
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, September 8, 2011

EC never wrong, it's always somebody else's mistake

vox populi small thumbnail'If only EC has implemented some checks into its system to validate the integrity of its data, the errors would have been minimised.'

Military spouses blunder: EC blames assistant registrars

Joker: When Election Commission deputy chairperson Wan Ahmad Wan Omar said the electoral roll was not 100% clean, he meant it was 99.9999% clean. How laughable.

Isn't there a system of check and balance in the EC system? Or is it just 'rubbish in, rubbish out'? What are those EC staff doing in their office? They don't need to go out and register voters, they only have to 'link' the EC's database with the NRD (National Registration Department).

Josephine: EC should stop blaming others for the errors. If only EC has implemented some checks into its system to validate the integrity of the data, the errors would have been minimised.

For a start, the entire EC database (in readable format) should be made available to Bersih 2.0 or other 'legal' election watchdog and political parties. We need to write little programmes to sieve through the database to see if the EC data makes sense.

I would love to see a breakdown of voter registration by years, and I would want to analyse the voters by their place of birth. And yes, the number of voters per postal address would be interesting too.

As for postal voters, I would run a simple logic to purge those who are retirees, who have no business to remain as postal voters. At the same time, civilian IC numbers of the postal voters should be matched against the voter database to catch the cheaters.

DannyLoHH: When the EC deputy chief have to use excuses that stultify himself in explaining the many "mistakes" or "glitches", it means there is something seriously wrong with the EC and they are doing everything within their power to cover it up.

FairMind: If the military can make mistakes in filling a simple form how could they ever fly an aircraft or correctly aim their artillery.

It seems like the EC is relying on the public to do their job for them. Mistakes after mistakes have been pointed out to the EC and still they deny there is something wrong with the system and instead argue that these are merely "clerical" mistakes.

Don't the EC do their own vetting on the accuracy of their inputs or are they closing one eye in serving their political masters?

Bluemountains: There is definitely an organised fraud, but the EC has not even taken any action against those who submitted fraudulent documents. Why? The inaction of the EC has given the rakyat the impression that it is condoning criminal activities.

Anonymous_3e8f: The blame game again. Please, both EC chief and deputy chief, you must have collective responsibility. What are you paid for? Pass the buck when mistakes are highlighted?

If you cannot accept responsibility, just resign immediately for other more competent people to helm the EC.

Hello: All these errors are coming out in the open thick and fast - indeed, these are not errors but an intentional abuse of the voter electoral rolls.

The EC chairperson and deputy chairperson keep putting the blame of these errors on technical glitches and the AROs (assistant registration officers) so often that their credibility is now totally suspect.

The variety of abuses in the registration of voters goes to prove that there is consistent padding of the electoral rolls to the advantage of Umno-BN. The people in charge of EC are the ones that should be held responsible and accountable.

D4f: The EC is never wrong, it is always somebody else's mistake.

Kgen: Another shady explanation. How can 19 similar cases be mistakes? Even if the ARO made a mistake, how can EC list them on the rolls without verifying their status? This looks more like organised fraud than so-called mistakes.

Anonymous_3da6: The EC can't blame the AROs for these errors. As I have mentioned before, the EC has spent millions of ringgit of our money to buy a computer system that cannot even flag data entry errors. What a waste!

It's no use for EC to tell the rakyat to spot the errors for them and they will correct them immediately. This is not the right way.

The EC should ask its IT department to write an audit programme to sieve through their database to spot these errors. It's impossible for the rakyat to check the millions of records manually in such a short time. It's not fair.

The EC database is corrupted and not acceptable for use if an IT audit check is not done. Go get an independent IT team to do it fast. The rakyat should not allow the current corrupted database to be used for the next GE.

Armageddon: Every time discrepancies highlighted, Wan Ahmad will quickly claim it is an error by someone other than himself. I think the biggest error was to appoint him as deputy EC chief.

With so many 'glitches', no longer a coincidence

Fear God Not Man: To stop these "glitches", the persons who register the voters have to take the responsibilities. He or she has to sign on each voter's registration paper and give their IC number.

If any discrepancies are found, they have to answer for it and be fined as well.

Passing Cloud: As the saying goes - truth crushed to earth, shall rise again. It won't be long before all misdeeds committed by the Umno-led BN government will be unearthed for all and sundry to see. - Malaysiakini

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