
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, September 6, 2011


My first association with Bernama was way back in the early 70s when it was not infected. I was amongst a group who used to write letters to the editor and was one of these who were invited by NST to be a guest of Bernama when the President of South Vietnam visited our national news agency.

Nguyn Văn Thiu (April 5, 1923 – September 29, 2001) was president of South Vietnam from 1965 to 1975. He was a general in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), became head of amilitary junta, and then president after winning a fraudulent election.

During his rule, Thieu gained a reputation for turning a blind eye to and indulging in corruption, and appointing loyal cronies rather than competent officers to lead ARVN units.

He established a despotic rule over South Vietnam until he resigned and left the country abroad an American helicopter with millions of dollars in goldjust a few days before the fall of Saigon and the ultimate Viet Cong victory. He eventually settled inMassachusetts and lived in seclusion until his death, avoiding angry refugee compatriots who blamed his administration for the nation’s demise.

Back to Bernama……he, President Thieu was so impressed with the workings of our national news agency. When he expressed those sentiments, one aide of his said something to this effect during a makan kechil: “When we set up our own news agency, we can call it Thieunama, Mr. President.” He nodded his approval. But of course a very senior Bernama journalist, discretely told the aide that the word “nama” is exclusive to Malaysia, kind of like copy right. As such we never heard of Thieunama!

THOSE days Bernama received the telexes from around the world, and disbursed them to the Straits Echo, the Star, Straits Times, Malay Mail, Utusan and Berita Harian.

THOSE days, Bernama received the government’s communiqué first hand and they passed it down to the mainstream media. They passed the news as it was received. Period.

Those were THOSE days!

THESE days, Bernama not only wants to have a lick, aping our servile MSM, they want to outdo Utusan and TV3.

THESE days, Bernama is behaving like a trollop, some slattern strumpet, has-been hussy slut, and fast fading jaded floozie streetwalker selling its syphilitic wares to their fawning DEPENDENTS.

Why syphilis and not gonorrhea? Because the former is the ultimate in STD!

Bear with me here. During those Woodstock days of weeds, women and wine, a doctor friend made it his apostolic duty to make sure that I went the straight and narrow because I was dating his niece. He called me one day to his clinic after school was over for lunch in Setapak. After lunch he insisted that I follow him back to his clinic to show me something I had to see. I did. A male patient was already in his room. He beckoned me to follow him and the patient into the toilet. He told me to watch closely as the patient peed! Dang! The pee come about in showers. The damn dick-head was like perforated! “That Bernard is one stage of syphilis! And the late stage could be blindness!” I wasn’t sure if he was trying to scare me but that shower of pee DID? What he was warning me was to wear protection.

THOSE days we called protection, the French Cap, the French letter, Dick-Sock, Gentleman's Jerkin, The Goalie, Jimmy Hat, Johnny Bag,

Love Glove, Love Sock, Mr. Prevention, Raincoat, Robber, Willie Warmer, Willie Hat, Salami Sling, Goalie.

THESE DAYS you guys make reference to Prophelactic, Rubber,

Sheaths, Condum or just Durex, easier to remember, for sure for all interested parties.

In 2005, the Guangzhou Haokian Bio-science company of China introduced a line of condoms named for the US 43rd president (with the Chinese spelling of Kelitun). No prize for guessing.

So why be so unkind as to tag Bernama with syphilis. Remember the pee-shower.

Bernama as I understand is the National News Agency. They are to cascade news to the mainstream. As simple and straightforward as that. But no, they SHOWERED the MSM with their pee and like servile slaves the MSM blindly (remember the late stage of syphilis?) lap it up from the gutter. You may want to know what brought about this shower (Najib's speech inspirational, say students in Perth) HERE.

The above Bernama shower brought about this syphilitic CLOUDBURST, (Student denies praising PM's speech in Australia)HERE

Some free advice to Bernama is becoming in the spirit of brotherhood:

Guaiacum gum is used to treat a variety of medicinal conditions from coughs to arthritis, and even syphilis

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