
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

To all Malay rights groups: The answer is with Umno, not the non-Malays

To all Malay rights groups: The answer is with Umno, not the non-Malays

Here are two more racist comments dressed up as concerned advice by two typical politicians who were trying to reach their respective audiences. Whether the men had nothing to do, or were trying to hoodwink Malaysians or were trying sound smart, no one knows or cares.

But it's time to nail these false gurus of race relations and ask pertinent questions, that no doubt they know. But you can be sure they won't tell you the real answer or they might just give them own game away!

The first, from Perkasa. Its official Syed Hassan said only when the special privileges accorded to the Malays is respected by all races, can national unity be forged. Syed Hassan also said it was not wrong for Perkasa to voice out issues affecting the Malay community.

Then from Chua Soi Lek, Umno's abused wife and Perkasa's favorite punching bad: "Even other races vent out on issues affecting their respective communities". Chua went on to magnanimously urge Malaysians to stop identifying themselves with the racial group they belonged to and accept the multi-racial reality of the country.

But the thing is, since when did Perkasa get the feeling that Malaysians are questioning the special privileges of the Malays? Did any of you out there question the special privileges - those who did, please put up your hand.

Then for Chua Soi Lek, if this man is questioning those rights, he is alone. Nobody is joining his bandwagon. Go after Soi Lek, but leave our non-Malay brothers alone. Also for Chua, by the way, when is the MCA opening its doors to the Malays, Indians and other races?

The two of you - don't play, play your BN games at our expense. We are quite fed up, we assure you.

So many questions

The Malays can have all the rights they want, only please do not reduce the rights of the non-Malays. If anyone tries to reduce the non-Malay Rights, we implore Perkasa to come to the aid of the non-Malays as well.

Why do we allow trivial issues like these ruin the peace in the country? Since independence, the Malays have been ruling the country until today. The number of Malay representatives in the government has not reduced, and neither will it be reduced if Pakatan Rakyat takes over the country.

The Malays are in total control of the government apparatus, from the Civil Service, to the Armed Forces, Government Linked Companies, Judiciary, Executive and Legislature and yet they are unable to placate the plight of the Malays. Do we Malays really want or need to be placated? Malays did not complain when the NEP failed to uplift our plight. Only Perkasa complained!

All the past neglect that Syed Hassan is talking about is because of UMNO and BN. It has nothing to do with the Non Malays in this country. Why is Perkasa attacking them, when it should be targeting its aim at the culprit UMNO? UMNO had 54 years to put things right, but it kept on dragging its feet until the worn out soles fell off.

It is not the non-Malays who are questioning Malay Rights, but it is the Malays themselves who are questioning the Government about their Rights, while Perkasa is questioning the non-Malays as to why non-Malays are questioning Malay Special Rights. So ... so ... confusing. Shouldn’t Perkasa be questioning the Government on what happened to the Malay Special Rights?

Shouldn’t I be questioning myself what the hell am I writing? Shouldn’t I be questioning myself what the hell am I trying to say? Perkasa is getting me very very confused now.

Why is Perkasa trying to start a fight with the non-Malays on issues that do not affect them?

Perkasa has no issues with the non-Malays. You cannot blame non-Malays for UMNO’s incompetence and neglecting the Malays in the first place. The non-Malays do not have any Special Rights, so it is really not an issue. They have no need of Special privileges and they do not practise the crutch mentality espoused by Mahathir.

If they had special rights, they may just end up like the Malays. You also cannot expect non-Malays to give up everything, so that Malays can feel that extra more special.

Why is Perkasa so concerned that these rights will be rescinded? Will the Malays lose in the long run, or will the UMNOputras lose more? They can continue to enjoy these rights for as long as they want starting from today.

Non-Malays are not bothered how special we are. As far as they are concerned, Malays can keep those rights, to themselves if they don’t want to share. The non-Malays can make it on their own quite comfortably. Just don’t let them know how terrified we are of losing this Special Rights and having to compete with them.

If Perkasa is honest about their stand, they should go to the ground and identify the needy Malays one by one, and start a framework to help the neglected Malays who did not receive their rights for what ever reason. Please give those rights back to the people as soon as possible, and not hold it back. It is worth at least RM52 billion.

The Royalty in this country is still revered, and non-Malays will ensure their continued reign in this country. Malays can continue to have their Special Rights as long as they do not try to take away the rights of the non-Malays.

Malays themselves are starting to embrace multiculturalism voluntarily and the right of equal opportunity for all citizens. But why does Perkasa still side with BN to continue racial politics and rejecting Multiculturalism?

What is the use of Special Rights if the Malays continue to be neglected by UMNO who is sworn to protect us through thick and thin, and hold the umbrella for us when it rains?

Although Perkasa’s struggle is commendable, it should not be at the expense of the non-Malays in the country. If Perkasa does not have the heart to recognize the Rights of the non-Malays, in their struggle, then for Perkasa it is a lost cause.

If it is truly a Malay rights group, then it should go to the ground and help the Malays. Who is holding the power now? It is UMNO. So why is Perkasa marching to the UMNO office and demanding Malay rights from them.

What use is it to go the the MCA headquarters in Jalan Ampang? There, Chua Soi Lek can't even give the Chinese any rights, how can he give Perkasa Malay rights. Really, the time has come to check if there is anything inside Ibrahim Ali's head?

- Malaysia Chronicle

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