
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 3, 2011



THE Sabah DAP Interior Liaison Chief, Dr. Benjamin Yapp said that the statement made by the President of UBF on the DAP is very much unfounded and out of context. He is just making some allegations and just merely trying to portrait himself as the so call ‘fighter for the Sabahan’.

It is not only sad but this reflects and exposed the kind of thoughts that is in his mind. He also thinks that he is the only one who is fighting for the rights of the Sabahan. He ignored those who have been working hard to serve the people in Sabah, so as to protect the well being of the Sabahan.

The question remains that how much he (Jeffrey) had actually done for and fought for the Sabahan. If one did not remember wrong, the answer is actually - very little. We Sabahan are not that forgetful and we know our history well, especially those history associated with Dr. Jeffrey Kittingan.

Just to remind him that since he keep on mentioning the DAP is a Semananjong Party (Party from the West), we have to refresh his memory that if he is so against and may be he dislike the Semanajong Parties, why on earth he quickly joined the PKR which is a Semananjong Party too after having no place for him in the Sabah local parties.

He had been fighting to reach out to the top post in Sabah PKR but in vain, lastly he choose to leave PKR, and prepared for himself the UBF which is a new platform for him and he proclaimed himself as the President.

Dr. Benjamin wanted to ask him a few questions on why he persistently mentioned that DAP is a Semananjong Party? What are his motives and his hidden agendas? Is it because he thinks that the DAP is bullying the Sabah local parties or doing something that is not good for the Sabahan?

We in Sabah DAP are Sabahan too and we have been working hard for our fellow Sabahans (including for him) through out Malaysia. This is because DAP is a Malaysian political party, and it is a National party in Sabah. Our DAP leaders not only outwardly speaking on behave of the Sabahans both in Parliament and in the State Assembly, but also working hard to bring about changes in the towns and kampongs.

We see it as our solemn role and our duty to serve the people of Sabah, and not like someone who just know how to criticize on other’s work performance while keeping quiet and ‘pour cool water’.

Dr. Benjamin asked Dr. Jeffrey how much did he help to move the ‘Borneonization’ in Sabah and Sarawak, or had he achieved any solid materialization of the call? Dr. Jeffrey was in PBS State government, BN government and in the opposition Pakatan Rakyat which he joined, left, rejoined and left and we are not sure how many times.

We remember those days when he was the Director of the Yayasan Sabah (YYS) which lasted quite a number of years under the PBS government, did he bring the much needed ‘welfare and benefits’ for the Sabahan, or at least the dividend of RM100 per person yearly?

If we calculated back from the day since the PBS stopped the dividend distribution to the Sabahan until now, and it is true each person would receive at least RM4,000 or more. Just imaging how much can this money do for the poor folks.

What did he do for the Sabahan when he was the Senator cum Deputy Federal Minister, Sabah State Assemblyman and at the same time holding top government positions? The Sabahan knows the answer, and they know exactly who is doing good, fighting for their well being and protecting their rights.

- Sabahkini

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