
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, September 5, 2011

Khairy throws a tantrum as focus shifts to a Muhyiddin-Mat Sabu face-off

Khairy throws a tantrum as focus shifts to a Muhyiddin-Mat Sabu face-off

As expected, UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin chickened out of the PAS 'independence fighters' debate, exiting through a loophole he took care to create earlier on by insisting he would take on PAS deputy president Mat Sabu, and no one else.

PAS information chief Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man had over weekend issued the debate invitation to his counterpart in UMNO and all eyes had been hoping for a Muhyiddin Yassin versus Mat Sabu encounter.

But while a competent speaker, UMNO deputy president Muhyiddin is regarded by many Malaysians to be as 'dull as dishwater', while Mat Sabu's reputation as a speaker is almost legendary. As PAS MP for Kota Raja Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud recalls, her mum used to tell of how Mat Sabu could always "hit UMNO on the head" during his speeches.

But whatever Khairy's reasons for rushing to offer himself, only the 34-year-old will know and frankly, few Malaysians who are used to his antics, are bothered by his motives. It must be pointed out that based on his previous Twitter comments and remarks reported by the Malaysian Insider, Khairy had inexplicably insisted on Mat Sabu and no one else.

Wny? Was Khairy trying to protect himself or Muhyiddin or was he deliberately drawing attention to some of the weaker facets in Muhyiddin's makeup? Interesting questions indeed and these are already being scrutinized in UMNO circles, as factions try to read who is backing whom amid the heavy horse-trading that is traditional ahead of party polls due next year.

Imperious tantrum draws amusement

Be that as it may, with the imperiousness of a child, Khairy insisted on Mat Sabu even after the PAS No. 2 had referred him to PAS Youth leaders.

To make matters worse, Khairy resorted to rough talk to get out of the hole he dug for himself. He accused the PAS deputy president of "cowardice" even as he himself was accused of the same. To many Twitter followers, his harried and defensive tone underscored his youth not only as a politician but as a man. Yes, sad to say, Khairy rushed away from the 'scene' by throwing and kicking at everything in his path, much as a child in a tantrum would.

"So let the record show that I had accepted an invitation by the PAS Kelantan government to go against Mat Sabu (as Mohamad is widely known), but he was scared and ran away. Don't try to spin this bit of history," said the UMNO Youth chief on his Twitter site.

"One thing is for sure. I now realise that PAS has elected a cowardly (bacul) deputy president who has no dignity. He is afraid because he is wrong. Defeated before the battle."

His angry comments stirred amusement and gentle ribbing from Pakatan Rakyat leaders.

"1who angers u conquers u, round 1, you've lost. Not smart at all. Strength not in being abrasive, need to be composed bro," was the polished riposte from PAS MP for Kuala Selangor Dzulkefly Ahmad.

"Debate with the Deputy president of PAS? Surely the positions are too far apart," PKR's Chang Lih Kang gently teased.

KJ can still debate with PAS Youth if he is not "afraid"

Meanwhile, PAS leaders say Khairy is still welcome to have a go with their PAS Youth Chief Nasrudin Tantawi if he was not "afraid". They are also hoping that Muhyiddin Yassin, who was among the first to slam Mat Sabu, will be brave enough to take on their champion orator.

In a speech on August 21, Mat Sabu had said UMNO leaders were not the heroes in the fight for Malaya's independence and that there had been others including Mat Indera and groups like Putera-Amcja who were the real fighters against British rule. UMNO had immediately condemned him and called a 'traitor' and 'communist'.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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