
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, June 7, 2011


MALAYSIAKINI reported that the “highly-secret agreements between Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) and independent power producers (IPPs) can be released to parliamentarians,” said Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Mukhriz Mahathir.

However, he also said the power purchase agreements cannot be disclosed to the public, as these are confidential matters.

Dang! Of course you cannot reveal to the public all the confidential matters concocted and now snuggly safe under the sarong! Dirty tricks must be kept dirty. Its OK tell our lawmakers and I will dig it out of my MP and if he refuses, Sivarasa will not get my vote, that’s for sure! No lah, I will not vote BN….ABU…..anything but umno. I will put into effect, working out of the box…..like putting the X outside the box, yah?

We are already blessed in that we have public-spirited individuals like Dato Mohd. Ariff Sabri, who keeps sharing with us what the public should know: He writes in his latest blogposting: THE BIGGER SUBSIDY ADDICTS,

Who were the first entrants to the IPP business? Genting Sanyen, YTL Power, Malakoff, SEV, Prai Power,Powertek, GB3, Tanjung Bin Power and Kapar Energy are among the two dozen or so IPPs in Malaysia. All of the above are owned by theGenting Lims, Francis Yeoh, Syed Mokhtar and Ananda Krishnan. These were the usual suspects consisting of the connected businessmen who get most of the big deals.

YTL Power's profit for 2010 was more than RM1.6 billion on revenues of RM13 billion. Malakoff in 2009 had a profit of RM380 million on revenues of RM5.6 billion. Powertek had revenues of RM1.34 billion and a profit of RM450 million.

So Francis Yeoh makes RM1.6 billion and Ananda Krishnan makes RM450 million from his IPP while collecting subsidies from public money. Tiuniamakahai! (do excuse Dato Sak…..that could be a Muay Thai victory call although it sounds Cantonese! But could it be the battle cry ofRoHAIya OBEDIENT WIFE’S CLUB.)

Datuk Sak continues......

It is essentially a transfer of funds from the people's pockets to the IPP's vaults, through TNB, aided and abetted by the government.

But the imbecilic minister says we can't reveal. Of course we can't reveal because that would expose the scandalous amount of profits these business luminaries make.

SO should we continue selling fuel at subsidized rates totaling RM 19 billion allowing these people to make huge profits?

Let’s have Dato Ariff Sabri (SakmongkolAK47) kick some crony butts; kinda like robbing the poor to gold-plate and diamond-stud some cronies’ toilet seat aka commode. HERE.

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