
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, June 26, 2011

Is a ‘Titanic’ fate awaiting BN’s rule?

Is a ‘Titanic’ fate awaiting BN’s rule?

The BN coalition party had every season in its favor for these past five decades and so it successfully ended up as the government of Malaysia. And over the many years of repeatedly being returned to power by the faithful electorate, it had every reason, duty and means to keep improving its track record.

But today, in the wake of the countdown to Bersih 2.0, it is becoming crystal clear that BN’s sins of omission, sins of corruption, sins of abuse, sins of neglect, sins of greed, sins of mismanagement, sins of unreliable and questionable accountability – the many sins against the very rakyat who voted them into power by majority margins, are now obviously fast catching up with the BN.

Today, the BN and in particular UMNO is not at war with its political opponents alone. Beyond dispute, it is fighting with a slippery edge on its own turf, a battle with the very electorate that kept BN coming back to power all these years.

For the first time, we are witnessing Malays, Chinese, Indians and others – or ‘Malaysians’ as how the rakyat label themselves, are united beyond roots and religion in a war against BN’s own sins. That explains the market place canvassing and affirmation among the rakyat to keep the 9 of July 2011 a commitment date.

The BN government in recognizing the reality of the day, is bent on intimidating the rakyat at lightning speed with the hope that the people will back-off. Its guns are trained on the organizing team of leaders and perhaps even on leaders from the opposition parties. This strategy stems from BN’s own half-a-century old believe that if you want to kill a snake go for the head.

There is a remote probability that BN will have things turned around on their terms. But that is only short-lived because this is not just about some unhappy citizens; it is not about ‘an opposition ploy’; it is not an NGO fueled rebellion. It is certainly not about Datuk Ambiga and team even.

On the contrary, it is about lost hopes over long periods and a sense of betrayal that the rakyat are now exhibiting. When people have reached a point where they remain convinced that enough is enough, they may appear to back off in the face of power wielding authoritarian leaders. But that is just temporary.

And the lethal blow will return when citizens take to the ballot box.

If the voters succeed in turning the tables over through the ballot box, BN will have to swallow humble pie and in all probability some will have to flee from the cascading, earth shuddering aftermath.

But if the rakyat lose out to the experienced BN that has repeatedly and unashamed announced that it is determined to secure victory by any means, the country will only risk greater dissidence from the electorate.

That resistance may be overt or it could turn out to be covert – going ‘underground’ or ‘activated behind the curtains’. As much as the world witnessed the ‘iron curtains’ and the ‘bamboo curtains’, Malaysia may enter history with the advent of the ‘rattan curtains’. It all depends on how ruthless BN is prepared to be.

Either way, the nation is bound to be ravaged until the rakyat are given the space and the time to determine with their approval and free, fair and just participation for a government they can pin their hopes on and loyalty to.

That new government could be from the existing opposition parties or in all likelihood be an emerging new entity garnered from the existing pool of individuals from all sides, who have stood the test of time for transparency, accountability, ethical and just dispositions.

Hence considering all odds, if BN and especially UMNO want to protect, nurture and progress this nation that is at crossroads, it would be wiser to admit its past sins and demonstrate to its people that it is prepared to be cleansed and transformed by the rakyat.

And to do so, the first proof is in allowing the rakyat to proceed with their Bersih 2.0 and go the distant – no matter how unpopular BN may turn out to be to its own power brokers and milking barons within UMNO, MIC and MCA, and ensure that the rakyat are protected from harm’s way.

Next, BN must be seen to be subservient to the EC. This is to be demonstrated by allowing the EC to be summoned by His Majesty and made to report to His Royal Highness. That obviously will entail appointing a new head and perhaps top management team for the EC by His Majesty.

At the same time, the PDRM must be returned to His Majesty’s Service. PDRM cannot be partisan to BN or UMNO be perceived to be a collaborating partner with the police force.

But going by the unfurling of event after event, incident after incident these past several years – especially after Najib took over the leadership, it appears that the past sins of BN have sunk the politicians from the BN fold far too deep into the mud threatened with a ‘titanic’ fate awaiting in the months ahead. - ENDS

- J. D. Lovrenciear is a reader and contributor to the Malaysia Chronicle

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