
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Datuk T trial may be used to springboard new attacks on Anwar, Mat Sabu

Datuk T trial may be used to springboard new attacks on Anwar, Mat Sabu

UPDATED It looks like the Datuk T trio will finally have their day in court. But few of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's supporters expect any justice for him, instead they see it as the latest ruse by Prime Minister Najib Razak to "character-assassinate" his arch rival ahead of general elections widely expected to be called within months.

Pakatan Rakyat supporters also believe that the Datuk T trial will be used to springboard a separate UMNO attack against newly-elected PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu.

Trailing in the popularity polls for taking a draconian and high-handed approach to an anti-election fraud rally slated for July 9, Najib's advisers are keen to deflect growing public anger for the 58-year-old PM, who has been accused of plunging Malaysia into the worst disrepute both nationally and internationally since taking power in April 2009.

"The name of the game as far as the sex video is concerned has always been about tarnishing Anwar. From sodomy, now he is accused of adultery. For sure, Najib won't spare Anwar, he cannot win if he did," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

On Friday, as tensions mounted over the Bersih rally in Najib's disfavour, due to his refusal to punish Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali for threatening racial violence if the citizen's Walk for Democracy was not cancelled, Shazry Eskay Abdullah received a long-overdue SMS message from the authorities.

"I just received a letter asking me to be present in court just two hours ago," Eskay was reported as saying.

Blackmail and gutter politicking

It is believed that Eskay, a businessman, and two accomplices - former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik and Perkasa treasurer Shuaib Lazim - will be charged on Friday. They have been told to present themselves at the court complex at 8am that day.

The trio had screened a sex video to a group of journalists and select members of the PKR party, alleging that the tape featured Anwar having sex with a female prostitute.

Anwar has denied the allegations and lodged a police complaint for criminal defamation and blackmail as the three men had also demanded that he and his wife resign from active politics within a week.

It is not known yet what charges will be preferred against Shazryl and the the other two on Friday, but it is illegal in Malaysia to possess or publicly show pornographic material. If found guilty, and in this case the trio have already publicly confessed to doing so, they can be jailed for up to 5 years.

Anwar unconvinced

However, the chances of imprisonment are silm. All three men are UMNO members with close links to the very top leadership. Eskay and Rahim are known to walk in the inner circles of ex-premier Mahathir Mohamad's clique in UMNO, while Shuaib, the father-in-law of Rural minister Shafie Apdal, is close to Najib.

"Seriously, can anyone see any of the three men going to jail? They are likely to escape with a fine but only after they drag Anwar through the mud again," Eddie Wong, a veteran PKR watcher, told Malaysia Chronicle.

"This was a very elaborate scam set up with the help of the BN-owned mainstream media. The top editors were all involved. It did create a huge impact on Anwar but he has bounced back even stronger. At the same time, the damage to Najib seems to be permanent."

Even Anwar himself had scathing words when informed of the charges.

"You mean to say that UMNO wants to seriously take action against them? I am unconvinced," Anwar told reporters at the Parliament lobby.

"Knowing the Attorney-General and his track record, I am sure it will be a very minimal sort of charge to appease the forces, like all other politically motivated charges, except when it involves opposition leaders."

UMNO knives out for Mat Sabu

Indeed, many Malaysians now expect the BN-controlled press to shine the spotlight on newly-minted PAS No. 2, Mat Sabu.

The moment it was known he had won the coveted and influential post, and the Islamist party also announced a landmark shift in focus to a welfare state, the UMNO knives have been out for him.

Days after his triumph, a sex CD "Seks Skandal Mat Sabu" or Mat Sabu's Sex Scandal was widely distributed in Selangor. However, the contents did not show him performing any sexual acts.

Nonetheless, his party mates see it as a warning and they are watching out for the next storm of gutter politicking to break loose from the Najib camp.

Mat Sabu is known for his strong dislike of UMNO, which he frequently accuses of corruption and of stealing wealth from the people. However, as UMNO is keen to knock together a merger with PAS, which would confirm their hold on political power, Mat Sabu is seen as an obstacle.

Not surprisingly, Sabu now tops the UMNO blacklist of who to malign and discredit.

"We are not afraid. Let them do their worse. We are very confident the Malays know who is to blame," Kuala Krai MP Hatta Ramli told Malaysia Chronicle.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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