
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

IGP must explain how UMNO could organise a program inside the FRU Unit area at Seremban Police HQ while UMNO flag and banners were displayed

backdrop jelas tertera program Umno dan sekeliling
Markas FRU penuh bendera Umno

Speech by Datuk Ishak on supporting UMNO party politics
On 26 September 2011, held at Police Headquarters, the Federal Reserve Unit personnel (Unit 7 PSP NS) has held a joint program with the UMNO political party. On that day the Umno flag filling the space around the headquarters and stated clearly FRU name and logo in the banner behind the stage Umno. Even Seremban Umno division chief spoke about supporting totally for his UMNO political party.
Solidarity Youth Negeri Sembilan Malaysia view this very seriously. This shows in particular FRU police are forced to support only UMNO. Inspector-General of Police should state his stand on this unusual event since the police are to be viewed non-partisan on political involvement. Dato 'Hj. Ishak Ismail, who does not hold any government position, spoke in his capacity as Seremban Umno division chief, which is very unbecoming as the police force should be viewed to protect everyone and every political party and should not be bias to just UMNO..
This matter is viewed very seriously since this program happen after police gave protection to protesters while failing to act with the occurrence of the attack by Seremban Umno Youth and Perkasa, who had harmed members of the public who were present at a briefing by PAS deputy President, MP Mat Sabu held during the weekend.

Translated from original Malay text as follows:

Ucapan Dato Ishak sungguh bersifat politik kepartian
Pada 26 September 2011, bertempat di Markas Polis Simpanan Persekutuan- FRU (Unit 7 PSP NS) telah diadakan satu program bersama di dengan parti politik UMNO. Pada hari tersebut bendera Umno memenuhi ruang sekitar Markas FRU dan jelas tertera logo dan nama Umno dalam pemidang dibelakang pentas. Malah ucapan Ketua Umno Bahagian Seremban penuh bersifat politik kepartian.
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia Negeri Sembilan memandang serius perkara ini. Ini menunjukkan polis khususnya FRU sudah terjebak mengambil sikap dalam politik kepartian. Ketua Polis Negara harus tampil menyatakan pendiran dalam perkara ini. Dato’ Hj. Ishak Ismail hadir bukan sifatnya selaku mana – mana kapasiti jawatan kerajaan tetapi hadir dan berucap atas kapasiti Ketua Umno Bahagian Seremban.
Lebih serius program ini berlaku selepas polis dilihat melindungi dan gagal bertindak dengan kejadian Pemuda Umno Seremban yang menyerang sehingga mencederakan orang awam ketika Majlis Hari raya anjuran PAS yang dihadiri oleh Hj. Mohamad Sabu baru – baru ini.
Kenyataan Media :
Muhammad Saufi Miad
Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia
Negeri Sembilan
27 September 2011

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