
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Gerakan, MCA, MIC: Going the way of the dodo bird

Gerakan, MCA, MIC: Going the way of the dodo bird

As Pakatan Rakyat steps forward in clearer and bolder steps - PAS taking a more moderate stance, DAP making huge gains in Sarawak and PKR still steadily holding the fort despite the enormous pressure to crack their party - what is there left for the sidelined component parties in Barisan Nasional?

Of late, it has been UMNO who has been grabbing the lime-light and playing big brother to all things politics. What has happened to the rest?

Khor Gark Kim, a former state Gerakan vice-chairman and central executive committee member, is one of few who have draed to speak up. He urged Gerakan president Koh Tsu Koon to heed the writing on the wall.

“Dr Koh should have stepped down after the 2008 general election but it's not too late now. Gerakan needs a leader with vision and drive to become bigger and stronger alongside the other Barisan Nasional component parties,” said Khor.

This is not the first time Gerakan is thinking of changing its own managing team starting at the top. If the rumors of an EGM to oust Koh are true, it shows again how uneasy Gerakan grassroots are about the future of their party, their own status and ability to to service for the community.

There is no longer any doubt. With or without the party, Gerakan members are themselves desperate to make themselves relevant again. The only question is - to what extent and at what price are they willing to pay to regain credibility.


As for the MCA, the other main Chinese party in the BN, their leaders have been reduced to mere exponents of verbal arguments and veiled threats. The manner at which MCA leaders rushed for a slice of the limelight in the row over government scholarships speaks for itself. But diligence, especially new-found, and the realization that they need to show the community they are better than the DAP is no use. It is not enough.

DAP today is basically the same as it has been for decades. But not the MCA. Once arrogant, they are now slumming. Would they have changed their high and mighty ways if not for the fact that they face decimation in the 13th General Election?

And even more odd is when MCA, led by its president Chua Soi Lek, pledged to stay out of government if it failed to improve its flagging support amongst the Chinese voters.

When Chua made the announcement, there was confusion. No one knew what he was getting at and sad to say, no one trusted him. After all, why cut your nose to spite your face? Anyway, the MCA has not been representing the Chinese in government, so what? That was the view of many Chinese voters.

Recently, it transpired that Chua and MCA were not trying to be noble. It appears they were trying to use the gambit to pressure UMNO into giving them the same number of seats to contest as in 2008. This was the buzz following the recent tiff over the Wangsa Maju seat and it reflects how poorly the electorate views MCA and its scruples or lack of them.

Instead of learning from the mistake of others, Chua resorted to the same tactic used by SUPP in Sarawak with disastrous results. If MCA is so sure of not being in government, it doesn’t need to black-mail the Chinese community to stay in government. Most of the Chinese will vote them out away.

And MIC? There is not much to speak of for a party that has literally gone silent and all but disappered into the woodwork. MIC’s attempt to highlight the problems Indians students faced in obtaining government scholarships money seems to have gone underground for the moment. Out of sight and out of mind, it appears.


It is of no surprise that MCA, Gerakan and MIC will go the way of the dodo bird in GE-13. To salvage themselves, these sidelined BN parties have to stand up against UMNO and its brand of racial and religious politicking.

The voting public are tired and disgusted at the form of politics practiced by UMNO. So when MCA, Gerakan and MIC put in close to no effort to ratify and pacify the situation created by their coalition boss, UMNO, the public would naturally lose confidence in them as well.

It is a lost cause for MCA, Gerakan and MIC to remain in BN. It is much better for MCA, Gerakan and MIC leaders who still have fire in their bellies and a desire to serve the people to strike it out on their own.

If they stay in MCA, and MCA stays in UMNO's BN, then they will be doomed in GE-13. They would do better to talk to the Pakatan Rakyat, which is now facing the sunrise and holding the public's trust rather than the BN despite its 54 year old record.

Then again, after being pampered by all the government goodies, can they make the switch. As for Pakatan, does it make much sense to accept these BN leaders or will it cause internal struggle?

- Malaysia Chronicle

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