
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

MAlpraCtiCe Again?

The case of supposedly a cool RM1 million ringgit extorted, stolen, corruptly obtained and illegal act by alleged MACC senior fellows is again showing the double standard being undertaken against those who are supposed to uphold the law.

Seems while the case is being investigated, the three alleged culprits are given desk job! and who said that one is innocent until proven guilty, at least those cases that involved the very people who are supposed to recruit cab drivers and cast fear into witnesses and the public of the possible fatal outcome of any visit to the head office.

Suspect in other cases haven't been given such luxury of continuing work! Opposition members are swiftly being issued summons and interrogated at the slightest police report filed by supposedly concerned and the likes.

And those who defend the MACC are rather quiet or are they acting dumb that there is some set up and conspiracy to taint the good name of this agency supposedly to reduce corruption but since it's rebranding have left rather bitter taste and experience by the public of their effectiveness and role really.

While they use the full force of the law including going overboard and in to tragic cases, bodies flying off their windows due to some misadventure, against small anchovies, there are some of them who are worst wolves and sharks hiding behind their badge to commit corruption most foul!

No NGO protesting such corrupt practices, no leaked sex tapes to taint their good name, nothing whatsoever safe the media who are brave enough to report of the alleged theft!

It's odd, the SOP that they use on innocent public voluntary witness seem to be notably absent or rather not being mentioned. All we know that the case is still being investigated!

Would we be surprised that the supposed victims will be accused of corruption trying to pay their passage out of BolehLand? If this were true, why didn't these anti corruption fellows immediately pounce on them and be proud of their heroism? Instead it seems the victims are warned to keep quiet. How mafiaso style these guardian of anti corruption are using to get away with committing crime!!!

The public deserves the right to know the outcome of the investigation and if the allegation is true or false. Already the reputation of MACC is in the pit and now such allegations are surfacing.

Who can we actually trust if those who are supposed to uphold the law or suspected of being big time thieves or most corrupt men themselves.

Such MAliCiouC erodes public confidence in so called change or transformation being promised. It's a BolehLand disease, form over substance. Nice name change and even proudly declare the rebranding takes on world class best practice like from Hong Kong! Let's hope they didn't take even 0.1% from Hong Kong else that will surely degrade the good name of the Hong Kongnites!

Is there any hope MACC is really doing its job or is it turning into a Malaysian Agency Corrupt Conmen institution? MACC should be answerable to Parliament and why is the supposedly government that never mislead the people afraid to do that?

Yes, a few bad rambutans should not spoil the whole bunch. But when those alleged are considered high ranking fellows, what does it say of the whole institution itself!

Under the uniform, many evils have been committed and the public is afraid to report because there is no assurance you will come out alive for speaking the truth!!! Such is the sad situation in BolehLand where legal MAlpraCtiCe are being committed by the very people who are supposed to set an example.

If you are answerable to the PM or the AG and if the perception of these two fellows in the eyes of the public are untrustworthy, one wonders if the case of 'no stone left unturned' in investigations and finding out if this malignant disease is just an isolate case will ever be undertaken.

Perhaps we need anther RCI to right the ills of MACC which gave a ray of hope to the public when it rebranded from ACA to MACC. Seems it's a mere shifting of characters, form than substance. Similar to the play of character of another rebrand where the characters are arranged in the form to read 1Malaysia? Substance wise, it's open to interpretation any means everything to a few and nothing to many, huh?

Now may be a good time to seek the cool Tony Blair's Britanicca PR team to give a makeover to make MACC cool again seeing now it has again taken the heat in this latest alleged scandal, right?

Such woes is turning MACC into a Memang Always Creating Controversies institution, huh? - YAHMEH!!!

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