion with those of our 'Obedient Wives Club' with the difference these men are involved in politics, huh?

So is there a difference between the pimp and his harem of prostitutes doing exactly what our 'Obedient Wives Club' members are advocating? Of course one may argue the difference is one is forced to submit and are subjugated while the other is a willingness to be subjugated to the man's demands. The end of it all is the same, satisfying the man's lustful libido right?

Gurls or wife or wives, if any man tell you that they can give 100% love to more than one person, a woman especially, and you believe him, either he is God incarnate or God himself. Or, he is a member of the Obedience Wives Club or you are one of its members, huh?
‘Wives can curb social ills like prostitution by being obedient and alluring’
By ISABELLE LAI - 3 June 2011, Star

PETALING JAYA: Wives who “obey, serve and entertain” their husbands can help reduce social ills such as prostitution and domestic abuse, according to members of The Obedient Wife Club.

The Club, to be launched Saturday by Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd, aims to teach wives how to keep their husbands happy and contented.

Global Ikhwan, an organisation founded by former members of the banned Al-Arqam Islamic group, also launched the Ikhwan Polygamy Club two years ago.

Global Ikhwan spokesperson Siti Maznah Mohd Taufik said that many social ills were caused by disobedient wives who failed to bring joy to their husbands.

“Domestic abuse happens because wives don't obey their husband's orders. A man must be responsible for his wife's wellbeing but she must listen to her husband,” said Siti Maznah in an interview on Friday.

When asked whether it was the wife's fault for being abused, she said: “Yes, most probably because she didn't listen to her husband.”

Siti Maznah, 48, also stressed that husbands would not stray and turn to prostitutes if wives supplied them with a satisfying sex life.

She said women had the duty of making themselves attractive and dressing up beautifully at home.

“Wives should welcome them with sexy clothes and alluring smiles when in the privacy of their homes,” she said, adding that she herself did the same as everyone in the club practised what they preached.

Siti Maznah, a second wife and mother to five children, said she treated her husband's first wife like her elder sister.

“Altogether, we have 16 children in our household. My husband is a happy man, you can see it from his actions,” she said.

According to her, the Ikhwan Polygamy Club now has over 1,000 members comprising both husbands and wives. The average number of children per polygamous household ranges from four to 26.

Siti Maznah admitted that husbands were not perfect and it was natural for disagreements to occur, sometimes.

“We can have discussions and disagreements. We don't just keep quiet when we don't agree with our husbands,” she said.

However, as long as husbands did not go against Islamic law, their final word was law, she said. - YAHMEH!!!

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