
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who's to blame for Malaysia's near-bottom placing in World Justice index?

Who's to blame for Malaysia's near-bottom placing in World Justice index?

The World Justice Project's Rule of Law 2011 Index maintains that Malaysia has earned a 59th placing out of 66 countries surveyed for freedom of religion; freedom of expression, assembly and privacy; and other basic rights.

What is going to be our government's response to this study that measures how laws are implemented and enforced in practice and its effect on people's lives?

In all likelihood, Malaysians across the divide - BN and Opposition camps will agree that the response is likely to be one of outright condemnation and denial or even indifference.

In all likelihood, the rebuttal will be "who is this WJP? They can say what they like. They are funded by the Yahudi, don't you know?"

Yes, we can even expect burning a stack of the Report findings and a directive to ban anyone coming into our shores who are associated with WJP.

After all "these rasputins from WJP do not know anything about Malaysia. They do not know that we are very liberal here.

"Look at how we allow a main stream media to write all kinds of news that are seditious, suggesting racial and religious dichotomy and strife, and what nots. We do not even clamp down that press even though we have the Printing Presses and Publications Act and the notorious Internal Security Act in force.

"We allow individuals and organizations to scream and holler statements that are definitely seditious and harbour on racism. But have we taken any action on PERKASA and its household-name leader Ibrahim Ali? No. We never will because we practice liberalism.

"So you see this Report is all rubbish. We even allow the free and undetered manufature and circulation of what we call 'lucak video' implicating leaders. Why? We are true democrats.

"Yes the police use cannon sprays and bullets and riot batons on public protests. But that is because we want to protect the citizens who are getting attacked by trouble-makers. Is that supporting civil liberties or denying freeom of expression?

"You see, all these world body this and that are all highly questionable. Don't believe them. They are foreign agents who do not know what Malaysia is like. This unique country is a very diffrent ballgame. Only we know best otherwise how could we (BN) have ruled and reigned for over half-a-century?"

Has everything being covered dear reader? If no, please add on or correct what is wrong.

- J. D. Lovrenciear is a well-known commentator and contributor to Malaysia Chronicle

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