
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 5, 2011

Illegal immigrants are Malaysia's 'gold mines'

vox populi small thumbnail'The immigration officers and employment agents, hand in hand, are involved in the trafficking of the illegals.'

Wikileaks: Immigration dept linked to human trafficking

Wfworker: At a salary of RM1,300 a month - a Perodua over nine years of instalments would take some RM300, petrol another RM150; expenses for two children at RM200; a house mortgage installment at RM350; so what is left?

All the stated issues have come about because the government servants have to 'compete' with the lifestyle of the YBs (Yang Berhormats) who made millions through the migrant workers scheme; so what is there to stop them from jumping on board the gravy train?

We have reached a stage where you do what you have to do, but don't get caught. You can't blame them when they can see the real situation in every direction, and as the bosses are also involved, no one will dare to object, unless you seek early retirement.

Sarajun Hoda: This article is very true. The other illegals around the country are also the result of poor immigration policies, its implementation and seriously flawed enforcement.

The Home Ministry continues to make policies that enrich its political supporters who outsource contracts or work as employment agents. How is it possible that over two million so easily became illegals and are yet untraceable?

Who brought them in? How much money has the police been making in targeting these illegals?

The immigration officers and these employment agents, hand in hand, are involved in the trafficking of the illegals. The present biometric exercise is just another way to make more money.

L Joy: This is what the Umno-leaning civil service has come to. The civil service knowingly supports a corrupt regime, simply because it needs it for its own money-making ventures.

And so we notice that this rogue regime is hardly committed to a trial of any civil service staff for corruption. If it comes to that, such cases are deferred so many times until the public forget about it and the courts are made to dismiss the cases summarily.

Go look back at all the trials of government officials, analyse the court decisions and we will see that 99 percent of them have been discharged without any sentence and free to continue their thieving ways.

Fillio: Whether refugees or illegal immigrants, they offer a sort of gold mines for most Malaysian, especially enforcement officers and government ministers.

Not forgetting also those Malaysian, businessmen and individuals who hire them cheaply, below minimum wage.

No wonder there are more than two million illegal immigrants in the country, and the government pays lip service to controlling them.

Jedi_Who: We are to blame. We left the country too long in the hands of the Umno. In the 50 years they have been in power, they have become so corrupt and powerful.

Their network and influence is so vast and interlinked. All the institutions are now corrupt and working against the people. The people and their voices cannot be heard. Religion and race are convenient distractions, which they use like a sleight of the hand.

Look at the atrocities that are beginning to surface and surely there is a lot more. But then, election fraud will ensure they stay in power.

Now we know why they say we have to change politicians like diapers. If you don't, they leave a permanent stain that's hard to get rid off.

Potpourri story of Malaysian independence

Good Men: Sabah and Sarawak made it a point that they would not be part of the Malaysia project unless they first became independent from British rule.

That was why they declared independence on Aug 31, 1963. Only two weeks later was the Malaysian agreement signed.

This timeline is crucial, and it was deliberate. The formation of Malaysia was the coming together of already independent entities.

Sabah and Sarawak did not 'join' nor were they 'subsumed' into an existing federation. A new federation was born. This is a very important distinction.

Arbeena: Should Sabah and Sarawak be detached from the federation, there would be several mini-states emerging. Let Sabah and Sarawak tackle the problem of ensuring that the Dayaks, Kadazans, Malays or Melanaus do not demand for a separate homeland.

Peninsular Malaysia would just be a better place for Malayans. After all, Sabah and Sarawak in reality are not part of Malaysia. We have to go in there with passports. And the state immigration can deport you at will.

But before the Sabahans and Sarawakians can even think of secession, please bear in mind that there are more Sabahans and Sarawakians living in here than Malayans living there.

Lone_star: History says prior to Sept 16, 1963, Malaysia did not exist. Prior to that date, there were the Federation of Malaya, Sarawak, Sabah and Singapore.

On Sept 16, 1963, the four came together to form Malaysia. On Aug 9, 1965, Singapore left Malaysia. So, today Malaysia consists of the Federation of Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah and will truly be 48 years old on Sept 16, 2011.

Onyourtoes: Malaysia is a federation of states, both in the peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak. If we argue that Malaysia's independence day was on Sept 16, 1963 that is fine.

However, if the argument is tainted with Sabah and Sarawak becoming more equal than other states, I am not sure that should be the approach we are taking.

A federation of states must be sufficient strong to keep the states together and yet at the same time able to allow sufficient regional/state autonomy. A delicate balance is required; skewing toward either direction is not good.

Today it is not just Sabah and Sarawak having issues with the federal government. May be in the future, all states should renegotiate to bring about more equitable and expedient distribution of jurisdiction between the federation and the state governments.

Thinking aloud, I am much in favour for education, health services and police to be put under the respective state governments.

Lexicon: Peninsular Malaysia would be a better place for all Malayans? Much of Malaya's wealth down the years has come from Petronas, and therefore from Sabah and Sarawak.

Malaya is not exactly a beacon of racial understanding for the whole world, is it? Sabah and Sarawak have shown far less tendency to fracture along ethnic lines since 1963, whereas many Malayans are already paranoid about one another's 'imagined conmunities'.

Many Malayans are already living in little Bantustans.

Rentap: When you are not Sarawakian or Sabahan, you don't know how it feels to see your own people living in very poor conditions. Despite being the richest in terms of resources, the people are the poorest in the country.

StevenForMalaysia: The Malaysian flag should be revised to highlight the three entities which formed Malaysia - Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak.

This is the only way to humble those West Malaysians who think they are the masters of this country. - Malaysiakini

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