
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nazri, office of PM is not Umno's birthright

your sayHadi is gunning for PM's job, says Nazri

Rocky: Nazri Aziz, by saying PAS leaders are power-hungry, are you saying that Umno and BN are not? So why do Umno/BN think that the position of PM is their birthright and no one else can have ambition to be PM?

As for Mohamad Sabu, I feel that, by far worse, the educated persons talking nonsense are Hishammuddin Hussein and Nazri. They talk crap and expect people to buy their logic. An educated fool is far worse than an uneducated one.

As for PAS election, so what if there were many contestants? If there were none, you'd say there's no democracy in PAS. What about Umno, why there are so many contests?

Nazri, you also forgot something - there is no money politics in PAS, but there's big time money politics in Umno. PAS doesn't split after its elections, unlike Umno. PAS is the only party that doesn't postpone its elections because of external factors, which Umno/BN parties do all the time. It shows PAS is not afraid of its members or the democratic system.

Dood: Nazri Aziz seems to think that by suggesting Hadi might become PM, a lot of people will be scared and not support PAS and Pakatan Rakyat. Well, he, like the lot of Umno/BN fellows and their cronies and lapdogs, don't seem to understand the people's sentiments.

Wira: If PAS wins the most seats among the Pakatan coalition, it is only right that the PM should come from PAS, just as Najib is the PM by virtue that Umno won the most seats in BN, even though the party is corrupt and racist to the core. The choice for Malaysians is basically between a clean and fair coalition against another that is morally bankrupt.

Muak: The office of prime minister belongs to anyone who is properly elected, honest, a servant at heart and has the rakyat's interest in consideration at all times. It belongs to every qualified Malaysian duly elected by the people, regardless of race and religion. Get this straight, Umno. The office of the PM does not belong to Umno, Najib's family, Hishammuddin's family or Mukhriz Mahathir's family. It belongs to the people. Understand, Nazri?

Ablastine: Whoever is going to be PM is up to the Pakatan and the rakyat to decide if they win the next election. It is not a matter of speculation for PM Najib Abdul Razak's administration or Umno. So it really is none of Nazri's business.

If Nazri thinks that getting rid of Anwar Ibrahim or portraying him as a sex maniac will bring down Pakatan, he'd better think twice. I hope he understands that what the rakyat want is good governance and as it is, I believe, many of us think that the BN government is not up to the task. If it prolongs its rule, very soon Malaysians will be working in Indonesia as domestic helpers and manual labourers instead.

By Election Fan: Nazri, what is that for you to be concerned if Hadi is going to replace Anwar as PM-in-waiting? Anybody from PAS, PKR or DAP as PM is none of your business. We are damn sure they are all much better than any of you crooks from Umno.

Easy One: As a non-Muslim, I will support Hadi if he is clean and incorrupt.

Anonymous: I'm not a Muslim but I don't mind if Hadi becomes PM, as I believe major decisions are not made by any individual but must be agreed to by the majority and the rakyat. This is not what has been practised by Umno and BN.

Michael Angelo: First, they say Pakatan has no successor to Anwar. When a potential successor emerges, they say he is gunning for the post. These Umno politicians are the ones who will have to answer to the law when Pakatan marches into Putrajaya, notwithstanding who is the Pakatan PM.

Long Jaafar: Hadi may dress like that, but he has a master's degree. So don't look down on the leaders of PAS. Nik Aziz Nik Mat is doing a good job of managing Kelantan in spite of all the odds against the state. He, too, has a Masters. These leaders are supported by thousands with PhDs, Masters and professional qualifications. So the innuendos and sarcasm against PAS leaders are, I think, misplaced.

Anonymous_40a7: Umno is in a desperate meltdown mode. FirstUtusan Malaysia attacks PAS left, right and centre - calling DAP and PKR the real victors of the PAS elections. Then, its "offspring" Perkasa goes on a rampage, claiming that the new PAS leadership is "Anwar's voice". Not to be out-gunned, DPM Muhyiddin Yassin claims PAS is straying from Islam, but is still hopeful of a 'unity government' with the party. Finally, there is this joker Nazri stating that Hadi wants the PM's job, while adding that PAS are opportunists.

What's next guys - PAS is a satanic cult bent on world domination, or a secret society that is actually non-Islamic at all? Come on, is this the best you fellas can come up with?

TKC: Nazri's scare tactic is not going to work with the informed electorate. I would rather have Hadi as our next PM instead of one who speaks with a forked tongue and surrounds himself with sycophants, hypocrites and crooks like Nazri.

Antidote: Nazri, you think by saying this, the non-bumiputera will vote for BN? Think again. I, for one, don't mind Hadi becoming the PM - we know what the agenda is with Pakatan Rakyat and the agenda is for the people, easing the rakyat's burden during these tough economic times. With BN, it's all about the money, money and more money for themselves, their families and their cronies.

Poppyie: Insya Allah, if it's the grace of God, nobody can stop Hadi from becoming the next PM of Malaysia. He has never been alleged to be involved in murdering anybody, neither he has been alleged to be involved in any kind of corruption; nor has he been involved in slandering anybody and above all, is a God-fearing politician. If it can be accommodated well within the Pakatan, I wish to see Lim Kit Siang becoming the DPM of Malaysia and his son Eng Guan becoming the finance minister. - Malaysiakini

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