
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, September 2, 2011

Gov't seems to have a fixation on him, says Anwar

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has described the government's move to select Permatang Pauh as the venue for the prime minister's 1Malaysia Aidilfitri open house celebration as a "tacit recognition of Anwarphobia”. 

Anwar, who is Permatang Pauh MP, said the choice of the venue also indicated BN's acknowledgment of the importance of the constituency in the coming general election.

"We feel honoured that among hundreds of constituencies, they have chosen Permatang Pauh for the event," he said at Penang Deputy Chief Minister Mansor Othman's open house in Kubang Semang, Penang today.

anwar ibrahim and wan azizah sodomy trial"Everything is Anwar...whether it is Yahudi (Jews) or Chinese..." he quipped, lamenting that he was often portrayed negatively by the government-controlled media.

"Every single media, newspaper... has this phobia,” he said. “If there is to be a Hari Raya open house, it has to be in Permatang Pauh."

Last week, Information, Communications and Culture Minister Rais Yatim said the national-level Aidilfitri open house this year will be held in Permatang Pauh on Sept 11. 

Organised by the ministry, the event would be held at the field of SMK Guar Perahu in Penanti - one of the three state seats under Permatang Pauh - from 11.30am to 1pm.

Nevertheless, Anwar welcomed the event although he has not received any invitation to attend it yet.

He urged all Permatang Pauh residents, including his members and supporters, to attend it, while children should take the opportunity to receive their 'duit raya' from the PM.

Najib's sliding popularity a 'positive trend'

Meanwhile, Anwar described the latest survey by Merdeka Centre which found that Najib's approval rating has dropped six percent - from 65 percent in May to 59 percent in August - as a "positive trend".

He said the survey, which was based on 1,027 respondents nationwide, had also revealed that an overwhelming majority of Malaysians support Bersih 2.0's demands for free and fair elections.

According to him, the results had strengthened the opposition's conviction that if the rakyat obtain proper access to information, they will choose a party with policies that can help lighten their economic burden.

He stressed in situation like this, the rakyat would also choose a government that fights corruption and violence, and ensures free and fair elections.

Anwar was mindful that several quarters have warned Pakatan Rakyat not to be complacent over the Merdeka Centre survey.

"We have to work hard to disseminate information and explain our policies to the people," he added.- Malaysiakini

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