
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 3, 2011

The problem with MCA women and headscarves

The problem with MCA women and headscarves

Wanita MCA secretary-general Chew Lee Giok criticised PAS for enforcing a dress code on non-Muslim journalists covering its Muktamar from June 3-5. The choice of words in her blistering statement raised a few eyebrows, especially when her senior and MCA's first woman vice-president, Ng Yen Yen, kept a mysterious silence.

"The choice of personal clothing is a fundamental and individual right. This is a clear example of PAS depriving people of their personal liberties. In a multi-racial country, I absolutely respect the Muslim dress code, but we also want PAS to respect non-Muslims' customs and choices," said Chew (right). "This shows that not only are they a pseudo-democratic party with overreaching power, but they also discriminate against women, hold extreme beliefs and are crossing acceptable boundaries to control individual rights."

There is a consistency among all MCA leaders to belittle PAS in whatever way possible and at every opportunity. Through the years they have managed to convince the Chinese to shy away from PAS.

And as a Muslim, I was rather surprised to see that many I presumed to be Chinese readers being positive on this ugly issue, and so I would like to take a back seat and allow our readers to voice their views on this controversy.

By the way, why isn't Ibrahim Ali speaking up for the Malay ladies

One of them has this to say: It is a PAS congress, and they have every right to call their shots on the dressing code. Non-Muslims covering the event must respect that code. Otherwise, when MCA hold their own event, I hope some reporters will be bold enough to go in their shorts and low-cuts to test MCA's newfound openness. MCA Wanita Chew should show her mettle and take on Ibrahim Ali if she has any guts, instead of letting that repulsive, overweight toad-like creature trample on non-Muslims.

Another reader implied that she is seeking cheap publicity by making a fuss, as nobody is forcing female reporters to cover the event if the headscarf is taboo. BN spoon-fed reporters covering the congress will probably distort their reports to put PAS in a bad light. Even before the event could kick off, already lies are being concocted by design.

One reader also asked Senator Chew to take on the literally hundreds of serious issues affecting the Race Relations Act that should be addressed rather than to seek cheap publicity. “WE WANT HER TO SPEAK ON ALL OR ELSE KEEP HER STUPID MOUTH SHUT.”

Let's not be rude, but look at Genting

By commenting on the issue, another reader said: “How does she equate a dress code with 'power hungry' and disrespect of other races and religions? Even if headscarves were compulsory, they are not entirely connected to Muslims and demeaning to non-Muslims. My mother always wears a headscarf when she’s on her bicycle distributing goods.”

“PAS didn’t step on Senator Chew’s fundamental and individual rights regarding what she wants or not wants to wear!! Take Genting Highlands as an example, to enter the casino, males have to wear shoes, trousers and a collared shirt or else they will be denied entry.”

Not satisfied he goes on to ask, does she mean that wearing a Chinese "cheongsam" with a slit right to her buttocks as commonly worn by waitresses in Chinese restaurants is acceptable in the PAS Congress? What about non-Muslim women in the Police and Armed Forces? Will MCA dare to speak out for them?

He ends it by saying: "Hello!!! Leave PAS alone. UMNO is allowing religious zealots to go on wild orgies. Where are you my dear? I didn't hear you telling the Palace you want your members to wear your Chinese dress code while receiving their Datukship awards."


Another reader has this to say: “Ask your Pornsident Chua, whether being asked to respect Muslim values when entering a Muslim gathering is more appropriate or being asked to remove your Christian symbols when a Muslim enters your Christian gathering? He ended his argument with: “back-door unelected unwanted senators really has no standing to represent the people.”

Another commented: “There's a lot of rubbish in MCA’s backyard. You should start there first instead of poking your nose into others. PAS, has denied such an order and as it was so rightfully pointed out there's always a telephone to call for clarification if you are keen to know the truth.”

“If you are picking a fight you have come to the right place, before anything, get your immoral president to vacate his presidency if he has any decency left. He played even his wife out so does it means he will not play you out? What you say and what you do will not change the Chinese's perception of your party which is immoral, corrupted and don’t deserve to represent monkeys even. This Senator is a liar and trying to score some brownie points."

One reader called her a hypocrite and suggested that she check the dress code in Parliament before making any noise. When you go to NUDE BEACHES don't complain to the authorities that the people there are shameless. If you cannot take it, stay out and don’t go there.

MCA is happy with the status of the Chinese being second-class citizens. MCA must not win a single seat in the next elections; only then will the MCA dogs learn about who their boss is…UMNO or the Rakyat., commented another reader.

Malaysians do better without MCA

So it goes to show, that Malaysians are intellectually more accommodating than the stunted bigotry of this Senator Chew, who thinks nothing of ranting about Race and Religious issues at the expense of another Opposition party.

With this kind of mentality MCA is doomed. Somehow, the Chinese can see through the MCA smokescreen, and have started to embrace PAS for its moderate values. Syabas!! - Malaysia Chronicle

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