
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Take your pick Umno elite, Plan A, B, C or D?

Take your pick Umno elite, Plan A, B, C or D?

The recent PAS party election is seen as a setback for UMNO. Hoping fervently for a possible split between the Erdogans and the Ulamak, UMNO was taken aback at the positive results, which saw a more moderate line-up. Suddenly, in the eyes of Malaysians, PAS has become a viable alternative to UMNO.

The murmurings amongst the Malays have started to grow louder. The new line-up also meant that an UMNO-PAS tie-up is no longer deemed feasible or possible. But still UMNO’s doors remain open. With their hopes shattering, UMNO needs to fall back on Plan B.

An excerpt of Najib’s speech in Kazakhstan just a day ago saysOpenness, honesty and transparency are vital if the people are to have faith that their government is working for them and not for itself. As political leaders and as statesmen, it is up to us to show the resolve, dedication, commitment and political will required to do what is right, to right what is wrong and to prevent corruption and secrecy from becoming a norm in our societies.

Spoken like a true statesman. So, what would PLAN B be like?

Plan B - if wishes came true

UMNO can postpone Elections to 2013, and start a positive campaign to woo back the Non Malays. It can start implementing overdue reforms that is staring in their faces all this while. They can start by re-tweaking the NEM to favour economic competitiveness. The last NEM was sabotaged by Perkasa as being too liberal, restricting Malay participation and Malays would be on the loosing end.

Secondly, it can proclaim a stop to all seditious remarks, racial and religious undertones by taking action to reprimand renegade NGO’s and extremists. In other words: a big full stop to any racial slurs or religious sentiments. Fry that fat toad first!

Revive the half-dead 1Malaysia concept, oxygenate it and re-implement it with focus on race relations, tolerance and people first, performance now. And then sack APCO and miscellaneous advisers after that!

All UMNO leaders should embark on the Haj Pilgrimage and return with a Haji-ship, and change UMNO’s struggles from welfare-based to an Islamic-based Party, and allow PAS to chide and condemn UMNO for being too extreme. Let Nik Aziz challenge UMNO, over his dead body to implement an Islamic State.

Remind all people that the Special Privileges of the Malays will not encroach on the Non Malay Rights which are rightfully enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

Return the RM52billion that rightly belongs to the Malays, without shedding a tear. For once, do something concrete for the Malays and not just talk!

Disband all extreme NGO’s that denies being UMNO stooges, and forgive those who do not deny that they are UMNO stooges.

Delay the amnesty for 2 million illegal workers in the country until after the 13th general election. Only reconsider the amnesty after the polls, if it is really not political as they say.

Immediate implementation of a multi-cultural society, by deleting the race column from our Identification cards. Extoll colour blindness and a multicultural BN government.

Restore Meritocracy, and equal rights for all Malaysians and instead of curbing the bumiputra rights, the Government should extend this same rights to all Malaysians and calling it the ‘Special Privileges of the Malaysians’. If there are no more complaints from Malaysians, we don’t see why Malaysians should stop supporting BN?

Rein in the Police and allow independence of the Executive, Legislative and the Judiciary.

Put a stop to all the Mega Projects and reuse the money to benefit the Rakyat. These projects can wait. The people have nothing to lose and Umnoputras can save a lot by not spending the billions on these projects.

Plan C - the art of creating trouble

If the above is too difficult for BN to implement, than they should contemplate Plan C. Plan C is a carbon copy of Plan A.

Continue ignoring the people. Allow the extremists to have a free rein to destabilize the nation. Pretend that it is all in the name of Freedom of Expression. Go ahead with the election and do what ever it takes to regain the mandate.

Get the expertise of Mr Gerry M Andering to ensure free and fair elections. Increase the Postal Votes, legalize the 2 million foreign workers and make sure the lights go out during the vote count.

Also, have the paramilitary RELA officers at the ready to create trouble and provide the federal government with an excuse to cause more trouble and declare emergency rule!

Plan D - tickets for a slow ride out on the Scorpenes

Should the inevitable happen, and Pakatan Rakyat becomes the ruling government, there is always Plan D.

A covert operation, with midnight rendezvous on unsinkable submarines. It would entail pre-planned packing of bags for ready-to-jump-ship mode. Ensure enough supplies for a long spell on foreign soil, as it can be very cold there.

Counterfeit passports with new foreign sounding names are advisable for opening of untraceable Swiss Bank Accounts and to delay the long arm of the law.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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