
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, September 1, 2011

lest I foget our "struggles"....??

Our 1Malaysia PM Najib reminded the people on the second day of Aidilfitri not to forget the sacrifices and struggles of our forefathers in fighting for the country's independence and of past leaders in freeing Malaya from the colonialists.

May I ask what percentage of our young here in Malaysia can actually claim this 
"right of their forefathers struggles" in "fighting" for independence in Malaya, huh ? As I know it then, the only struggle we were faced with then was with the communist insurgents who were out to override this country with their "Mao-idealism"run by the British but were kept at bay by our local police and military headed mostly by a "white tuan" around the 50's. Before that it was the Japanese who peddled from the north to conquered this land that was ruled by the British with the help of the Malay rulers. Again it was also the commies who were the itch the Jap's couldn't scratch with their constant ambushes at face-offs.

When the British since the 1800's were done siphoning our wealth and sucking our natural resources 
"like sugarcane into juice rollers" and enriching their Sovereign King and Queen they then shared their spoils with their crony stake-holders from plantations to mining. There was nothing left or so they thought, when they in their"uppity English generosity" practically invited our forefathers to take-over and rule Malaya like on a silver platter. Yes, there were many who had sacrificed with their lives, but our country's struggles were mainly with insurgents from within. We never took up arms to drive the British out, did we ? But we took pride when a Bugis prince and slave trader assassinated an English Resident back in the late 1800's ( here ) and we hail the assassin a folk hero, no ? We were aided by the British and the Aussies here then as a member of the Commonwealth to ward off the commies and scare the Indons off during the "confrontation" stand-off .

I remember my father used to be in telecommunication in the 1930's onwards. till the day he passed on at 50 in 1967. He helped build what we today call Telekoms Malaysia way before World War II. Although his contribution may be small or even be scoffed at by arrogance of today's standards, nevertheless he too was a citizen responsible for building and shaping this country long before independence. So let's face it and truth be told.....we as Malaya then were a peace-loving nation. Never were we as Malaysians ever were as threatened in our history as in the present NOW.

Yes, and thanks to a frustrated young Indian man in power for 22 long bloody years, we are now more threatened with the influx of the millions of Indons ( read legitimate Malaysians now ) walking in and out of our country, the mass migration of Africans, the pretext of higher education Chinese nationals, the cheap labour of Myamarees, Filipinas and Banglas, and now ( drum-roll please ) take a whole new look at this critically mocking revelations from Iranians here
 and we are officially certified a doomed nation ! What a shame !

Nobody asks, how so many can just walk into Malaysia and call it home ? I say corruption ! Corruption at every level of the ruling system has brought about this cancerous disease and this stigma is here to stay until it is rooted and booted out completely....starting with Putrajaya !

Go ahead and brand me a traitor if you want to think so even when my forefathers have been here since the early 1800's and I've lived my entire life here for nearly 56 years and had been taught wrongly in school. As I said before history has been modified and distorted by those in power and by the current government to suit their personal crazy 
"1ketuanan" agenda. I am more Malaysian then all those who walked into this country after 1969 and are bestowed with 1st. class"bumiputera" status while I still remain yours faithfully as a 2nd. class Malaysian citizen and call this country my home ! 

** link to pic above....our original National Monument ( here )

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