
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, June 13, 2011

Malaysia's own diva Rosmah Mansor, dogged by Sodomy II, Altantuya trials

Malaysia's own diva Rosmah Mansor, dogged by Sodomy II, Altantuya trials

In any drama, there is that character destined to be the person we all love to hate. Usually, this will be the scheming, manipulative and temperamental character who must one way or another get his orher way at everybody else's expense.

And Malaysia’s diva is none other than Rosmah Mansor - hands down.

Some years back, there was a gathering of leaders in Kuching, Sarawak. Jean Abdullah, the second wife of the then-prime minister Abdullah Badawi, was present and Rosmah was in attendance.

As the ministers met, their wives were treated to various tours and side-events and this is where the difference between Jean Abdullah and Rosmah Mansor was glaring. No, there was no harem scuffle like between Osama bin Laden widows, but a war was being played out. No doubt about it.

Officials at the hotel where the two were staying were in a bind. Rosmah insisted on using the official car, while Jean Abdullah wanted to ride the bus with the other minister’s wives.

In the end, despite being the deputy's wife, Rosmah Mansur got her stretch-limousine. And Jean Abdullah took the bus.

Who wears the pants in Putrajaya

Humility is one of life's great lessons and most beautiful when it is a natural trait that is inborn and comes from one’s inner self. Those in attendance noted that Jean Abdullah had this in spades and Rosmah did not.

Mrs Najib played her diva's role to the hilt and without an iota of remorse. She should learned her lesson then but she chose to chug on her own exclusive path and this 'aloofness' or 'arrogance' or even 'self-conceit' in her has become more exaggerated as her husband transited from DPM to PM.

Based on the Federal Constitution, Rosmah Mansor is not the 'First Lady of Malaysia', she is merely the 'wife of the Prime Minister' and definitely not the first lady to Najib Razak, and in more ways than one. Yet she trumpets around as if she owns the whole of Malaysia.

Trips to the Middle-East, overseas shopping sprees galore as well as the numerous hands-on government projects speak of a woman with a larger-than-life persona and ambition.

This is a woman who gets what she wants at any cost whatsoever and the people around her, including Najib Razak, will bend over backwards to cater to her whims and fancies.

And it should not be any surprise to all, with a personality like hers, she is able to afford US$12,000 hand-bags, RM65 million for renovations to her palace, and have a personal kitty in the form of budget allocations for Permata - a charitable body she heads.

"We encourage women to be ambitious, to go for it. But Rosmah is over the limit,” Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin told Malaysia Chronicle in a recent interview.

There are no comparisons to Rosmah Mansor. Such is her power.

Powerful influence in Sodomy II and Altantuya-Scorpenes

Not too long ago, Lokman Nor Adam, who is now part of Umno’s Special Affairs Think-Tank Department, attempted a rather silly comparison to Wan Azizah, the wife of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Lokman's comparison rested on his claims that the price of Wan Azizah’s clothes used to amount to RM8,000 per suit during the period when Anwar Ibrahim was Deputy Prime Minister. A rather weak point coming from someone who is part of the UMNO’s Special Affairs Think-Tank Department and former PKR member.

Yet, price of wardrobe aside, no one hates Wan Azizah if she can afford to wear suits at that price. Bear in mind, Wan Azizah was an elected member of Parliament and Opposition Leader until she voluntarily made way for Anwar Ibrahim.

Why is it that Wan Azizah does not generate the same sort public animosity as Rosmah does? Wan Azizah is famous for her serenity and rose-pink complexion.

Rosmah may be on the tubby side but she also has beautiful features and a friendly smile. Until she speaks, that is. Once that happens, somehow, people immediately sense that here is a very 'powerful' woman, someone you would do well to be careful around and not to step on her no-doubt beautifully-painted toes.

Yes, Rosmah is her own enemy. And because Najib has given his wife so much sway over the government including the people's money, Malaysians cannot but watch her closely.

The public has yet to know her full role in the Sodomy II charges against Oppsotion Leader Anwar Ibrahim. Questions that abound include, why was it necessary for her to give a statement to the police if she was not part of the conspiracy?

Then there is her 'darker' involvement in the Altantuya murder.

Would we see her giving her statement once French investigators catch up with Najib? For as wife of the Prime Minister, she has first hand knowledge of her own husband’s dealings and travelling schedule, including an alleged trip to Macau with their close friend Razak Baginda and a Mongolian translator.

As the two dramas - Sodomy II and Scorpenes-Altantuya, move towards an explosive crescendo, Malaysians can expect to be treated to more and more intriguing and shocking episodes.

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